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Everything posted by ajw4790

  1. Thanks for the great ideas! I need to review them, and try to implement some of them. Today I finally bought a couple of those medicine holder/sorter things that thought if I actually used it, it may help. If I remember it is there! I kind wish I could wear a timer watch, it would be helpful, with classes it is hard, and I absolutely can not wear the hard rubber-type band watches which most of them are. Any kind of a stiff watch makes my wrist throb in pain! Sometimes I get fed up with my loose one and end up throwing it on the table in frustration. It shouldn't be such an issue or pain to wear a watch! But, I need to figure something out, so I will work on it. Maybe I need a pocket watch!
  2. Ernie, (and all) Thanks for asking on the appmt. So, yeah today I had two appmts. and drilled them on a multitude of things! So, I asked about my past gastro. history and if she thinks it still holds true. She said that yes it sounds like I do have GERD and IBS. So, I have been taking Prilosec for the GERD, it really doesn't seem to help me very much, but all the others have always been too expensive. I gave previously Nexium, Protonix, Prevacid, and Aciphex. They all worked better for me then Prilosec, but they were all like $70.00, so I went either with nothing or Prilosec. So, recently in trying to make things better I tried to work on some kind of better solution, and wouldn't you know the one insurance plan we were pushed into taking doesn't cover any of them, so they are all but Prilosec of course about $150.00 a month!!! This is on top of the other seven meds! That all are pretty much going up in price (doubling or so!). So, UUURRRRGGGHHH!!!! This leads to endless frustration! It was this plan or the one where they didn't cover any of my current drs. Since, I am FINALLY getting some where I chose the drs. Can you believe I actually went in favor of the drs? I also thought it was imperative to look more into this seeing how my grandfather just died from gastric hemorhage and esophogeal erosion. I didn't know the man, to know the details, maybe he did something he shouldn't have, but I saw it as an even further sign to take better care of myself! Sorry for the bit of a vent! I don't have much other insight now unfortunately. But, yes IBS in general now is thought of much better then it probably once was, and it is not like as a figment of your imagination, or b/c anxiety etc. It has been given I think a lot of credit. So, I wouldn't feel patronized or anything (I think that is what you were saying you had thought.)
  3. Hi! FINALLY, got to see the dr. on this today, and says she doesn't know what it is, and is sending me to an ENT. Urrgghh! I refrained from telling her I think this is what it is, because she is not the type to like to be told things, and it was obvious she didn't know how to treat it so, YAAAH!!! Another dr!!! At least that appmt is next week!
  4. Welcome to the board!!! I am glad you were able to find some answers! Yes, there are some things (non-medicationwise) that you can try, but I think for most of us we have to use meds. Diet things to try: high salt, lots of water, gatorade (watch for the artificial sugar in G2, with gastro/migraine type issues), low carb diet, high protein. Multivitamin etc. Some people try licorace root. But make sure for all of these you discuss with your dr. first. For meds. there are many avenues to try. Midodrine (for vasoconstriction) is one, Florinef (fluid retention), a beta blocker (to reduce HR), and SSRI/anti-depressants (for whatever they do! ). And there are a few others. It is a hit and miss thing, and there is no one miracle drug. Good luck!
  5. If I understand it sounds like she may be getting relief from acid reflux during the night time hours. For many this can be the worst time, and I think that propping up the head of the bed is probably not allowing as much reflux to come back up, and make her feel sick. Does she have history of those types of problems or is it more of a BP issue causing the nausea? Anyways, I guess we take whatever works! Hope she continues to find relief!
  6. This to is an interesting topic and something else I have considered for myself. I will be interested in how it continues to work for you. How long have you been taking it? What is the 1/1 mean? Have you noticed any side effects or is there any known downside to taking it? Thanks! Hope it continues to work well!
  7. Hi! I am glad you had such a positive experience, and it sounds like you learned a lot. I also learned some from what you said, I tend to wonder more of what kind of migraines I have and if they are being treated right? Like you said beta blockers and triptans can be bad dependent on the type of migraine. There can be risk of stroke etc. I guess if I continue to have a flair up of migraines I may need to see someone for them again. Thanks for sharing!
  8. I guess in the past I was told I may have this kind of an issue, but it was never pursued or treated very well. So, I do find this interesting, and actually have an appointment this week where I hoped to ask some of these questions. I do think diet is supposed to help relieve symptoms, although the problem overall is not really supposed to go away. Hopefully through hints here and online research you can find some answers and relief. Good Luck!
  9. I too have been very interested in this topic! I need to ask my drs. Thanks for posting and I hope others will have helpful info for you. Sorry I have no experience with this. Good luck!
  10. Hi again! Back to the TMJ type of issues, although it may not be anything like that of course. But, I thought I would share that my TMJ really doesn't bother me all that much like pain/popping etc., but in trying to figure out the migraines etc. He said that I had pretty much worn down the discs (cartilage) in both of the joints. They are all torn up and past the point of pain etc. you normally hear about. Much of it is likely due to having had braces and many oral surgeries in which I don't think they were very nice to my joints! But, because of this there is still alignment issues etc. So, this kinds of things are still possible without the pain etc. So then the muscles have to work much harder and can fatigue out, so it is not something to eliminate without making sure it doesn't have any impact for you. As far as the oxygen are you talking like supplemental O2 from a mask or something? I think it could still be muscle fatigue, because your muscles need O2 and as they fatigue they use it up. So, maybe this helps you some in that respect. It also may help to relieve overall tension in your body making all body processes work better. They have those O2 bars for a reason! It helps to relax you etc. Remember that everything is somehow connected, so if your body is struggling to breathe, then muscles may tense up and fatigue. When you increase the O2, it may relieve some of this stress. I think it is important to discuss this with a dr. because all many of us can do is speculate.
