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Everything posted by Mytwogirlsrox

  1. So was just thinking though, that Drs prescribe florinef for us potsys which has properties of both a mineralcorticoid and glucocorticoid http://www.rxlist.com/florinef-drug.htm So if you read about each corticosteroid you see that florinef has both properties of Salt and water retention (mineralcorticoid) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineralocorticoid#section_1 AND Anti-inflammatory properties (glucocorticoid) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glucocorticoid Makes me wonder if it helps a broad range of us POTSys because of it's dual nature. Anyway, I know it's not exactly what your talking about , but it triggered something in my little brain lol
  2. This would explain why my symptoms are gone when I'm on an SSRI. Also why my symptoms started after pregnancy and cessation of breast feeding! Such HUGE hormone & endo shifts. Ive always kinda felt like this is the case for me, since I grew up a healthy, active woman till pregnancy .
  3. I don't know, but I wonder the same. I generally have a large increase when standing, then normalize to 85 ish after 10-20 seconds ...
  4. Misstraci-- I have no idea if my pregnancies actually caused my POTS, I'm just guessing. I have always been normal, healthy, active until I had two 11lbs babies. My first pregnancy I had undiagnosed gestational diabetes, Pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome with a 29 hour labor resulting in a crash c/s. my second was unevetful but they almost killed me during the c/s the anesthesia floated up my spine and began to suppress my breathing and heart rate. However, I didn't have symptoms until jan of this year (1year after my second was born, but I was breast feeding through that year which could have help keep my blood volume up) who knows. I also have heard that really emotional situations and stress can cause autonomic dysfunction.. My 10 month old had a seizure and stopped breathing in the car while I was driving she had a horrible viral infection and hospitalization that was 2 months before my first pots episode. Very scary to say the least--- it left me with severe health anxiety.
  5. Thanks for replying Relax! Mind over matter,kinda. I'm glad your having a good moment. Bein optimistic is good for you, definitely. I really hope it's true that our put of balance bodies find their balance.
  6. I don't really know how to word this or if I really understand what I'm trying to ask, BUT here is goes... I really want to believe that my body will heal From POTS in time. So therefore I don't want to do anything that will prevent it from fixing itself. Sooo.. I decided to try an wean off my SSRI but my HR shot up to an uncomfortable number so I will try to stay on a low dose for longer. However, by using an SSRI am I preventing my body from Fixing itsself? I know there is a lot debate on the cause of POTS but in my heart I don't believe this is a big issue for me. I don't have a family history of anything abnormal, I happened to have two difficult pregnancies back to back and I almost died with each labor/ delivery. So I'm not surprised I have residual issues. Anyway, I just don't want to prevent my body from doing its job. What do yOu guys think? Am I way off Lol?
  7. My symptoms are coming back too... I just wanna see if I can manage with excercise etc.. I figure, it works so if I need to go back on, I will. We sound similar, I was 108 and crying that I couldn't gain weight now, I'm 120 and feeling chunky lol.. I'm not going to complain though, for awhile there I was soo upset that I cried and cried thinking something was horribly wrong with meand that's why I was so skinny.. Nope, guess I just wasn't enjoying all the foods I do now
  8. Benedryl maybe? Celexa really helped, I just weaned off it last week. My symptoms are back, but I wanna try going all nautrale .. I have gained weight, but I was trying too.. I lost 15-20 after my diagnosis
  9. I had issues with celexa when I took it at night, I was up all night I switched to the am and was able to sleep better. Have you thought about exercise during the day to help you sleep at night or melatonin or magnesium?
  10. I'm curious guys is there any signifance of relapsing/ remitting and chronic symptoms as far as etiology?
  11. http://scientopia.org/blogs/scicurious/2011/08/10/another-reason-those-antidepressants-might-not-be-working-taken-aspirin-lately/
  12. I read that NSAIDs affect cytokines and they basically cancel out SSRIs in rats
  13. I just get these weird visual phenominons ... You can search on google and see one someone made. I don't get anyother symptoms just the weird lights
  14. My heart rate it between 85 and 100 while standing and it doesnt really bother me, isnt it weird how we are all so different?
  15. I don't think there is any solid information to the question your asking which is frustrating to say the least. It so variable and depends on why you have it, which in turn isn't really well understood.
  16. I'm not sure if they're related to be honest, I'm really hoping its all related to the stress of being diagnosed... My cortisol was through the roof ... I know stress can cause a shedding 1-6 months after a stressful event I think it's called telegon effluvium
  17. I do know for a fact that I'm not hypothyroid and my lab values seem with in range for iron... But I did start a multi with iron just in case. I'm hoping that time will bring my hair back!!
  18. I'm so glad it slowed down. I started on biotin last week and iron multivitamin... Hopefully it will Slow it all down too.. Doesn't help that I lost a ton of hair after I had my baby, so it seems I started off a little more thinned out than normal
  19. I'm so glad to hear that your hair is healthy now. That gives me hope! I have started to wash it every other day with a dandruff shampoo (I heard on Dr radio that it helps reduce any inflammation if there is any and should help regrow hair) I just work out and my hair gets sweaty so I can't not wash it every other day, it gets gnarly looking.
  20. Oh yay! I have. New symptom, my hair is falling out and I have a noticeable thin spot right in the front. I don't have any hair loss issues in my family and I don't suspect it's allopecia. Im really hoping its from the stress of the last couple months. Since I was diagnosed in Feb I lost 15-20lbs, and had horrible physical anxiety symptoms all have resolved, but now I'm shedding my hair I hope it's not POTS thing ! I'm bummed I have beautiful long hair, and now it's broken and thinning I feel so vain
  21. Potluck-- how long have you been running? I just started 2 months ago ... I'm doing 2.5 miles 3x/week. My HR has improved, but I've started to trend down on my SSRI, but now my Hr is creeping back up. I'm hoping I can lower it some more with more vigorous exercise... I don't believe I have anything but plain ole pots, and so far exercise hasn't been a real issue i would love a 10 bpm decreas, like you! If you don't mind me asking, how fast are you running your 8 miles?
  22. Something like laying on a tilt table for 6 hours for 4 days while they do emg, dopplers etc while injecting different stuff in your legs .... Eeeek!
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