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Everything posted by ajw4790

  1. I hope all is well! It sounds like you are going through so much! I hope that it works out the best it can for you, and that you get some answers! Good Luck!
  2. That is very interesting. I have never heard it described this way. Doctorguest, where is a good place to find further info on all of this? I was not aware of all the other symptomology. If these things get so bothersome, is the treatment the same as with regular migraines? Thanks for any more info!
  3. Hi! Welcome! You sound a lot like me! See my post under the recent heat exhaustion topic. Drs can be SO frustrating. I have my fair share of bad ones, and yes if this is the way they are all the time a different dr. may be in order. Some drs. can not see past certain things and this is one of them. Some do not understand that all of this is frustrating! Frustration leads (esp. in females) to crying. Crying is a healthy way of releasing this frustration. I will just barely tear up when it comes to how frustrated, crappy feeling, and worried about doing well in school I am. Then, they leap to are you depressed. Uh, no... it is called frustration, and hey I feel like crap! And all the time! Otherwise I am happy and all is going well, I am just asking for some help! And yes, I do understand there is not a magic wand. If there was I would have used it years ago! So, yeah you are not alone. Post on here, see if you can find any additional help. I am also a college student, you sound way to much like me with struggling with concentration etc! Except my PCP has decided I am ADD. That is to be determined. I am keeping my mind open. I wish you luck!
  4. Hi! Interesting topic. I have a wrist BP monitor that I bought a while ago actually for school, and am now using for myself. So, I did not go top of the line. So, I don't have Omeron, but it has seemed to work well. It seems to give measurements that are pretty accurate with with how I am feeling and what kind of readings I get at drs. offices. So, I don't think it is too bad. I do know that the wrist ones if not used correctly are not supposed to be very reliable. Good luck on finding a good one, and not too expensive!
  5. Hi! Heat was especially hard on me again today... It has been many days now at school where they roast us. Everyone is sweating and hot, you can imagine if others are hot, I am seriously struggling! I don't understand why it needs to be 85 inside? Three plus hours of this was pure torture. I have gotten a lot better at tolerating heat since getting some help with treatment (meds etc), but in extremes there is still a lot of problems. Today it felt like I couldn't breathe or sit there, like I needed to run outside. It kinda felt like a slow death. My body starts to shut down. I can not live in this sauna... the only other real option is quitting school, which I do not want to do. It has been overwhelming. I emailed building maintainance again today to see if they can work on it, they didn't respond. We will see tomorrow! They were able to open the only windows in the building today, but then someone catches a chill, and they have to close them. Then we roast! So, I continue to work on dressing in layers, plenty of cold water, will try to take in at least one fan tomorrow, also some cold packs, but they will not always be reasonable and able to use. So, I have tried what I know what to try. It is a double edged sword b/c if I get to cold I am in a lot of pain. So, I am trying to find a happy medium. So, anyways 3 hrs. of this, meant that for one I am limited in my comphrension and ability to concentrate in what is going on. So, that stinks! Then, over time it wears me down and I get so tired and so unable to focus and compehend and even just function. Then, I had to go to a drs appmt. One good thing that got to see what I am like when I feel crappy! But, bad thing is I am limited in my comphension of what they are telling me, I forget all my questions, I am unable to communicate effectively what I am trying to say. It is so frustrating!!! I finally get to see this dr. and I feel like crap! Then, as many of ya know if you are having a bad day, and you are kinda blah, and even a little frustrated with everything then they start on the are you depressed thing. I am like no, I am just frustrated at feeling like crap, and having a hard time functioning right. If I feel good, I am fine, all is good, I am not down on myself, or crying a lot etc. I think he understood, but it is hard if this is the only time they see you. Man, it is so frustrating! I just got choked up for a second, mainly b/c of frustration. I continue to do crappy on some tests, and then got a note on an assignment today saying the next one has to be better! That was just a bunch of frustration all at once! So, with everything I was slightly emotional and I think the dr. just wasn't sure what is going on. I hope he understood!!! So, part of this too is trying to stay in schools, knowing I have clincals coming up in a likely hot environment, etc. I guess I was just wanting more help if at all possible with the heat intolerance. I think he understood, which was great!!! But, there is just so much going on to address everything! I totally understand, I just am trying to find a way to make all of this work out. So, for now it is start Neurontin this weekend for neuropathy pain and RLS (hopefully improve sleep!). Then, the neuropsych testing for ADD. Then, may add in ADD meds (Concerta). My concern that I tried (pretty poorly-due to inability to concentrate) was that would these help with the heat? I think he did end up understanding where I was coming from , and I am supposed to see him in two months. Then I guess the plan would be to increase the beta blocker, and Zoloft. So, I am hoping that it all works out relatively well! It is just a long road (years)! After all this I was EXHAUSTED and came home and slept like six hours, and have a migraine trying to come on. Fun times! So, mainly this long and drawn out thing was some form of a release of frustrations/update/rant and asking for any ideas or thoughts people may have. Thanks for putting up with me! I was just needing to share with others who I knew would understand where I am coming from! Thanks!!!
