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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. hi iwas diagnosed with restrictve lung disease back in like 2003? i think and they told me they didnt know why i had it either.. and that for a while i was misdiagnosed with astma when inreality i had this... uh i do not believe that this is realted to pots its seperate .. as far as i know.. uhm did they give you anything to treat it? Ive found that medrol pack .. they are steroid thingys.. they help wioth this when the breathing becomes and issue or more of an issue good luck and if you want to talk email me! hugs
  2. Persephone... uhm i came off the cymbalta cold turkey i believe...i do not remmeber weeing myself off of it.. BUT i would recommend talking to your doctor about how you should dicontinue cymbalta.. and i donrecommend doing what i did and going cold turkey.. call ur doc girly.. hope that you feel better soon and that you can find something that will affect your mood less and will still help you hugs dizz
  3. hiya folks wanted to pop in really quick.. im feeling quite rung out after yesterday spell... just wanted to let y all know that i got an appointment for wednesday morning to be seen at the cleveland clinic..im very greatfull that they got me in rather quickly.. im hoping for some answers.. or atleast a direction to go in.. will post after i get back from cleveland.. hugs to all dizz
  4. yes he does have very long whiskers.. you should see his kitty mommys whiskers (whistling)))))).. he is my buddy... a little snuglgle bunny or kitty.. he keeps my company... and makes me laugh...he's awesome.. I love my baby boy! i named him gorgeous goeorge well b/c he is gorgeous!!! and goerge b/c of curious george th monkey.. george is SOOOOOOOO curious about everything and he is fearless! crazy little hairball..cats are gerat.. well all animla are but im partial to kitties!
  5. yesterday i was admitted to the hospital for IV fluids...ive been having a rough time.. and thought fluids might help me feel better. well for wahtever reason when i get fluids it makes me quite tired and i sleep ALOT.. not to mention that my Bp didnt really get higher then about the higher end of 80's over 50' the lower end.. all yestersay,.. and today was about the same thing.. bp wise... but this mornign whe i woke up i did feel better... despite that my bp was till low.. i ate my breakfast... and with in a few hours i got that incredinly sleepy spell again.. and i slept all day long.. at 4;30 this afternoon the nurse woke me to give me my afternoon meds.. and i ordered dinner... wheni woke up i had a funny headach.. and just ddint feel right..and my bones where starting to hurt a bit.... so iasked for some tylenolol.. now ive never had a problem taking tylenol before... well less then one hour later.. i was sitting up in bed eating dinner.. and all of a sudden i got t his horrible tightness in my jaw and in my tongue.. my tongue felt like cement. and that tighteness went down into my throat as well.. i also got the feeling inside my mouth that i had bee's stinging the inside of my mouth ..(ie tongue and roof of mouth..) and that feeling quickly spread into my face head and upper chest and upper arms.. i also got instatn flushing attack.. and my vision got extremly blurry... and i could feel a rush of warmth start to travel thru my upper body... I also could feel adreanline just pouring into me.. igot the all to familiar feeling of my insides quivering and jumping about.. and i had the all over quivering thru my entire body... I got really scared b/c i wasnt sure what triggered this.. and at first i could not move to reach for the call bell...and i couldnt talk either.. i started to panic a bit b/c i wasnt able to breath right eitherand felt like i really was having to work at breathing...iwas able to finally get my arm to move and i hit the call bell.. and reclined the bed back so i wasnt sitting up anymore... and when the nurse came in i was having alot of trouble speaking.. but got the jist of things out... she told me that i looked feverish.. and asked me if iwas having an allergic reaction to the tylenol... iwas like ???? idk.... i told her i cold feel the adreanline surging thru me.. and i told her that i felt like iw as going to faint and thn i began to cry b/c what was having was scary...i was like this for over an hour..I could feel my blood pressure spiking and literally