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Just wondering if anyone else gets bloated after eating or drinking fluids. I can't figure out what foods are bothering me. When I get bloated I also get short of breath.

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I wonder if salt loading and extra fluids makes it worse? My bloat is always worse if I drink fluids too fast or eat/snack more than small portions.

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YES I am constantly bloated! It's driving me crazy! I've been trying to figure out if it's caused by certain foods or not. The only thing I know for sure is that soda is a trigger. But as far as anything else, I'm just not sure at this point. I'm trying to limit my gluten intake to see if that has anything to do with it.

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Me too. If I eat a large meal, or even just drink a lot of water my stomach gets so bloated. I get shortness of breath sometimes with it too. Do you know why that happens?

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I think the shortness of breath may be caused by the stomach pressing against the diaphragm when it's "full" of food/fluids. I may email my autonomic doctor about this.

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Yes, but having great help with my latest meds. Bloating happens in dysautonomia with any food or drink, and/or randomly because it is a problem with the autonomic nerves not getting the message to the stomach and intestines to digest. So the food sits there and begins to rot and produce gas, which bloats, but then the autonomic nerves can't get the message through to eliminate the gas either. The gastroenterologist listened to my stomach when I was bloating and he said it was silent in there. Nothing doing, no squeezing of the intestines, it's called dysmotility (ie. no movement). I take mestinon primarily because it stops the cholinesterase from breaking down at the nerve junction, helping the undamaged nerves to still send messages... but it is the side effect of mestinon that has the greatest benefit for me. It causes intestinal cramping which forces my insides to digest and move along the food and gas. I still bloat when I eat and/or drink but it is resolved within hours rather than a constant problem that becomes dangerous. I also take motilium for the associated nausea and this combination is by far the most helpful for me, so far. So this is what I understand to be happening. We have driven ourselves near crazy trying to see patterns and identify triggers. But we knew that it was not related to food when I started to bloat after only having water. It's like an interrupted process, only part of the digestion messages are getting through so the whole system gets unbalanced. I sure hope you guys find some help, the nausea, bloating and breathing difficulties are so terribly uncomfortable.

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This has become one of my main symptoms. Bloating, nausea all the time. It's uncomfortable and getting to the point I don't want to eat because of the discomfort, nausea and bloating.

I just ordered an abdominal binder, as a couple people mentioned itd helped them, so hopefully that helps. Anyone tried this?

Otherwise I'm waiting a few more weeks to see my primary for a follow up and hopefully deal with this issue.

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