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Adverse Reactions To Any Kind Of Alcohol

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Hello Again,

I forgot to ask in my first post if consuming alcohol (even like 1 beer) makes any of you feel worse or bring on a episode? I have tried to drink a few times since this all happened and it either makes me feel very odd (not the good feeling like it should and used to for me) or I wake up in the middle of the night with a really bad racing heart! What is up with this???

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I think most people can't drink with POTS.

I find I can tolerate one red wine on occasion, with dinner, but get too POTSY having a random drink or drinking more than one with dinner.

But we are all human, as someone once told me here, and you have to enjoy yourself once a while.

Alcohol dehydrates. So I drink my wine with water & dinner so I think I stay hydrated and that's why I can get away with it.

I know I shouldn't drink at all...but I love wine. :D

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This is a very sad topic for me, as I used to even brew my own beer. Love a good microbrew. But yes, it affects me very strongly. Immediately, like before the dehydration kicks in. I think the dehydrating affects cause the tachycardia in me, but I am not really sure what causes the immediate reaction. I also find my lymph nodes swell up a great deal when I drink. I get a pressure in my neck, my head gets very dizzy, my blurry vision, and I feel totally spaced out. Haha, I know that I'm basically describing what it feels like to be drunk, but this is after even a few sips. Sad.

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in my case, alcohol is a definite no... even minute quantities cause 'issues':

lightheadedness, edema, pooling in limbs... heart rate dips and BP bottoms out...



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I, too, used to enjoy a glass of wine almost nightly with dinner. Now I have one with dinner only if it's a special occasion, and basically never just stop by for a drink with friends if food is not involved. I probably drink one glass of wine perhaps once a month. I do miss it, but I don't like feeling drunk and woozy after just one-half of a glass of wine! (Although I do get rather clever....) :D



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Maybe its my particular type of POTS or something but I have no intolerance to alcohol at all. Infact its one of the few things that actually seems to help at times. i think i found a couple of other POTSies in the same boat but its very unusual. Most are very alcohol intolerance for a variety of reasons.

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I have a "different" tolerance to alcohol. I don't tolerate it in a way that a "normal" person does, but if I'm on my meds and partake of it in a way that suits my needs, I can do all right with it. Took me awhile to understand this, but now that I do, well, I indulge in a glass or two of wine a couple nights a week. I will never be able to party in the way that normal people do....such "partying" would leave me passed out on the bathroom floor by the third drink. I also can't have even a half glass of wine unless I'm able to go to bed shortly after.

Oddly enough, I've found that a small drink can often help with the angina and migraine/cluster headaches.

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