  6. Hi! Yeah, sounds odd. Do you think it is a migraine? Or do you have sleep apnea? Have you changed anything recently that could affect all of this at once? Like meds etc? Do you feel like you were having hallucinations? If so you may want to discuss this with a dr. Maybe once you lay down you get less oxygen to your brain, and you get dizzy and have other weird sensations due to your body struggling to get oxygen? It can be harder for some people to breathe laying down. Hope you figure it out and good luck!
  7. Wow, that sounds.... well not fun! I hope it works for you. So, they are supposed to increase hearing or are they helping to fix something that helps hearing? I am not familiar with them.
  8. Thanks for all the great suggestions! The lack of sandpaper would be great, and moving the electrode around could help! I had also wondered about if I could take a few hours off here and there to decrease everything. I also will have to see if I can take anti-histamines... great idea! As far as the test, it seems there is so many varieties. All I know is it is a 30 day monitoring of cardiac activity. It was my understanding that it was just a three lead. I also wasn't sure if it was recording all the time or only when I press the button. We will see! Thanks!
  9. Thanks for ya'lls help! I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks this would be useful. I suggested it to my parents (they actually own the car) and they kinda seemed to think I was being frivolous etc. I was just thinking if it could make everything so much better, it would be worth the money. i would pay for it... So, I think I will pursue it for this winter. It will be a couple weeks though. Thanks!!!
  10. Maybe along the lines of GERD, it could be like an extreme nighttime reflux. Especially if you are stressed and stress sleeping, or eat much of anything b/f bed. ??? Sounds weird and unpleasant!!! Good Luck!
  11. Used to see one. Wasn't much help. Ended up throwing me out, when I stood up for myself when they wouldn't help me... Now other drs say they think I have RA but am not treated for b/c of everything else and no help before.
  12. Hi! I think if you do a search on the board, you will find a lot of previous info. on it. I think a lot of people are given it for POTS specifically along with its other uses. I personally tried Lexapro, then switched because of money aspect to Celexa and for me it was bad, but it could have been the switch. I now take Zoloft. Drs. always say everyone is different and it often takes a couple of med trys before the "right" one is found. So, it sounds like your dr. is looking in the right direction. Now you just have to try it! You included the SVT and PVC's on your info. Was that just some minor abnormalities that showed up on an EKG or are they a constant problem? Do you get many PVC's in a row, or frequently, or just occasionally? Are the drs. concerned about the vtach? If it is short bouts it may not be anything of concern. I think a lot of people show these abnormalities. I know I had PVC's etc. in mine, but it is nothing right now to worry about. Just curious if they found a more profound irregularity with your EKG?
  13. RGT, Hi! I see you use MBT shoes. I ran across those at school/work. Anyways, just curious how ya like them? In what ways do they help you? And if I may ask, why ya got them? I have no idea of all the uses, most of my knowledge is back pain. So, as always, I am just full of questions! I hope they work for you!!!
  14. The jello analogy is interesting, but I can totally see it and understand what you are saying! I love it! Jello is kinda freaky though!
  15. Thanks for your responses! Some of ya'lls sounds just like me! Freaky! Wonder what causes it all... MomtoGuilana it sounds just like me!!! Curious do you have any eye issues? I have astignitism and can't see very well w/o glasses much beyond a foot in front of me. Preachers wife and Amy, yeah me too! I have noticed a cranky thing too with me! My family thinks I am evil. I think this is part of the reason never liked going to movies etc. very much! I hate being in the dark. The three hour powerpoint lectures at school in the dark can be awful!!! Anyways, thanks for your responses, and it would be interesting to know more about what causes this! Thanks!!!!
  16. The sunlight drives me nuts while driving! I wear glasses (can't do contacts). So, I can't wear sunglasses. I need to get prescription sunglasses, but they are expensive etc... But, they are on my long to do list, and really probably do need them. Glad I am not the only one!
  17. Hi again! I had a completly different question. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with remote car starters? I am really sensitive to the cold and was trying to find a way to make COLD winter mornings more bearable. So, that way I could start the car from inside and let it warm up for a while, and spend less time scraping etc... So, was curious if it would be worth it? Any suggestions on what and where to go? I really don't have much of a clue... I am thinking of it possibly being a Christmas gift! (fun! huh?!) Thanks for any help!
