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Everything posted by CallieAndToby

  1. Well nobody Is helping me. Unfortunately the small things I can do myself aren't helping. All my doctors have dropped me except PCP b/c it's complex. It started after I took a cancer medication that suppressed my immune system so I'm worried about an infection that popped up that was dormant. There is nobody is my city that knows anything. The ER doctors could've helped months ago but they told me I was "stressed" over the pandemic, in reality it's the severe autonomic dysfunction. According to my tilt table in 2010 (long time ago), the doctor didn't know what it was, does not fit POTS or hyper POTS.
  2. I have terrible bladder issues. Started when I was 6 years old, have it in my records. I think it's more of a bladder outlet obstruction kind of thing b/c the only that has helped me is rapaflo (an alpha blockers that lowers blood pressure), so I can't even take it.
  3. Hi everyone, I've been gone b/c of multiple seizures a day and in and out of ER. Now I got a good ER doctor that at least knew what pots was and by accident we figured out that tourniquets to my arms and legs brought blood flow back to my brain, at which point I literally woke up, but otherwise I can't even sit up. I'm completely bed bound and scared to sleep b/c I keep waking up gasping for air and feeling like I'm passing out. Every doctor has dropped me except my PCP and he has referred me via STAT to UAB. There are other problems, I have the blood cancer and my platelets are rising. My testosterone levels just came back majorly majorly abnormally high which could be adrenal hyperplasia or pcos. It's all a mystery but I'm waiting to hear from UAB. I'm not sleeping b/c I'm frightened. Nobody is giving me saline iv's. I drink water with salt tablets but it's getting me up to the bathroom constantly at which point I'm fainting, I really need to stay supine in bed. And drinking a lot causes my bladder to flare which then in turns keeps me from resting and sleeping. When I lose blood flow to brain, I have slurred speech, dragging legs and barely able to walk (they even thought it could be MS). My PCP referred to UAB autonomic clinic yesterday, does anyone know the turn around? I won't be on here much as it takes a lot of effort to type things and read, but my caretaker will probably sign up and chat with you guys. I've tried sleeping with legs propped but I can't sleep, my head starts hurting very badly and I feel weird and unable to sleep. I only have a very caring psychologist (therapist) and my PCP!!!!
  4. I needed sleep and took a tiny piece of klonopin this afternoon after receiving a saline infusion. I slept for hours. But I woke up severely sedated and it was a tiny piece and I'm used to taking way more. It seems like I'm just getting more and more sedated. I don't understand what's going on, this started with the cancer medication Jakafi. Also, last night I collapsed on the tile floor and had another seizure. My dog was trying to help me, it was miraculous what he was doing but nobody is listening.
  5. Yes I'm bed bound too and all doctors except my PCP have dropped me. I posted about the immune system and autonomic dysfunction but I'm too sick to continue research. I want to throw my hands up in the air.
  6. Guys we shouldn't blame ourselves for an eating disorder and we shouldn't blame ourselves for our health issues. I thought the Eating disorders I battled for 8 years was my fault and destroyed my health but it's not true. Looking back I showed signs of IC and dysautonomia at age 6. Maybe it's the other way around, health problems causing eating disorder. For me, in high school I started experiencing weird symptoms, bone pain, chronic itching, fatigue and falling asleep in class; then at 18 I woke up with tons of health stuff and eating disorder thoughts that came out of nowhere! I literally never had them before so I do think they're connected but I think something may be happening to the basal ganglia region of our brains that is out of our control. I am recovered from nearly a decade of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. I will not blame myself. I fought like heck to get better. I know the fight but I will not blame myself. Turns out I have rare chronic blood cancer, no way did an eating disorder cause that! No self blame. I just let it go. For me though I feel better not eating, when I eat I nearly fall asleep because my mom is a nurse and she said there are blood vessels in the stomach that have to work harder for us to digest food and it lowers our blood pressure and does things with blood circulation......etc. So to get through college I would fast. I only finished 2 years.
  7. First off, sorry to hear this. My bf said he had this and it ended up being an infection. I have terrible bladder pain associated with the dysautonomia.
  8. Yea I can't cook either. So sick and bad UTI. I'm relying on my mom, granola bars, bananas, and those Amy's meals you heat up. Sorry I don't have better suggestions.
  9. No problem. That last article is super excellent; it evens talks about treatment for bladder problems associated with dysautonomia, even etc stuff.
  10. I have terrible bladder problems and I get a lot of UTI's and the dang thing wakes me up throughout the night. It's terrible. I'm sorry. I get it.
  11. I have to take a small dose of Bystolic at night. It keeps my heart rate down. It's a beta blocker. I'm sorry it's that high, that's crazy.
