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I have been doing good for a couple of months. Wih summer starting I started spending weekends on the lake, tending to a boat, and laying out. It has been around 95 degrees and I realized my weakness, dizziness, and chest pains came back. It has been 100+ here lately in Alabama and my extent of being outside is walking from my car in to work/school/house, but I just feel awful. The past week has brought back headaches, tremors/jitters, chest pains, moodiness, and pass out feeling. I feel like I can't hold my head up. I was weeping pretty well to until all this fired up. Now my sleep is light and sporadic. I wake up for no reason.

Do symptoms just come and go like this?

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I'm somewhat new here, and still undergoing tests and trying to figure everything out, but I can tell you this much - temperature changes definitely exacerbate my symptoms. I'm sweating a lot more, I've had a few migraines, and I have been more irritable as well. Going out to get the mail, and the accompanying short walk has been unpleasant.

It has been high 90's into the 100's here in Wisconsin, and I've been having a few good weeks on a new medication but I have noticed that I am more touchy and seeing some relapse since the heat wave moved in. Thankfully, the weather is supposed to return to what are more normal temperature limits around here starting tomorrow, so I'm hoping the symptoms go away with the heat. Hoping that cooler weather heads your way as well. :)

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Definitely yes my symptoms are worse since the heat came, I have been staying inside but the symptoms are still extreme! I feel like I'm back at square 1 again, last summer I was having yard sales, sun bathing, and all that wonderful stuff...But not this year:( this is 4 1/2 years of ups and downs really getting to me this time.

COME ON COOL DOWN (Indiana here) 102 today:(

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Yes, I'm in VA and it's supposed to be 106 tomorrow! We lost power a week ago for thirty hours and I felt awful.

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Remember that your hypothalmus regulates body temperature, and you guys know how we are with our dysfunction with regulating anything in our bodies that is automatic. That's why it is called dysautonomia. We are affected by extremes in temperature, and sometimes, we are cold, when others are hot, and visa versa. We are never "normal" where temperature is concerned. Our bodies overreact to everything!! My heart aches in the cold, or I feel faint in the heat...never a happy medium, but never boring ;) At least we have air conditioning, pools and beaches...lots of potsies swim for exercise. It's kind to your joints, keeps you cool, and it's good exercise. It also increases tidal volume in your lungs, which helps with oxygenation of the blood. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluids B) and maybe get some vitamin D for an extra benefit!! Some say therapy pools are a better temperature, too; not to hot and not to cold....just right ^_^ They are usually inside, too.

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I never tolerated heat well even when I was so called healthy. I always had a face that was more red than everyone else, and stayed red for much longer than all the rest. The heat in S Jersey has been pretty tough. I stay indoors most of the time anyway. I'm on Day 7 without electricity from a storm last weekend. My husband put in a window AC unit running off of our new 'generator life'. I think the stress of not having electric, and running water for a few days has not been good to me. But even the change in air quality has been hard - going from central air to window AC unit. Also the noise of the generator and AC makes my system nuts!! But yes, the heat affects me greatly. I recently started to sweat again. Stopped sweating in January and became a very cold person. I'm hoping the restart of sweating is a sign my system is going to try and reset itself??? Unsure. Stay cool everyone.

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I'm pretty new here but had to chime in- the heat is a horrible trigger for me. When I started having symptoms, but wasn't yet diagnosed with POTS, the heat was something I noticed made everything worse. When I would tell people that (some docs included) I'd get pretty strange looks.

This past week when we were having temps close to 100 I went outside in the driveway for just a few minutes and felt like I was about to pass out. HR just standing there went from low hundreds to high 160's in a couple of minutes. (I don't even want to know what it was going back up the stairs to get inside.) That few minutes in the heat made me feel pretty awful for about an hour after.

In the summer I definitly feel a bit like Cinderella- only instead of needing to be home by midnight, I turn into a Potsy mess when the temp gets over 75 and need to be somewhere where there is AC all the time.

So sorry for those of you who lost power. I can't even imagine how awful that has been! Hope it's back on soon!

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I was making good progress, until 2 days ago. I relapsed, needing my mother to come over to take care of my son. I've just been resting and taking it easy since then. I thought it may be the weather and after listening to everyone here, I'm hopeful that when the heat breaks I will again make progress.

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My symptoms are all made worse with the heat as well! It seems air quality has a lot to do with it for me. Humidity and no air flow makes everything worse, almost no matter what the temperature. Even when I go into a store or something where the air is bad (I.e. musty, stale, moldy, dusty, etc) it brings on symptoms full force. But most definitely, add high temps to high humidity and it's not good!

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  • 2 months later...

I do very poorly in the heat, if I have to be in the heat for a certain amount of time I will all the sudden become almost lethargic and I just want to sleep and my dizzy spells become much worse. It's stinks but if you can avoid the heat that's probably best. That's one of the worst parts of having this is having to tell my kids we can't go outside because it's too hot for me or if we have to go inside because I'm starting to feel really sick.

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