  11. Are you tilting the head of the bed up? I just wanted to make sure I understood. I figured that is what you were talking about.
  12. Hi! It doesn't really sound like facial paralysis, but more of muscle fatigue. Do you have TMJ issues or clench/grind your teeth? My dad has said he has had this issue in the past and it was due to stress, and fatiguing of the facial muscles. He also talks a lot on the phone for work. The other sounds a little like GERD/LPR. Although I really have no idea. It sounds like you may not be getting enough oxygen and this may be causing more problems. There can be reasons for difficulty swallowing/breathing that need to be addressed by a dr. I would say to make sure and discuss it with your dr. It the face stuff keeps up a dr. may or may not be of a lot of help, but a dentist that works on TMJ and associated issues may be helpful. Good Luck!
  13. Thanks for the info! I actually saw it the other day when I was in there, but didn't know about how it can be used. It may be something to try in the future.
  14. Hi! For those who add salt to their own homemade drinks or salt to other drinks, what is the rule of thumb you use for the salt to water ratio? I tried it some and I can't stop totally overwhelming myself with too much salt! It really upsets my stomach! Yeah, I am a mess! Thanks!!! ~AJW
  15. So... I am AWFUL at remembering and actually taking my meds. I either don't wake up on time, forget altogether, or go get something to drink to take it and get distracted by five other tasks and a hour and a half later realize I forgot to take my meds. This also tends to lead to me not remembering whether or not I took it a couple hours later. As you can tell this could lead to issues and is not the best! It has been happening to consistantly, so I need to work on it. What are your routines or ways to make sure you take meds and at the appropriate times? My problem is sleep schedules are constantly different, and I may or may not be home at lunch to take my meds, so it is harder to remember. So, any hints on what works?
  16. Hi! So, I was wondering if anyone has much in the way of joint stiffness, and those types of problems? I know many are actually hypermobile, so this may not be many. Anyways, I have been told that for what it is worth I probably have RA, but no tests etc. have really ever shown it etc. So, I have had more joint pain, swelling, and serious stiffness recently. I was wondering if anyone else out there experiences this as well? Is is part of dysautonomia or other related disorders? Do many of you have RA or other autoimmune diseases? Lupus etc... I know a few have Lyme disease. The other question/update, was that I did complete my neuropsych testing and they did determine, according to my letter I received, that I am ADHD as well. So, this involves more fun, of course! Any words of wisdom with this? I know within the next week or so, I will probably have to start meds. Has anyone tried one of the non-stimulant/non-ritalin type drugs (I don't remember the name). And isn't Provigil that I see mentioned on here a lot also used for ADHD, and if some use it for POTS etc. I wonder if I should try that? If anyone has any insight on this I would be greatful, because I do not know much about it. I am worried on starting new meds, because I start clinicals in about a month, and can't be a mess because of a med change. Drs. have told me Concerta etc. are no big deal, and that there are not really any side effects... I struggle to believe this! Thanks!
  17. Sandy, Welcome! I hope you find a great source of help and support here! I hope that you soon find some help for your headaches/migraines! I can not imagine having them more than a day or two. It must be awful. I am sure you have tried everything. I hope you can find something soon to lessen your symptoms further. Welcome and Good Luck!
  18. Amy, The carotid would also be fine to get your pulse. Everyone, thanks for your help! I liked the idea for also looking at Target etc. Kendra, The HR increase may be due to anxiety, or increased/decreased BP as you body gets used to the gravitational changes. Not entirely sure...
  19. Willows, Thanks for the help! Yeah, that sounds about the same. Although, I have to say you kind of scare me with the coming at it, popping it/digging it out! It sounds like you know what you are doing, but sharp instruments at my ears creeps me out! Thanks for your help! I have a dr. appmt. next week.
  20. Did you see the info on a new prescription for this (I believe). I don't remember the name. But, it maybe worthwhile checking with your dr. to see if it is an option. It may also be even more expensive...
  21. Hi, Thanks for your input! I find the info intriguing! Macks Mom (or others) do you know of any research studies published on this topic? Thanks!!!
  22. Owww! Wow, that sounds awful! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
  23. Hi Heather! Welcome to the board! I am catching up, so I am a little behind! I hope you find help and support on the board like I have! I don't know that I have any car hints/help. Sounds like others gave you really good hints! Welcome!
  24. Wow, I like some of those ideas! Thanks! I like new ideas! I have been experimenting with Electromix, which is very good by the way! I love the taste! I have to figure out how much etc. of salt to add to it b/c it doesn't have salt in the mix. I also finally found a couple kinds of fruit flavored electrolyte water, along with the plain. It also needs salt added, but I find it another way of going then gatorade. I have been stocking up on little salt packets! I have also seen Ultima, an electrolyte beverage that looks kinda of promising. I mixed up a batch, but didn't drink it in that 24 hrs or so you are supposed to. The one thing is it has like B vitamins etc. in it so it has that vitamin type smell. I will probably try another packet and try to drink it this time! i think that one has sodium. Not sure... So, that is an upside of that one. Then, I also have been drinking vitamin water, electolyte water, and that new Snapple vitamin type water. Also, Sobe has LifeWater. I am trying to find my niche! Without artificial sugar of course!
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