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Everything posted by lloppyllama

  1. Wow thats wonderful! Thats deffinetly something i have a feeling a great deal of the people here would be interested in, thanks for sharing, and way to go, thats a wonderful thing your doing!
  2. Thanks, I have had an emg in the past, and the doc said i did very well with handleing the pain....it was funny he said that most people by now (it was like the second "poke") have already tried to punch him several times, i just laughed. I have an appointment coming up next week after the x-ray and will ask about it then. thanks for the help!
  3. Do you know if a back x-ray would be able to show that??? Because i am having one on thurdsay to see whats up, but would never compression show up even?
  4. For a while now i have been having pain down the bicep muscle in both arms. I was just wondering if anyone else had this or knew what it was or was from. My only guess is that its the vein that runs down the arm there, and when my BP is high from my heart pumping to hard from net getting enough blood, it causes pain. Any tips on how to get rid of this? Thanks, Mary
  5. Morgan, Do you think that it could be something like RLS, restless leg syndrome? Because if what you explain is like a creepy crawly sensation than that could be a posibilty. I dont know what the heat would be though, but i get weird hot sensations in my left foot that i cant figure out either.
  6. Awesome, thanks for the help, i will look into it and see if its worth persuing!
  7. Melissa, what ditergents in particular are you thinking are good and/or bad?? Juse curious to maximize the life of my stockings, thanks!
  8. Just the other day i had been doing alot of traveling in the car, and all of a sudden when i stopped moving my left foot, it felt like hot water was being poured into it, and then it was like a burning sensation. I dont know why it was like this, but it was painful and strange. I will ask my doc about it next thursday (not tomorrow) and i will let you know what i find out. Because even though yours was cold its still simular to a degree.
  9. Happy forth of July to all of you as well! I hope everyone has a good day and enjoys all the fun treats and extras that come along with it!
  10. Hello welcome to the board!! I have some issues with anxiety, i just tend to over think about alot of things and dwell on them. Since getting sick i have really just had to learn how to let things go, and just not worry, because as much as you may think about it, it really isnt going to change what happened, or what is going to happen. I have to try and just leave it in gods hands and trust that he will watch over me. Good luck with the dizziness, and again welcome!
  11. I went through a long rough strech of having bad headache/migraines everyday. I was put on alot of acute medications, which none worked, also alot of preventative meds, which also didnt work. Now that i have been put on a BB they have improved alot, i still always have a small mild headache, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. Also i will get bad ones about 4 times a week but they usually only last about an hour or a little more. Another thing is that when i have a bad migraine i will increase salt and fluids and once i get my blood volume up it starts to help me feel better aswell. I dont have alot of advice for you, but i know how you are feeling. Are you on any BB, or is your BP more of the issue, not HR? Hope you start to feel better soon! ~Mary~
  12. I'm happy to hear you have found another doctor to help you out. Though like sunfish said there needs to be a balance between getting overly optomistic and just being happy and hopeing for the best. I think that its always good to just get another set of eyes and ears on board, because everyone will have different oppinions, whether or not they are ones you choose to follow is entirely up to you. So i think its great to go into it with a good posotive attitude, but just make sure you are aware that this is a tough illness to treat and that they may not have much to offer. Best of luck!!!! ~Mary
  13. Wow thats great! I'm glad you finally found something that works!
  14. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!

  15. Hmm I had a sweat test done a few months back and it was not fun. I'm not sure if yours was or not but I was put in this small room that had a bunch of heaters in it (im rather clostrophobick (sp) so the small room didnt help wiht my nerves) plus it was sooooo hot omg i thought i was going to pass out!!!! I dont know if your body was just reacting like that from being so overheated, or maybe it was an alergic reaction to the powder??? Hmm im really not sure, that is quite odd. I hope your "buzzing" feeling goes away soon!! Good luck, you'll be in my prayers.
  16. Thank you very much, I apprechiate all your help and perspective greatly!
  17. Thank you, doctorguest and Megan, since i was awake it wasnt a seizure then, which is a relief! Thank you for your help, i will look into syncope and presyncope so that i can learn more information on that and see if thats what was going on. Thank you again!
  18. My allergies are more environmental....like grass, dust, mold.....pretty much just nature....lots of plants and just being outside....however that hasnt stoped me from going outside when i am healthy!!!
  19. I have noticed that when a large front is coming through, I tend to get worse, perhaps it is becuase of the pressure changes, but im not sure. But yes like today it is raining for me, and i just feel awful, i have either been laying or bed or sitting here at the computer in my chair where i dont have to hold up my head. Hope you feel better soon!
  20. Thats a great idea! I will have to use that! Thanks for sharing!!
  21. Thanks everyone for all the replies! Angela, the jabbing pain i get in the back is like on the side of my shoulder blade, so yes that probably is the same as yours then. It could very well be that i am overdoing it, i have been alot more active these last few days, becuase my sister is visiting, thats probably it. So i guess i just need to get some more rest in then. Its so strange when you can like feel your hearbeat in your entire body, and see it beating too! I deffinetly will let my doctor know, just because it was really freaking and like seemed as if i was having a heart attack! Thanks again for all the help guys!!!
  22. Yes i agree with mon4cem becuase vitamen A is very bad for you if you get too much! However i do agree wiht you that trying new things is always a good idea when we are stuck in a rut like this, with no actual cure! Good luck, let us know how it goes!
  23. I think that what happens is when we are moving are blood vessles are constricting more from the muscles being very active, and that takes energy, however our blood circulates better there for at the time we feel good, but once we go sit down they stop constricting and we feel very week, then the blood pools and causes tachycardia since the brain and heart arent gettnig enough blood. Not sure if thats right or not, but it makes sence to me....however the brain fog may be interfiering with that...LOL Hope your doing better soon!
  24. Wow thats wonderful!!! I am very happy for you! I hope that it does last, because that is a wonderful improvement!! Congrats!
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