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Everything posted by gertie

  1. Thanks for your support. My PCP is out of town & our ER is a joke. The ER is full of people with non emergencies. That's why I have a hard time making a decision to go to a dr, there's not one that understands my problems. My throat is getting some better & I am drinking more liquids & will have to force myself to eat b/4 this happens again.
  2. I didn't have a temp until day 6 or 7. I haven't taken but one small dose of my med because it made me so sick. I haven't been able to drink cold water it hurts too much I have to warm it. I got up this a.m. passing out so I don't know what I'm going to do. Thanks.
  3. I am sorry I've been complaining a lot lately about bitter taste in mouth & nausea, strep throat, sinus inf etc. I've had a temp for a couple days & still haven't eaten much the last 7 days & with hypoglycemia that can be dangerous. I got up this a.m. & tried to fix me some toast & coffee & blacked out the 3rd time. First 2 times I made it to the table but last time I woke up on the floor now I have a headache. I must have sweated a lot because my table had wet spots on it & the kitchen looked like a war zone. I had turned the syrup over & it run all over the cabinet, my french toast was burned to a crisp & I'm about to pass out again. I guess this is gross but I knew I had to have food so I run my finger thru the syrup on the cabinet as I started going down again. I happened to see a slice of pear left from last night & grabbed it. This was like a horror movie as I was going thru it. I don't know how much of that was dysautonomia added to a temp. I couldn't call 911 because I couldn't get to the phone & if I had they couldn't have gotten in the house. The worst part is I finally found what might be causing the bitter taste. Someone told me that is asymptom of a stroke. So here I sit no neurologist, don't feel like driving & if I did wouldn't know where to go & everyone out of town at work. Do you all have MRI's after you pass out & hit your head? This just gets better & better. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks KC. I thought I would be better by now but now I've got ear ache, headache & sinus inf & strep. Tomorrow is day 7 & my temp is over 100, I'm slightly nauseous. I can only take 1 Tylenol at a time & that's not enough to keep temp or pain down but it's enough to give me palp's & the shakes . I thought my heart was going to stop a few min ago. I'm trying to eat a few bites of food to keep my blood glucose up. I still can't drink anything cold because of the throat pain & warm water is just vile. This is about more than I can deal with. How're you doing? What do you take for your temp & pain? Thanks.
  5. Thanks all! I can't tell which is worse antibiotic or strep. KC, when you started taking strep did all your food have a bitter vile taste? Today is day 6 & I'm just beginning to be able to tolerate food at all. Excuse me if I've asked that, my brain is not working.
  6. Has anyone here had weird reactions to this antibiotic? I took part of a pill about 1.5 hrs ago & I still feel weird. When I first took it when I shut my eyes I had strange thoughts & my vision wouldn't focus. I can't imagine what would have happened if I took the full dose of 2 pills. My DH says it not possible that the little amount I took could cause anything. If he only knew how my body works or doesn't work. I had a strep test which was negative but the dr said it looked like strep. Can a strep test be wrong? thanks.
  7. Thanks for your help. potsgirl, I don't know what happened to me & antibiotics. I was always able to take them if needed. Then, one day I had a severe reaction to penicillin I think. From that time on every type I've taken I've had either throat swelling & break out in hives, or seizures. I start with 1/4 dose & even that small amt will cause reaction.
  8. I have a dr's app't tomorrow concerning my sore throat such as I've never had before. I'm already stressing about what am I going to do if it's strep, if it's shingles because i can't take antibiotics & how do you treat shingles inside your throat. I make myself sicker. I just want to be normal for a little while & not have to worry about small stuff. Thanks for your support.
  9. Do you have Meniere's disease? I have Meniere's, migraines & dys & have those symptoms all the time. It is impossible to function normally. The migraine preventive does not help these symptoms for me as well as Ativan. I hope you find something that helps.
  10. Thanks for your replies. I hope shingles can't get in your throat & mouth, Would shingles make everything taste bitter? The only thing I've managed to eat is 1/2 raw carrot. All the dr's are off for the holiday weekend. Hopefully I will be better by Mon. Hope you have a good weekend.
