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Scary Migraines


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Something weird happened today. I got one of my weird migraine spells I get once every couple of months. I was playing the wii then I started not feeling good because I was playing a racing game I haven't played before and I got dizzy. Then I stopped playing the wii and I could not see straight. everything was blurry and I kept seeing spots or auroras or something. then I felt so lightheaded and I started freaking out because it was such a scary feeling and my speech got slurred and I could not speak right I wasn't making sense and I couldn't speak right it came out in gibberish. then my left hand went numb. then it went away. then my right hand went numb and my tongue went numb and the right side of my face went numb. Then I got a bad headache around 330. I felt a little nasucious too. It finally went away after dinner. But now I am beat tired. This whole scary spell lasted from 130 pm to 5 pm. It was scary. Does anyone else get weird spells like this? I mean even now I am tired and I just felt wooshing in my head and ears. I do not know what causes these spells.

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I have these spells once every couple months for the past 3 years. I went to the hospital when I first started getting them. they didn't find anything in the mri and cat scan and they did a neck artery ultrasound and they didn't find anything. so they say its vascular migraines but none the less I get so freaked out when it happens to me. I feel better now. I just feel wiped out. it seems like ever since I got lyme disease 3 years ago I started getting these migraines.

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I have had migraines with all of the symptoms you mentioned. And, yes they were painful and scary. The reason people tell you to see a doctor is because many of the symptoms overlap with more serious problems like stroke, so the doctor needs to rule out the more serious stuff before you can treat them as migraines. The medications that helped me most during a spell are Axert and Phenergan (for the nausea, also puts you to sleep).

I have greatly reduced my number of migraines by going on a migraine trigger-free diet recommended by my neurologist. I avoid caffeine, chocolate, MSG, artifical sweeteners, raw onions, and garlic. Triggers can be different for different people, but caffeine and chocolate are common culprits.

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Hi, I have these and they are nasty, the last bad one I had the whole of my right body went numb and tingling and all my neurological stats were off, words and numbers were all jumbled and I couldn't string a sentence together. Even the right side of my tongue went numb and felt really cold. I went to A&E because I couldn't tell if it was a migraine or a stroke. They kept me in overnight more because of my heart doing weird stiuff than the migraine but they did loads of neuro tests to make sure it wasn't a stroke.

It's good to get it checked out for the peace of mind, migraines can be so horrid :( It was chocolate that did it so I have avoidede it ever since, apart from a piece of Green and Blacks white chocolate that caused a milder version and so all chocolates are off the menu now :)

Hope you're on the mend and sending you hugs xx

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the first time i had a migraine with aura it scared the heck out of me and i went to the er... thought i was going blind. i seen a neurologist and told her i seen blind spots, zigzags, etc. she called this aura. i never heard the word before. sometimes they happen with a headache, sometimes without. the aura lasts about 20/30 minutes. i still get scared every time it happens, hoping my vision is actually going to return to normal.

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My first migraine happened not long before my tilt test and diagnosis. I thought i was going nuts lol. I had been feeling off all day, but then when i was in the kitchen cooking i started having weird stuff in my vision, like instead of dark spots, i had light spots, and weird shimmering stuff going on in my peripheral vision, like stuff was vibrating. I asked my mom about it ( who has migraines) and she went:

Do you have a headache?

Well.. no mom

within ten minutes I had a headache -_-

I still get silent migraines that affect my vision. A lot of it happens at work, so i'm beginning to suspect it's the bright flourescent lighting triggering it? I just get weirdly sensitive to light and sound, vision is bubbly and i'm very irritated when it happens.

Btw, my mom was told once that she had mini strokes, or TIAs. She had the same symptoms you are describing , so if you are experiencing numbness and slurred speech i really recommend going to get checked out about that. It could be the migraine ( migraines have been known to do that if they are bad enough) but if that's the case you need to shut it down, and a doc will help you find appropriate treatment to do so

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Also I just wanted to share a video I came across that might help you :


A news reporter who was reporting on the grammys apparently had a migraine right in the middle of her talking on camera. She literally starts speaking gibberish, fumbling words and you are like ' omg what?' . she says after the report she collapsed, her face went numb, and went to the hospital. They told her she had a complex migraine. Apparently they can get that severe

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I had neurontin prescribed for pain including migraine. I did not get any releif from it even at high doses but I just recently did pharmacogenetic testing that shows that I metabolize lots of meds too fast to get any benefit from them, that might be the issue. I do have a friend with fibro and migraine and she did gain some relief with neurontin.

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A few months ago, I went to the hospital after I felt extremely nauseous, slurring words and my left leg stopped working. No headache at the time but I have a history of migraines which used to consist of a major headache and then changed to occular migraines with out much of a headache at all. I was in the hospital for 5 days. MRI was clean but they said I had all of these symptoms caused by a migraine. I was skeptical because it took 5 days to get my leg to work correctly. My neurologist said later that the place in the brain where my migraine was located was right next to the area where my motor function was located and the blood vessels constricted so hard that it affected the motor area as well. Like a TIA caused by a migraine. No permanent damage done. I think it is prudent to definitely get things checked out when symptoms become so severe unless you have a longstanding documented history of this. It is scary. I have noticed in myself that if I know what is happening in my body that I am not as alarmed....if I don't, then I am scared. Always better to be safe than sorry.

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