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Blood Work For Pots


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I just went to have blood drawn following a dr's appointment earler this week. I've had lots of blood tests since my diagnosis and usually they take 1 or 2 vials, including when I went to Mayo. Well, this time they took 5 whole vials!! Has anyone ever had this much blood taken? I was a little freaked out b/c I once almost fainted as a teenager after having blood drawn, but so far I'm feeling OK...fingers crossed...

The dr said that he had been reading up on POTS and wanted to test for some things, and I'm wondering what could he be testing for? I should've asked. I wish I still had the order sheet from the dr, but turned it into the lab. I'm sure I will get the results eventually, but just thought I'd ask.

As long as I'm feeling OK, I'm not complaining about the test and am happy to have any more info - even tho I am sure all the tests will come back "normal", as usual... :)

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the only clear test I have heard of and have read about is the supine and standing blood work for the average doc to order.

BUT HAVING IT DONE PROPERLY IS KEY. Dr. G did not put strict directions on the test but my local doctor did.

I was put in a private room in a bed for 30 minutes, in low light, alone, no tv, no radio no talking. And a phlebot drew my blood. Then I stood 15 minutes and she drew it again (she was very good, NO PAIN to give a false high reading though usually the pinch will just boost it a bit)

My levels tripled in 15 minutes. Here is a cut and paste from DINET on another page. Hope this helps. Oh, if you are not QUIET and relaxed before standing, the test will be useless.

Oh, I have done the urine test but the supine and standing blood work is better from all I have read. :)


A catecholamine test is sometimes given to patients suspected of having chemical abnormalities. Testing one's levels of catecholamines and their metabolites is also useful in detecting certain tumors, such as pheochromocytoma. Some POTS patients will have abnormal catecholamine levels, particularly norepinephrine levels. Norepinephrine is the main chemical messenger of the sympathetic nervous system, and is often elevated in POTS patients. A physician can determine one's total catecholamine levels through analysis of their blood or urine.

The blood test is quite simple. The patient will have to lie quietly for a period of time (usually around 30 minutes) before their blood is drawn. Some doctors believe a more accurate reading is gained if an intravenous line is placed in the patient's arm before the resting period. This is because the fear and pain associated with needles may induce a rise in catecholamines that could obscure results.

Other doctors will use the 24-hour urine catch method to determine catecholamine levels. The patient is given a container to collect their total urine volume over a 24-hour period. The container is then returned to the physician and catecholamine levels are assayed.

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the supine and standing cat test is standard at most ANS clinics. So they did not do that with all those blood vials on you.

but I often feel puny after just a couple vials being drawn.

I stuck with the GF diet 6 or 7 weeks but noticed NO neurlogical/brain fog or pain improvements so I stopped.

Never DID have gut issues so I went off of it.....AND it was too much work and THINKING ahead in a house where my room mate does not eat that way...so wasn't worth the energy since it did nothing.

Good luck getting a cats test...it is one of the hallmarkers for POTS.

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There are actually quite a few blood tests that can be done for POTS to check vitamin levels, look for antibodies, check enzymes, etc. My sister went to the doctor for POTS today and had 7 vials of blood taken for different tests. I recently had 14 vials taken at one time to check everything from TSH, to enzymes, to iron levels, to things I didn't even understand!

I hope Mayo was able to help you.


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Rachel, I think you're right - I think I'm just being tested for a random bunch of things. As for the catecholamine test, I need to look over my paperwork for Mayo. For some reason I don't think I had it there. If I haven't had it, I don't think I will try to get it at this point. My POTS diagnosis is pretty clear, and while I'd love to have more info, I don't think it would be worth traveling to do it..don't think it would have much impact on my treatment anyway...

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only thing i can think of right now is checking for vitamin deficiencies (i seem to keep finding more vitamins necessary all the time... going in to get blood drawn to test for Mg def. Friday and already taking K as well as a multivitamin and Na of course). why don't you call and ask the nurse?

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You can always request copies of your records from Mayo. Then you can look for yourself to see what exactly they tested. That may be helpful in the future, too, if a doctor asks, "Have you had ______ checked?" It is also helpful to be able to compare blood test results incase something changes in the future. I know that my blood work has changed over time.


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Mayo did give me a report with all of my test results. It is in the closet somewhere, so I have to look for it! I doubt I had the catecholamine test b/c I just remember having one regular blood dr...but I do want to double check...

I'd rather not call the dr since this isn't urgent and I already asked a zillion questions at my last appointment. :P I'll ask for a copy of the report and post back if I find anything interesting! :P

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