  12. This is what I've been posting on Facebook and getting ridiculous responses...... I feel like this is the only place I can come and talk to people who know about medicine! "So I want to have an intelligent conversation. I tried posting in the cancer group and people were telling me diet and nutrition to fix all my health issues...... Please don't say that. So I have rare blood cancer that is chronic and I have genetic mutation jak2. Well I've had dysautonomia and IC/bladder problems since I was like 6 years old. Diagnosed with blood cancer last year at age 34. They put me on Jakafi, a jak2 inhibitor, an immunosuppressant that literally wiped out my white blood cells and made me sleep all the time. Finally a local oncologist had me wean down and took me off of it b/c my numbers were so low. After getting off of this medication, my dysautonomia and IC got SO BAD SO MUCH WORSE to the point that I can't hardly leave my bed. It's really really bad. So basically, suppressing my immune system made my other conditions worse, much worse, especially dysautonomia. Now my first thought was an infection. Jakafi is known for allowing infections to go wild or making you susceptible to infections but I think there is an underlying cause. Also ivig is really the only thing that has helped, and saline iv's and they won't give me either. I wanted to know what y'alls thoughts were concerning the immune system, possible infectious disease, infections, and a huge worsening in dysautonomia and Interstitial cystitis. I googled infectious disease and autonomic dysfunction and found this govn article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28730326/ ." Now I have since found an article about the relation b/w the immune system and dysautonomia. In this article it mentions chronic infections AND "bladder outlet obstruction", out of curiosity I looked BOO up and it fits me to a tee. I think that's what's going on as no IC treatment has helped. Now there are fixes and minor surgeries and it recommends the ONE THING THAT HAS HELPED MY BLADDER - alpha blockers. As I've mentioned before Rapaflo is the only thing to help my bladder but I can't take it because it lowers blood pressure, I found that out the hard way. "Importantly many commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals for management of otherwise seemingly unrelated diseases, including depression, hypertension, heart failure, asthma/airways disease, overactive bladder/bladder outlet obstruction, Alzheimer‐type dementia and glaucoma, mediate their effect by moderating the peripheral autonomic nervous system and therefore may contribute to, or mask, autonomic dysfunction." Also, " Suppression of chronic infections As the inflammatory reflex can be activated by pathogens, reports of individuals in whom chronic infections are ultimately identified as the stimulus for POTS are to be expected. Local epidemiology should be taken into account in selecting relevant investigations for occult infections. It may be worthwhile prescribing antivirals at suppression doses for patients experiencing frequent recurrences of herpes simplex virus. The last two come from an article: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imj.13216
  13. The people in Dallas denied my referral and the rude secretary said "you don't have autonomic dysfunction". It was crazy. The tilt table tests show it. But my case is quite complex. And wondering how she came to that conclusion based off of a referral and limited records.
  14. I don't have any veins just one and it's all scarred up so I'd have to Get a port. I think that's the issue with me.
  15. thanks that is the closest place to me I'm scared of mayo just b/c I've been 4 times starting at age 17 and they kept telling me to see psychiatrists but maybe now with the tilt table tests and the cancer, I won't get pushed aside
  16. I developed IC when I was just 6 years old, still have it worse than ever. Then somewhere I developed a rare chronic blood cancer called Essential Thrombocythemia and they don't know how to treat it except suppress the immune system, and upon doing that, I have gotten so sick with dysautonomia I can't leave my bed much. The dysautonomia started around 2008, I asked for a beta blocker and nobody listened they put me on zyprexa to knock me out and I ended gaining like 100lbs that I have since lost and it was brutal withdrawing from the zyprexa. Most of my life I was treated like a psych patient and I knew deep down all these conditions were connected and that they WEREN'T psychiatric. So I get concerned with other people going down that path. I went to a major medical facility and the first thing he told me was to see a psychiatrist and I refused, he got mad, but I had videos of me having seizures, movement disorder, severe fatigue I couldn't talk, other neurological things and my platelets tested 600,000 but he didn't look into it. Anyhow, I hope your daughter gets help.
  17. I do need the iv fluids. That would help! I've tried them only b/c my mom is a nurse. But neither my PCP or cardiologist will allow me to do it.
  18. I've been having a lot of stress lately. I'm stuck in a loop of needing medication to calm down, being fatigued, trying to go to Goodwill but starting to faint, and constantly going to the bathroom, trouble sleeping. How do y'all deal with stress? Right now I'm dealing with so much, on top of the dysautonomia I have blood cancer and IC, it's a deadly combo and all my doctors dropped me except my PCP. Vanderbilt told me to quit calling, lol, but man I'm desperate. One thing I will mention, hopefully somebody can answer this...... ? I was given Jakafi for my blood cancer and I'm genetically Jak2 positive. It was only supposed to regulate cytokines, help symptoms, and reduce platelets but it depleted me of white blood cells. While on this med for 3 months, I slept all the time. I was taken off of it and my dysautonomia has gotten really really bad, so much worse. So I'm thinking that destroying my immune system has something to do with the dysautonomia being so bad and this is when I started having autonomic seizures. Could there be an infection??? I just don't know. I've never seen an infectious disease doctor.. I don't know what happened but I went from swimming every day to now I take a bath and feel like passing out, eat something small and fall asleep. So they aren't giving me anything for the cancer, I'm not sure what to do at this point except I have a referral for Vanderbilt.
  19. Thank you! That's me! Appreciate your kind feedback. Hymns and carols are so special.
  20. Thank you so much David. This was a lot of work for sure! We all recorded at different times, then I had to mix it, make the video. But my grandfather cried when he saw it. I wanted to add bass but I was too tired and it honestly does not need it. Appreciate the kind words.
  21. I have the interstim, it was placed about 5 years ago. Thank you! I'm very tired now but I see this is valuable information.
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