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Please Help Flop

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Katien,Thanks for all the updates,please give Flop my love, Pat

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Continued well wishes to you Flop--- please continue to keep us posted on her health and possible hospital romance--

what a wonderful thing and I am sure it brightens the day some to have such an unexpected visitor and flowers too--ROMANCE OR FRIENDSHIP- wonderful

Katie- you have been a dear friend to visit her, as well as keep everyone posted.

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Flop is out of hospital and on her way to relax back at her mums! She is feeling better and looking forward to getting home.

The results came back from the MRI showing no signs of a stroke, epilepsy or any other nasties, the bad news was that the neurologist she saw was an absolute idiot who didn't believe pots exsists and waned her refering to a psychologist!!! But hay, at least shes getting out!

Thank you to everyone who has posted and I am sure that she will be on here herself just as soon as she can!

Hope that you are all well, getting back on here has reminded me how good it is and I must make time to post myself more often.

Healthy thoughts to you all,

Katie x

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Good news, as Katie said they have let me home this morning and I have just arrived at my parent's house where I can recuperate with Mum fussing round me. (My Mum has been sick with worry about me and has lost weight over the last week - so please pray for her to regain her strength. I hate what this disease does to those close to you).

I'm really tired after my journey home so am going to rest now. I will post details when I can for those of you who have asked what happened to me.

Thank you all so much for your messages of support - Katie brought them in with her daily and it was so good to hear them.

Best wishes to anyone else who's in hospital,

Flop x

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Hi Flop,so good to hear from you,hope you are feeling better.Love to you and your Mum,take care of each other! Be well Love Pat

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Welcome home, Flop. It is so wonderful to hear that you are home and recovering. :D

I will be praying for your mother's strength that it will return quickly. When someone is in the hospital, all the loved-ones run on adrenaline and then collapse after. My grandfather is in the hospital today down in Florida, and when I talk to family members, I remind them to take it easy on themselves, too. They always make themselves sick, and we end up in this weird rotation of illness. :)

It must feel great to be back in your own environment. So... how's that romantic emergency techician? (*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*)

Just kidding! :D

Take care of yourself. It's good to have you back!

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Welcome home! I'm so glad to hear that you are home now and can recoup there. I'm also glad to hear that the MRI came back looking good. It sounds like you are in good hands with your mum. :)

I'm sorry to hear that you had a run-in with a dr. who didn't believe POTS exists....frustrating!

Take care!!


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hi katie,

great to see you back on the forum! glad everything went well with the baby, sounds like you are coping fantastically. are you enjoying being a mummy?

Hey flop,

Are you a chester gal aswell? glad you are out of the hospital, are you feeling better now? bloody neurologists i got sent to a psycologist (sp?) too. did they find out what caused the reaction? or the fits?

Hope you are taking it easy and feeling good - well good ish!

love and hugs

becks x x x

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