  18. Hi all! Is there a way (less abrasive) to do a 30 day holter? When I did the 48 hr. the electrodes were AWFUL on my skin, the burn lasted for weeks! So, I have been waiting on the 30 day. Any suggestions? I know a lot of people have these sensitivities, so how have you worked around that when trying to complete this testing? Thanks!
  19. It tastes really nasty, and pretty much unable to consume/ choke much of it down! I haven't tried it in like 8 yrs. So, i don't remember what it did to me besides gagging. Plus, I had appendicitis, so things were different.... That stuff is NASTY!
  20. Hi! I don't have any personal experience with it, but I tend to have a strong personal opinion against it (chiropractors). It is possible if you find a well educated chiropractor not wanting to feed you a lot of garbage, that they may be worth going to. For POTS symptoms, I am not sure what to go for, and have done? There should be a specific goal in mind and they should have some evidence, or scientific reasoning to why chiropractic medicine may help. To go and get "adjusted" for the reck of it in my opinion is not the way to go. There are risks with some of their treatments which hopefully they will fully disclose. With any treatment it is best to be well educated and informed to what you are getting into. I personally think with what is "wrong" with most of us and with what chiropractors do (of what I understand) there is not any correlation. I suppose through relaxation, they could temporarily get someones heart rate down? They can not adjust the nervous system which is what is malfunctioning, so other than the small possibility of helping some side effects temporarily I don't see personally enough of a benefit. Also, if they are manipulating you etc. make sure before you go that you are not at risk or already have instability (EDS etc), osteoporosis, etc. Good Luck (and yes I am bias!)
  21. Yeah, pretty much for reasons above. Maybe google causes of heart attack. There would be many reasons. So, are you wondering for a particular reason? You sound pretty worried about it? I don't think most of us are at high risk for it. Many things can act like what you may think of a heart attack feeling like. If you are concerned make sure to check with your dr.
  22. Hi again! Bella27, Hi, first I am no doctor or have expertise in compression stockings, but in classes in school we are taught some about them. What we are taught is to be hypervigalent to ensure that the stockings do not bunch up, they fit well, and don't irritate or ride up (like behind the knee). If the stockings do bunch it is important to routinely check them and smooth them out. When they bunch, what ever compression it is approx. doubled or tripled over that spot due to the fabric having two or three layers in that area. So, it ends up acting like a rubber band or a tourniquet. So, the another risk is a lack of blood flow to the area below the bunching. Also, whatever blood is trapped below the bunched area will have a hard time returning to the heart. If it is bunching over a blood vessel it would have the possibility (I think) if there was prior compromise or arteriosclerosis etc. to cause a DVT or other form of injury, even just bruising. One area to really watch is right behind the knee, and be careful to not restrict blood flow in this region, as it is prone to many problems. Also, right around the ankles. I probably do not explain it all the best, or one hundred percent accurate, because I still actually learn more and more about it as time goes on. Plus, you have to understand that they are teaching us to deal with pts with diabetes or post-surgery who are much more prone to issues. If you are more dizzy, other than the typical dangers that provides, I am not sure that it is really a "bad" thing or that it has anything to do with the stockings. There is likely an adjustment time to the comp. hose I personally am not sure what that would include. If you are very sensitive to these types of changes you may notice it more. I think that the important thing is to make sure that they fit right, and that they are maintained and worn properly.Try to watch for bunching and fix it. If the "side effects" from adjusting to them come and go and are not serious then, I would think it may not be a huge issue. But, if it continues to provide you problems or see other changes, probably talk with your dr. I would think everything is fine, but if you become really worried or notice a lot of changes talk with your dr. I hope this helps and good luck!!!
  23. Suzanne, Hi! That it is interesting! Thanks for your input! It helps! Yeah, I am keeping my mind open and trying to make sure and get multiple opinions. It was a strong statement... That was why I was curious to what everyone's experience had been. P.S. Out of curiousity what is a bob?
  24. Yeah, bunching can be bad. Esp. if you already have bad return blood flow etc. You are at risk if constricting the flow of blood more, instead of encouraging it to return to the heart. You can also then be at greater risk of DVT and dermatological issues (like pressure ulcer type of thing) because you are concentrating all that pressure on one area. So, watch the compression hose and periodically smooth it out to decrease additional problems.
  25. Hi! Another question... Does anyone else have the whole need a lot of light to keep them alert and functioning during the day? I know a lot of people are sensitive to light... I am too. It is weird too much can be bad, but to little can be bad too! I have ALWAYS bothered my family with this in wanting a lot of lights on even during movies etc. So, I was curious if anyone else has had this? I have always not been sure if it is a vision thing (like adjustment to light), headache thing (struggling to read/focus in dim light), or kinda a mood/alertness type of thing (kind of like Seasonal Affective Disorder)? But, was wondering if anyone else has this? Also, may be part of some sleep disorder? Who knows? Thanks!
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