could feel it dropping...the nurse brought me giant ice bags.. and put one on the back of my neck and the other on my chest b/c iwas red as red could get...and cold washcloth over my eyes and forhead.. iactually am not all otgether sure i ddint pass out b.c iwas feeling so bad.. but after she gave me the ice i fell asleep.. for a few hours and i woke up and my jaw and stuff where not as tight.. but i still felt not right.. but the flushingatack was gone...and my bp went up to 101/60.. the highest it was the entire 2 days i wa there.. and they discharged me to go home b/c there really isnt anything more they could do for me... the lat time i had bee stinging in my mouth wsa when i began having paralysis spells and that was about 18 months ago's it scares me that htis is happening again.. and i dont know why or waht is triggering it... just like before when this started we didnt know then and still dont know now what it.. what i am glad about is i finally had a spell in front of medical professionals.. instead of at homne alone.. im really temped to go in cleveland or something its only 2 hours away. and go to an ER there b/c im not really getting anywhere here at home.. tonight just scared me alot...and im unable to move my head in any direction really still w/o feeling like im going to faint.. same thing with sitting up and standing... i feel quite not right in my body tonight and am scared that same thing is going to happen that happened earlier ...im so tired of dealing with this crud...it really ***** the life right out of ya
  6. ok i hope that this works!.. here is my baby kitty i named him gorgeous george....he is 10 weeks old.. and is very cute! and so loveable abd sOOOOOOOOOOO playful.. i just love him! he such a love bug.. he is allready very very spoiled....i feel like i haev a small furry shadow..LOL.. adorable!
  7. hi i want to post a picture of the kitten i got.. dont know how too? can someone help me with this? thank you
  8. hey ok onto my head post.. ok.. so its not unusual that i get really sore spots on my head and that my skin and hair get super sensitive to touch all over .. not just my head... But what im noticing.. and i hope that i do not sound nuts to you all.... is after the really bad sore spots on my scalp/skull.. and i develope a dent or a crator? in my skull and that the physical feeling of my skull changes... meaning that like i said i develope these dent.. as you may.. and then around the dent.. my skull is like raised up... and they hurt quite badly.. and then once a "dent".. i dont know waht else to call them.. is formed.. around that area i will get charlie horses or cramps.. more like stabbing sharp pain that shoots thru the area... Uhm over the last yr or so ive developed 3.. and have another one starting..and even one on my forhead just at my hair line.. its small one.. but there none the less.. uhm anybody have any clue waht the heck this is?.. arent a a little old to be having soft spots?.. again im having an mri and ct scans on friday of my brain and skull.. but unless i find a doc that is familair and knows what to look for.. there are kind of pointless ya know any help is much appreciated.. thanks thelumpyheadedone
  9. Hi there.. for the past few days i have been having and odd symptoms that i ve only had like one other time before that i remember anyways.. and it come about a few days before a severe attach with thing (ie.. seizure like stuff.. paralyzing.. and so on.. and by severe one of the worst spells ive ever had..) Uhm for about 2-3 days now ive been having this sound coming from behind my ears and at the back/base of my skull that sounds like glass or glass marbles clinking together in my head.. it is quite odd.. and bizzarr to say the least... Ive been feeling quite poorly this past week.. more then norm.. i chalked it up to pms and the heat...BUT ive also had been breaking out in hives and rashy like looking stuff.. that comes on and the disappears with in hours of appearing.. and having alot of GI stuff going.. Im wondering if im developing a new allergy to something?? But this glass clinking in my head kinda concerns me a bit b/c last time i had it i had such a severe spell with things... im going into the hosp on tuesday for fluids so im hoping that that will make the weird stuff stop.. and that it will not make things worse.... and i go for am mri on friday of my goofy head.. which i will make a diff post about..
