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  1. sorry, meat is lean hamburger with a little bit of worcester and garlic mixed in.
  2. Not sure if you are taking a low dose beta blocker but they are used to help out with tachycardia. If ones hr gets really low the only thing i know of would be a pacemaker being put in but i doubt with the heart rate numbers you are describing that the pacemaker would be warranted. My guess being bed bound for 22 hours a day is not helping. Hopefully someones else queue's in with other ideas.
  3. Have you been checked for low blood sugars? can't say it's your issue but is one thing to check.
  4. I will keep this short none of my primary providers ever thought to take a standing BP it was always a tilt table test. the one that did the standing test well nothing changed.
  5. @bumpkin Birds in their own way are very smart. I do have a parrot and does rule the roost Haha. she does have me trained well and will give me a smoochy kiss when i do her bidding.
  6. I agree Cort does a good job at this. even a better job when some discussions get a little spirited.
  7. Was hanging out in the garage and two young wrens flew in. They were a bit stuck. the one made it out but the other was a bit panicked. it did try to get thru a garage window (sure it saw it's sibling) so i walked up and cupped it in my hand. Bird was a bit vocal but let me help it and let it go outside. Just the small things in life that helps. Mike
  8. Thanks Jyoti you are awesome as always. I just can't say the dysautonomia community has come up with the magic cure for some of the stuff we endure let alone a drug to fix our issues. success has been hit and miss as to treatments. More misses than hits. best i can say is go after what bothers you. it will make a difference. "trial and error". Not sure i am in tune with some of the stuff (including what Mayo comes up with) or dysautonomia international cites or some of the Doc push or some tech companies want to try and make money. Almost feels like players are taking advantage of folks with chronic issues that are looking for answers just to make money. VNS might work for someone but in my trek in the dysautonomia wisconsin facebook world dysautonomia got ripped for pushing it (does not work) even UWM gave it up. IMO Stat was a bit of a let down they are behind in development and from the start was not honest that they were crowdfunding. Mike
  9. What caught my eye was Lauren talking about "The Insulin Resistance Dysautonomia Connection" @Water Lovershared a paper on this as well. I do believe that carbs affect dysautonomia folks more than one thinks. sure over time it is why folks finally figure out that a low carb and higher protein meals work out better for them and tend to avoid simple sugars.
  10. @Jason_XThank You for the update! from the looks from your numbers it seems that you are responding well to Tirzepatide.
  11. @bumpkinthanks for the link. sure i will check this when i start having flare ups.
  12. Yea i am starting to get a feeling that i am sensitive to pressure shifts. hard to put a finger on it. i should track it just for the heck of it and see what the data suggests.
  13. no he is not but he runs/ran the only remaining dysautonomia clinic within reach for me. Don't know if he has a replacement or not but i do get a feeling the clinic is going to close. i have seen the ones in Wisconsin follow similar when the autonomic Doctors move on.
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