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My Appointment At Vandy


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I know people think Vandy is great and all, but I live in Nashville and with POTS this has just not been my experience. I had an appointment with Dr. Cherdak in the autonomic clinic today, and it was not a good experience.

Today my appointment was at 10 am so I arrived at 9:45. Called me back at 12:30! I waited almost 2 hours in a waiting room in an uncomfortable chair under flourescent lighting.

The appointment with the doctor was not a good use of my time and energy.

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This is so bizarre. They seem to be the tops for dysautonomia research, but I've heard this before about the patient experience. Ugh, it's disheartening - if you can't get help at Vandy, where can you get help - right? Maybe it depends on who you get to see there? I'm sorry you had this experience today - I know how upsetting an appointment like this can be.

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I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience. It's frustrating when you think you've found a place or a doctor who can help you, but then have a bad experience. I hope you'll be able to find the right doctor soon.

I usually end up lying down on the floor in waiting rooms. Unfortunately the wait time is sometimes long at doctor's offices. One time I even went back to my hotel and took a nap, and then came back an hour later! I've learned to come prepared with snacks, water, and sometimes even a blanket and pillow.

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Since you live in Nashville, am wondering if it might be worth your time and energy to apply for one of their research studies.

Have you read Kelly's diary of her experience on the thread called 'Diary of a patient at Vanderbilt'?

Might be a better/different experience for you. You wouldn't have the expense of travel, and it would not be charged to you or your insurance.

Sorry you had a bad experience.

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I have an appointment scheduled with the same doctor at Vanderbilt for May 22nd. I was so looking forward to it. :(

I don't know the cause of my dysautonomia and was hoping for some tests there.

Did the doctor order any tests?

I wonder if it's worth to drive there all the way from Florida.

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I can only speak for Dr. Cherdak's bedside manner, not the other doctors within the autonomic clinic. If I had traveled a long way to see her I would have been devastated, but since I live in town and have another appointment with a different doctor on Tuesday, it was bearable. BUT I will never grace her doorstep ever again.

Hopsmom are you saying you had a good experience with Cherdak? or Vanderbilt in general?

Edited by corina
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So sorry for your experience Ashelton80! It takes hours sometimes when I go into see my GP for an appointment. I give my cell number to the receptionist and tell her to call me when they are ready for me as I go recline in the hubby's truck. I also always call ahead of time to see if the dr. is on time. I explain to them that with my condition, I just cannot sit upright for hours waiting to be seen. They are always accommodating and I can relax in the truck until they are ready to see me. Again, sorry to hear of your experience.

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Sorry you had such a bad appointment. I would like to take my son to see someone to figure out some more things. Our cardiologist wants to send him to Vandy. Sure don't want to drive a long way to have this kind of experience. Hope your next doctors appointment is much better.

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I will not name the two "top" facilities to which I was referred. I had absolutely horrible experiences at both places. There are so many people with so many problems that they see every day, they treat us like cows in a cattle mill. You are just another number to them and they really don't care diddly squat whether or not they solve your problem. I have found my answers right here at home - I have local physicians who care and dig deep to find solutions. I will never again drive miles and miles to a facility that supposedly is "the best".

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I haven't had any luck at these "top facilities" either. At the place I went to, the nurse who took my history and symptoms, told me I was lying about my symptoms or exaggerating them because I looked normal as I walked back to the exam room... I was not exaggerating my HRs in the least. She insisted over and over again I was wrong. After my TTT that nurse had the nerve to come in and say, "well it makes sense you are so skinny now. You were right about your HRs". /sigh I never again went back. Even if I didn't get the same nurse, most of the visit was a disaster.

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I actually went to an EP that was supposed to be an expert in POTS and he asked me what I do for a living. I told him, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I homeschool my two teenagers. He had the nerve to say..."well, that's pretty stressful". As if staying home and homeschooling my gems was stressfull enough to contribute to my illness!!! Dr.s can be so insensitive!!! Even though I wouldn't wish this illness on anyone, sometimes I can't help but wish that some of these dr.s could live just one day in our shoes (albeit, they probably couldn't even make it through a day), that way they could see just what we go through on a daily basis.

BTW, my gems are brilliant (maybe I'm a bit biased), but they have always scored high on tests and my oldest is now a junior in high school and taking college courses via dual enrollment!! I'm fairly certain they could pass any Jay Leno quiz as well as being awesome when we play Jeopary on the Wii. That has to account for something!! LOL!

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