  10. sheridan hi i can relate to the symptoms you are experienceing.. im sorry tho that i do not know waht causes them only that i have them... i hope that you are feeling better tonight.. just wanted you to know that you are not alone... hugs feel better linda
  11. hi.. i get nasuea at all point thru the day...sometimes it worse in the morning and wakes me up.. and other times it flares in the evening.. and sometimes i have it allday... uh i havent really found anything to relieve it.. other then some stuff thru an IV like phenergan and uh..tygan? (sp?) i think its called.. i might have the name totaly wrong.. but this stuff helps better i f i ge tit thru an iv.. for me anyways.. feel better
  12. jeepers linda you have been and are going thru alot! i just wanted to say that im thinking of you and hopeing that you start feeling better soon hugs linda
  13. wow to think of the money that the insurance companies make off of one person! WOW! i have had a boat load of testing done..and the same tests done multiple times..b/c the first ones where abnormal! x-rays.. multiple brain mri x2 ct mrix2-3 ct scan brain x4 ct of other various organs and such.. many mri.. other many ekg's too many eegx4-5 EMGx2 pulmonary functions tests x4 spinal tap ear testing psych evals.. im not nuts to some and am to others endoscopyx2 colonoscopyx2 bowel testing.. alot stress test echo cardiograms.. like alot ultrasounds lab work-bajillion times biopsies-various im sure ive forgotten seeral things.. but most of this stuff had done in the yrs before every getting diagnosed!... some done after.. lots od testing after pots diagnosis.. still with alot of unknown answers... soon to have more ans testing.. and other things done to add to my lists..
  14. hey maxine.. i do hope that you are feeling better.. I wanted to mention.. maybe starchy stuff is a trigger for you.. I know that for me personally... back in 2003??? I couldnt figure out..(this was before i understood that big meals or the wrong foods make me so sick).. why i was getting so sick after i ate or during a meal.. well after som trial and error with foods.. You know that im a BIG TIME pasta/bread lover..YUMMY.. but i found that bread.. especially white and italian bread.. and white pasta's really really make me symptomatic... SO I switched to wheat pasta's and strictly wheat bread or 7 or 12 grain bread.. and i cut way way back on the amount of breads and pasta's i will eat in a day or in a week.. I have noticed that it has helped with my getting sick during and after a meal... as for mashed taters i eat them rarely.. b/c they do the same thing to me..as does garlic and beef's.. tho i love it all...i dont love spedning the next 12-48 hours sick from one measly meal.. i still get days or weeks where i get symptomatic like before... no matter what i watch and cut out of my diet.... but ti is nowhere near aht it used to be like on nearly a daily basis.. I know that you dont eat large portions of food.. you eat like a bird!... but can you play around with foods and see what types of food make you feel yucky.. ?? oh yea and about your kitchen stools.. do they have backs on them?? sometimes that can help a bit more.. if there is a back on the stool.. now im sure you'll get a chuckle out of the visualization.. but since i spend alot of time at my b/f's.. he put a livingroom chair in the kitchen for me.. LOL ..and while it looks out of place in there..it allows me abit more comfort if i am feeling well enough to sit and help prepare a meal...b/c its comfy.. and i sit in it a good part of the time to eat my meal as well b/c i can put my feet up while im eating and it helps... oh and uh.. watch what you drink with your meal as well.. ive noticed that bubbly stuff with my meals are a BIG nono... maybe a few sips after a meal to help burp it up...Uhm also depending on how cold something is when you drink it with your meal makes a difference for me anyways.. if i drink something ice cold... it triggers .. tummy aches.. and gut troubles.. but it i drink water or something that is well room temp... it makes a difference. these are just things that i have noticed. that help and or are a tirgger for me...just want to help.. juju.. i know youve been thru alot in recent months be kind to your self... and allow yourself time to grieve.....emotional stress can really knock a healthy person off there rocker.. not to mention someone like you or allof us with so much going on with our bodies...it can really set us back light yrs.. i dont mean to sound discouraging or depressing or anything like that... but youve ben thru alot... and need to like isaid take it easy and give your body some time to recoop....i know that energy is limited..I hope that you are feeling better today.. and not so cruddy hugs dizz
  15. interesting article.. thank you very much for sharing it with us.. and also.. thanks for offering your time and suport to us potsy folks.. it means alot
