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Everything posted by misstraci

  1. Quick question. Which cold and which allergy OTC drugs are safe to take if you are currently taking an SSRI (lexapro)? I've had a bad "cold" the past few days and the congestion is really bad. Not sure which ones are safe to take and which work the best. Thanks for the feedback as always!! Traci
  2. I agree, you are strong and can fight this **** I often feel the "i can't do this anymore" feeling but then I want to live so bad, I just have to keep pushing through trying to figure it all out. I'm really sorry you passed out. Was anyone there for you? I hope that you feel better now and that it doesn't ever happen again!!! Traci
  3. my goodness, I'm so sorry to everyone that you go through this on a daily basis. here is my list: lightheadedness dizziness head pressure heart palpitations fast heartrate low blood pressure brain fog/weirdness "off"/out of it feeling adrenaline surges
  4. Thank you so much. That is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted an idea of what others had been tested for so if I need to ask for something or suggest we get screened for this or that. I've had my TTT, MRI, basic CBC blood work, my lyme test was fine.....I don't remember what else right now
  5. lieze, thank you. katybug, i also get the fast heartbeat with mine as well.
  6. haha Lieze, you're funny! You could get a cow I don't have any good suggestions but I just wanted to say you made me laugh. Is there anyway that you could drive to the store and allow a child or friend to run in for the milk? I know that couldn't be an option for every single time I guess but maybe sometimes.
  7. I apologize because this similar question gets posted a lot I'm sure but I'm going to ask anyways instead of trying to use the search box and weed through bunches of posts. I have an upcoming neurologist appointment in early December. Those of you who see a neurologist for your dysautonomia, what are some tests they run or have ran on you? What other tests unrelated to dysautonomia did they perform to rule out other issues? Thanks Traci
  8. Wow Ernie my goodness! That is both a good and bad thing. I'm sorry you all have this awful condition but to know others so close to you that know what you are going through and can listen and understand you, I bet it feels good to not feel so alone.
  9. thanks Tarastomsgirl, it makes me feel better to know you guys know what I'm talking about. I still feel awful but I'm a little less scared now, thank you. I seriously felt like I was about to die.
  10. lieze, thanks for such a quick reply. Do you think that sounds like an adrenaline surge for real? I have always wondered what those were. I'm sorry your driving situation is like mine. It's rough, I don't think it's anxiety for me but i'm scared i may have some epileptic thing going on because a lot of times, I get very symptomatic while driving, i'm not sure if its motion, lights, etc that set it off.
  11. I thought of a good way to explain, at least for me it feels similar. If you hold your arm straight up in the air above your head for about a minute or two, the way your arm feels is how my whole body felt
  12. I normally ride with someone to work but I had to go in early this morning and so I drove alone. I work about 25 miles from work and the drive started fine and out of nowhere while driving on the interstate, this sensation engulfed my body. I can only explain it as I felt like I was going to pass out but to be more detailed it felt like a hot, rush, tingle, feeling shoot from head to toe. It stayed for what seemed like forever, I'm sure it was only a minute or two but it sure felt like forever. I started to pull over but I didn't. It went away and I was so thankful but it really shook me up, especially because I was in the car and driving and what would happen if I passed out behind the wheel. I was still shaking once I got to work. What was that feeling that I experienced? Have you ever felt something like that before?
  13. Hi. I've also wondered about the adrenalin surges. I've never gotten an answer from anyone but to me, the feeling in question that might be "adrenaline surge" is the same feeling one gets when they've just been scared or freaked out about something. My whole body "drops" and feels shocked, it's hard to explain but it happens every so often throughout the day and i'm not sure what it is. Good luck, I hope someone can respond to this.
  14. lightheadedness, weird head pressure, and an "out of it" feeling which some may call Brain fog, not sure
  15. I've had several brain mris with contrast while i've been sick but before a formal diagnosis and have not had any side effects, reactions, worsening of my dysautonomia symptoms or anything like that.
  16. I also have a really high abnormal ANA results. I was sent to a rheumatologist who told me that a lot of young females have an elevated ana and more than likely it means nothing. He did not do any further testing but lectured me about nutrition (because I'm very tiny AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN) but he doesn't know that and apparently doesn't believe me, i'm sure he just thought i was anorexic or something. He was telling me what to eat and to eat all this meat and stuff
  17. alicia..... what exactly is meinere's? I don't think my eyes actually move. naomi...what is mcs? todd... that's funny. i think part of me panics and still does because it scares me. I've never completely passed out and I', scared of doing so. Have you? lacey... that doesn't sound crazy, it sounds all too familiar
  18. Hi, thanks for writing. I feel like this often but the intensity varies. Sometimes it's way worse than others. Do you feel like this a lot?
  19. I have a really hard time describing my symptoms and feelings sometimes but I think I've came up with how to describe something that I experience. If you have ever been put to sleep for a procedure or surgery, I hope you can relate and understand this. Please tell me. Right when you are given the sedative, at the moment where you go from being awake to "going under". It's like your eyes roll back and your head spins and gets this weird sensation. That is how I feel a lot BUT I'm awake, I never completely black out but I usually just say "i'm lightheaded" or something but its like my head is spinning and i'm about to pass out, etc. Do you know what I'm talking about or ever feel this way?
  20. I've never heard of him. When I called Piedmont and asked the same thing, they told me that Dr. Dan Dan was the guy to see and I did. My appointment was disappointing. I felt like he told me everything that I already knew and didn't offer anything new and better. He said I had to understand that I had a chronic illness and learn to live like that. Exercise of course was a top thing he suggested. He said to do midodrine which I still have not started taking, that is my absolute last resort, I don't like the thought of raising my blood pressure like that. I'm curious to see if anyone knows good things about Dr. Silverman too?!!
  21. thank you to those who answered my pregnancy related question
  22. thank you. the loop recorder is very interesting to me. I'm glad that it's a quick and fairly painless procedure, etc. if a heart rhythm abnormality is suspected, is that the only time they'd suggest one you think? What about not knowing the reasons for pre-syncope/syncope episodes?
  23. oh ok. and yes, that would be my luck for nothing to happen during those days but here lately, it would most definitely catch something. thanks
  24. I had a holter monitor a long time ago before POTS but was curious if anyone of you have had either an event monitor or a loop recorder? I was thinking about asking about it at my next appointment. I know that the loop recorder is implanted, is that right? How is the event monitor done?
  25. you guys have some good ideas. i only had a trial of klonopin but it helped me to feel better. maybe i could see about getting some more of that
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