  11. After 25 years of weird stuff this is one of the scariest. I was having a small bowl of homemade organic veg soup & decided to add a few saltine crackers, which I don't normally eat. The soup was good, I tried it w/o crackers. The first bite with the crackers was excruciatingly sp? salty. I thought I would adjust to it but after 3 or 4 more bites I couldn't eat anymore. After that every bite of food I try to eat taste so salty & horrible I almost throw up. I tried a slice of bread, bite of apple, peppermint candy, baked potato, milk. Everything taste so horrible I would throw up if I tried to eat it. My throat & tongue are sore & raw on one side. My DH tasted the crackers & said they taste ok to him. What is going on with me. I'm on no medication. The only thing I've done different is use Estriol bio-idential hormones (pea size) & only used it twice & didn't use it yesterday. Could that small amount of something change my body this much? Anyone else experienced anything like this? If I don't get where I can eat what will I do. I don't know a dr that would know what to do with me. Thanks.
  12. I am so bad with anything computer related. I have Win XP & upgraded to IE8. I decided to be brave & update adobe reader to 9.2. I uninstalled my previous adobe as instructed. Now I can't get adobe 9.2 to install or any other adobe. I keep getting an error message. Now I have no Adobe. Everything I read says to change browsers but I like what I have. I've tried Firefox & Google & I didn't care for them. What browser do you use? Any suggestions what I might do to fix my problem. Also, has anyone used Foxit instead of Adobe? I'm a little afraid to change to something I've never heard of. Sorry so many questions but I'm in a big mess. Thanks.
  13. Do you have food allergies? I have Meniere's but I also get what you described from food allergies.
  14. Sue, I'm sorry for your sadness. I think I understand how you feel. I've lost my mom & dad, bro & have very few relatives left, which I don't see unless another relative dies. I don't have friends left because I can't get out & socialize or go to church anymore. I can't work so there's no extra money for gift giving. This time of year is the worst for me. I don't feel like cooking big meals anymore & that makes me feel even more guilty. It seems everything I say these days begins with "I used to". I don't seem to be making any new memories. I hope you will be feeling better soon.
  15. When I came off Gabapentin I got 100Mg caps to taper off with.
  16. I have the too much saliva problem but notice it mostly when riding. I've often wonder what causes it when I'm in a car. Does the motor stimulate the brain? Is it outdoor allergies? Is it because I'm stressed when riding because I have inner problems & riding makes me feel bad? Another problem I don't have an answer for.
  17. Daisy, Hope you're feeling better. My DH has a friend that had his GB removed & said he stopped on the way home from surgery & ate a hot dog. Another guy told me had a HB with onions on the way home. I don't know if I believe that or not but swear it's true. I can't eat that junk now. Did your dr tell you to take bile salts now that you don't have a GB?
  18. Don't want to offend anyone & I used to smoke, but there's nothing more obnoxious or sickening than a house where someone smokes. I can't tolerate anyone that smokes coming into my home. I can smell them before they get in the door. My DH bought a car once, preowned by a smoker, I could never ride in it. No matter what it was cleaned with the odor remained.
  19. Thanks to all. I've been telling myself that if I could start with a tiny dose of estrogen I might be able to gradually take enough of it to help my bladder issues. Logical thinking doesn't seem to apply to dys.
  20. Do all of you have problems with allergies causing heart palps, fainting? I know brain fog is a symptom a lot of us have in common. I've noticed over the years when I eat 7 or 8 almonds I almost immediately get palps & feel drugged. Sometimes it takes 48 hrs to get back to normal. Another thing I find really weird is, if I use a small pea size amt of bio-identical estrogen for as little as 2 or3 days I get very sleepy & end up with most horrible migraine & sometime seizure. My PCP says it's impossible for my body to absorb enough estrogen from that small amt to cause any reaction. I would agree with him if I wasn't having the reaction. That just a couple of many allergic reactions I have. Do any of you have these weird allergies? Thanks.
  21. I was told for years it was "all in my mind" & things have not changed a lot for me.
  22. I get that reaction from many different things. The things that causes the worse fog or lethargy for me are vit D3, estrogens, lidocaine, COQ10, perfume & the list goes on. The BioIdentical estrogen in very low dose supposed to be good for the brain function but when I tried to use it I couldn't remember anything. I felt like I had water on the brain. I thought it was because the blood vessels were dilated. I have migraines & it doesn't take much to trigger one. My allergist said this is a common reaction for those who have allergies. I have watched people pass out & stay out for a long time from just having a simple allergy test done. Do you get this reaction from anything else?
  23. I'm sorry to hear your diagnosis. I understand it's bad. I hope the med's work. Isn't Crohn's what Jordan Rubin, Garden of Life has?
  24. Is it serotonin deficiency syndrome or tryptophan (sp?)
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