  16. thank you pat and nina for the help.. it is MUCH MUCH appreciated.. i have a call into dr. heffez...just waiting to hear something back from his office.. and he is in milwaukee now... thanks again ladies i will post an update when i find something out... linda
  17. ive had eczema since i was about 13 yrs old.. and waht i have found that works well for it.. to keep it at bay as well when its flared.. its the medrol (i think thats waht its called) pack... and also ive found that aveeno bar soap.. use it when you shower.. i like the moisturizing kind.. that helps along with the lotion will help as well.. also ive found that OLAY QUENCH lotion of all things helps as well...also benadryl cream is helpful.. and if all else fails.. and your itchy as all get out and can handle taking baths.. take an oatmeal bath.. aveeno also has bath stuff... the aveeno is a bit pricy.. the bar soap runs about 2s omething per bar.. and the lotions both olay and aveeno run about 5-6-7 bucks... uh they make purse size bottles as well.. and thos are about 2 dollars and some change.. i hope that you are itchy free soon
  18. It so wonderful that you where able to have such a miraculous recovery..i know youve got to be enjoying your new found freedom ... congrats sweetie thanks for sharing your sucess story with us
  19. Hi everybody... I was wondering last week i had a boat load of MRI's done and this friday i am having more MRI's of my brain and ct scans as well.. well its all good and well that im finally getting these done... BUT now i need to find a doc familiar with chiari and related issues.. who know what to look for in the MRI and CT scans.. instead of the local yolkal radiologist looking at them with out a clue...(small hospital)..of what to look for... if anybody know of a doc pls. let me know thanks a bunch
  20. dayna hi i used a tenz unit back in 2000 or 2001.. Uhm I did help me tremendously at first.. but it had to be cranked up pretty gosh darn high.. and it only offered temp relief from pain.. i used it for my neck and shoulder.. I could not postion that lead thingys myself.. somebody had to do it forme... the onyl problem i had with it as the postioning of the leads.. and i have an allergy to the sticky stuff ON the leads.. and had to stop using the unit.. but its thje one and like onyl thing that brought me any pain relief really.. i hope that you hage ahd some sucess with it..
  21. hi folks just wanted to pop in very quickly,, and let you know that while we still do not know waht is causing such dizziness.. at least not for sure.. that im being set up an ENT for vestibular testing on my inner ears... i hope that they figure this out b/c i really cant stand the room spinning nor the floor moving any mor either.. i will post an update when i know more thanks all for your suggestions!! and support love and hugs dizz
  22. jacquie i have swallowing troubles as well.. I wonder if it connected in some way.. i know of a few other potsys who have swallowing troubles as well.. they must be a corrleation somewhere.. i think my swallowing things seem to come in bursts.. i hope that you get some relief with this soon or find out waht it is
  23. hello folks.. OK for several weeks now Ive been dealing with an Increase of my normal everyday dizziness.. which bites b/c i was allready pretty gosh darn dizzy to begin with.. Well along with that... Im getting these wickedly freaky sensations that the floor is moving...(in a swirly motion)...like the floor is going to disappear from beneath my feet... also i get this feeling while laying down that the whole room is moving and im going to fall off the bed.. and last but not least.. upon waking up i dont even open my eyes yet.. but im awake and the im dizzy from the word go.. i dare to open and eyeball.. and the walls and everything look as tho they are moving in an upward type motion... this goes away some times.. after laying there a long while.. other times it does not.. having all this dizzy crud going has brought my nausea on full force.. it is so not cool!!!!!!!!!!!! my sit up/stand up time is not so hot these days with all this dizziness going on.. even using my wheelchair.. its driving me MAD!!.. off and on now for ill go with several months... Im having problems with dizziness like this... along with the nausea and the dizziness.. comes that annoying little bugger of fatigue! Oh my lord i can feel it clear into my muscles...fatigue has always beena big issue for me... but this fatigue ive been battling along with dizziness and stuff over the past several month is kicking me rear... Ive tried getting IV fluids..IM salt fluid loading..actually drinking some pickle juice...~gag~ but ti very salty.. ive tired all the tricks.. and im out...my ears have been checked time and time again and they are good to go... help anyone? doctorquest got any suggestions on this? spinnydizzygirl
  24. hello maxine! hope that you are having a decent day..love dizz

  25. melissa so glad that you are snuggled in your own bed with your kitty...many hugs
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