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Everything posted by Laura

  1. Happy birthday to you!! Hope you have a really good day tomorrow! Laura
  2. Fantastic!! Congratulations to you and your husband! Take good care of yourself and be sure to keep us updated! Laura
  3. Have a wonderful birthday Emily!! Laura!
  4. Phoobear, So sorry that you are going through this. I will be thinking of you... Laura
  5. Hi Maureen. I am from Alberta and have much the same difficulties that you are describing. When I was told that I had pots I was told in a phone call, and the doctor simply gave me the name of the condition and advised me to look it up on the internet to see what it was. This site is where I got all of my information. (Where would I be without you guys... ) If you can be seen by Dr. Schondorff, as Margaret (Biatecki) suggested, it might be a very good option. Or perhaps the doctor your niece is seeing now can consult with Dr. Schondorff and get some suggestions for medications to try out and any other ideas they might have. You could also print off the info from this site describing what POTS is etc, and give that to the doctor so you can work together on a plan of action. I am having a very difficult time getting treatment as well and it is terribly frustrating. I hope you find good suggestions that will work for your niece here as well as good support. Glad you found us! Laura
  6. Thinking of you!! Hope you are back in your own bed soon. Laura
  7. Hi Lois! I'm so glad to hear from you, I'd been wondering how things were going for you but didn't want to impose on you to ask if you weren't feeling well. I think I can really understand some of the things you are feeling, not from first hand but as a caregiver for my mother when she went through the experiences of breast cancer. You are so right, the thought is with you every day, and always the little thought of "is it all gone, is it coming back, what's going on in there..." I hadn't heard that expression- living in Pink- but how fitting. I don't think it is a thought that ever really goes away and that is difficult. But I think over time it does recede and become somewhat less of an overwhelming thought. You are not obsessing with it, it is a real thing that is there every day. It is the reality of cancer. Sounds like you are keeping positive and have a really good outlook. (I'm not very good at written expression, so I hope that what I am writing is coming across un-offensively! I always worry about it reading differently than how I mean it to sound.) Sounds like they are taking good care of you with the refills and all. I know, I can't believe the cost of Zofran! It would be interesting to know how much the actual cost of manufacturing the pill is. That's great that you are almost done the chemo! Yahoo! Good for you, that's a big part of it! And I'm so glad your daughter is able to come home soon. She'll feel so much better when she gets to see you and be involved in the action a little bit. Take care! Laura
  8. Hey Nina... hope you are still hanging in there. You've been having such an awful time, I hope things start to lift for you real soon. Laura
  9. Hi KLS! I've read your posts and have been waiting for answers too! I haven't had any experiences with phlebitis or with Chiari, but I was interested to see what others might have experienced. I'm sorry that you've felt badly because of this. I hope you'll stay with us and keep posting! Laura
  10. Blackwolf, that's great that you've gotten in so quickly. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but I hope it is going to better some things for you in a big way. I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way! Laura
  11. Hmm, weird. I just started having that happen as well. I have two moles that got itchy then started to bleed over the last couple of weeks. Guess I'll have to get them checked out, I've been avoiding the thought! Laura
  12. Blackwolf, Oh, I am so glad that they did the MRI!! I'm not glad that you have the cyst, but you've struggled so much with pain and mobility issues that I am really hoping the removal will improve things greatly for you! Wow. Keep us posted if you can on your appointment wednesday. Laura
  13. Hi Roselover, You've had such a tough time this last while. I hope your appointment helps you get set up with something that will provide relief. I sure hope you are able to go. Sounds like what you are doing now isn't working very well for you. Maybe Vanderbilt will have some different suggestions of things to try. Hang in there! Laura
  14. ( Hey Emily... golden syrup is I think called corn syrup in the USA )
  15. Happy birthday Persephone! All the best for you in the coming year! Laura
  16. Hi Jennifer! I don't do very well with walking, but manage much better with a recumbent bike. I tend to go by symptoms rather than heart rate (within reason), and my heart rate doesn't go as high with the bike as it does with walking. ( Hey Kite! I was just wondering yesterday how you were doing with your move. Glad things went OK! How are you liking your new spot?) Laura
  17. Good luck on Saturday Ernie! Sounds like an interesting conference. Have fun! Laura
  18. Emily, I'd been thinking of you and wondering how things were going. I hope stopping the Topamax will lift some of your symptoms. You've had such a difficult time. Hold on and keep pushing forward. Laura
  19. Morgan, Thanks for all of the posts you've given. You always have great information to share and keep things funny and in perspective. I'll be thinking of you while your in the hospital this week. (I'll just cross my eyes if that's ok! ) Laura
  20. Melissa, I think it would be a good idea also to type something up, date and mail it to your disability advocate. Just in case. Then you are covered if she really starts to come down on you. I also agree with Carmen about the button pushing. You don't know her teaching style or what she's like for now, maybe this is a test and she sees you as someone to make an example or point of. Maybe trying to let this go and leave her with her own opinions would be the best option for now. You need to be able to get through this class and unfortunately deal with this lady. Try not to let her words affect you, and she will have nothing further to work with. Take care of yourself and rest up! Laura
  21. Hi Chad, when you are feeling weird things and have concerns, make a visit and see your doctor. That's what they are there for...you! You are needing reassurance that everything is ok, and the only way to really get that is to be seen and examined. You will feel so much better after you are checked out. Take care and try not to worry too much. Laura
  22. Hi Chad. I have high BP and pulse when standing. I was told for me, it was because the blood pools in my legs when I stand, and my body compensates by raising blood pressure in attempt to force the blood back upwards. The heart is beating too fast to effectively pump the blood upwards, so the blood pressure steps up to try and compensate. Laura
  23. Gatorade should not have any affect on your bones. Carbonated drinks do though. The carbonation leeches calcium from your bones and disrupts calcium absorbtion. Pedialyte is a better choice of electrolytes, it has a higher electrolyte content, but it does cost more than gatorade. Laura
  24. Happy birthday to you Gwendolyn!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! Laura
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