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Please Help Flop

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Hi all

I've not posted on here for some time as I have been a bit busy with my new baby but today I'm posting on behalf of Flop. I hope you guys can help!

I've just been to visit her after surgery yesterday and things aren't going quite as well as hoped. The actual op went fine, on the ENT side of things she is doing well. She is even doing well from a POTS point of view too and is up and about on the ward. Problem is somewhere along the line there has been a reaction causing stroke like symptoms. She has had several fits and initially the doctors suspected a stroke though a reacent scan has proved inconclusive. She is now waiting for an MRI hopefully tomorrow to shed some more light on whats happening and is left with little feeling and movement in her left hand (and just to make matters worse she's left handed!!) At present the doctors haven't a clue whats gone on as she has not suffered anything like this before so I'm on here hoping that one of you may have some idea as to whats going on. Has anyone else been through similar?

If anyone has any ideas or would like to send any messages to Flop please let me know. I will be visiting her tomorrow afternoon (UK time) and will be online in the morning.

Thanks all, I'm sure she'll be online herself just as soon as she can.


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Hi, Katie:

I'm sorry - I don't know what could be causing Flop's post-operative symptoms.

Please tell her that she is in my thoughts and prayers that the doctor's will soon figure this out and help her feel better soon!

Thank you for posting with Flop's status. I've been wondering how she is doing. How frustrating this must be for her.

BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh Katie,

Thank you for letting us know about Flop. I wish I had medical advice for her...I don't. I will just pray that this condition is a temporary inconvenience. Please let her know I am thinking about her, praying for her and sending good wishes across the pond.


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Thank you so much for the swift replys. I'm going to look up the hemiplegic migraines now.

I will pass all of your thoughts onto her tomorrow, I know that she has been feeling quite down today and I am sure that all of your messages will really help!

Lets see how many well wishes we can get in the next few hours to really cheer her up tomorrow!!

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Please tell Flop, I am thinking about her ,and will say an extra prayer for her tonight.Also will you give her a big hug for me,keep us posted Love, Pat

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Hullo Katie! How nice of you to go and visit Flop. Thought I would chime in here as I get hemiplegic migraines which can affect my movement. The classic sign of a hemiplegic migraine is impaired movement or feeling in an eyes/hand/foot/arm/leg in any combination but usually on one side- hence the reason it's often confused with stroke. It can also impact on speech. I slur my words like a proper drunk when I get a bad one.

They are virtually always reversible, though the weakness can linger for a good 6 weeks for me at times. Tell her to try and not worry- if her scans don't show stroke, that's a very good sign.

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I will be praying for you!


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I'm still sending prayers your way. just wanted to mention that I've had headaches where my left arm is numb, tingly and a bit slow. It always passed in a few days. Hope your problem is as benign. Get better.



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Thanks everyone for the kind messages.

I visited Flop again today and she is doing much better. Shes had the bandages off her nose and all is well there. She is starting to get movement back in her hand now but is still not sure whats wrong. Hopefully tomorrow she will see the neurologist and get the MRI scan she is waiting for and get some answers.

I know that all of your messages are really helping so a big thank you from both of us.

I will be visiting again tomorrow afternoon so keep thoses messages coming!

Healthy wishes to you all

Katie x

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Thank you so much for updating us, Katie. It's good to hear that the surgery itself went well!

I am still thinking of and praying for you, Flop! Keep your spirits up. They'll figure this all out soon, and you'll be right as rain... well rain in a POT at least :huh:

BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just read the message and was heartsick for you!

We are all pulling for your quick recovery - hope they get to the bottom of your problems quickly.

So sorry this happened... I was so confident you would do well that I didn't look back on the web - so best wishes belatedly.

Thinking of you with concern and sending positive thoughts,


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Hi all

Once again a massive thank you for all of your messages.

I called in to see her today and unfortunately she seems a little worse. The movement in her hand as become dificult again and her POTs has returned just to make matters worse! She has had the MRI scan and was waiting for the results and to see the neurologist this afternoon. The good news was though that the stroke doctor doubts very much that it was a stroke and the problems with her hand are more likely to have been caused by the fits following surgery. I haven't heard from her this evening which probably means she will be in all over the weekend so if anyone has any more messages please add them on as I will probably visit her again tomorrow.

To look on the bright side though, it seams an ambulance driver has taken a shine to her, he visited the first day with a massive bunch of flowers, was there yesterday when I visited and just as I was leaving today he was on his way in again! It looks like a hospital romance may be happening!!

Corina, thanks for asking about me and the baby. We're both doing well thanks. I had three pots free months but unfortunately it has gradually returned over the last two, though in no way as bad as before I was pregnant. I had a wonderful pregnancy and although I am sick, being a mother is the most wonderful thing! I know there are some of you out there that would like kids but are concerned about doing it with pots and I would say go for it! Okay, I may not be able to keep up with the other mothers but we have fun in our own way! Visiting Flop is a pleasure, she did the same for me after my c-section... thats what friends are for! Anyway, William enjoys the bright lights in the hospital!

Thanks again everyone and keep those messages coming!


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Please send my best wishes to Flop, I am sorry she is not doing so well, hope she feels better soon.

I am quite new to the Forum, so she may not know me, but I just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers.

Take care Flop

Liz B xx

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