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I Found Out Why I Got Pots

Guest dionna

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okay... shortly after boot camp and mct i started fainting. well a family member told me that i never should have been allowed in the marine corps anyway because i am too puny! and that i was even told by her to not go in! she said that the reason i started fainting is because i was told i was going to IRAQ! that POTS is just all in my head and was a way to keep me from going to war and being shot at! that it is stress that makes me think i am sick and that if i just ignore it--- i will be cured. she also said that if i went to her chiropractor then he would cure me the first day but he is too booked to take any more patients at this time. so i asked her why others got sick because civilians got sick too. some were even born with it. she said that those were really sick people but that i wasn't. so what am i supposed to say to that? i just dropped it. i didn't want to add more STRESS!

well if i was afraid of going to Iraq, i am out now and have been almost a year. so please someone tell me why i am still fainting. any suggestions on that? thank you for letting me share.

dionna :)

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wait a min ....wait ur family member told you that you dont have pots becasue your were afraid did you have a tilt table test? were you actually diagnosed with pots by a doctor? did the doctor tell you it was all in your head? that doesnt make sence unless you were never actually diagnosed int he firstr place did you just have anxiety attacks ? or were you actually getting elevated heart heart rate only from laying to standing?

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well family members definately don't react the way we think they are going to. You are totally entitled to your fear of going to Iraq, who wouldn"t.

As far as your Pots, maybe your family member should realize that most stressful situations bring out the worst in us.. Good luck with that



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Um, yes... and she's what kind of medical professional to be able to diagnose you :) a medical doctor of some sort, yes? Or is she an "arm chair physician" --that is she sits from her special reclining chair and proclaims her knowledge even though she's not a doctor? ;)


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I'm sorry your dealing with this on top of your illness. Lack of support from your family is very difficult. Hang in there and know we all support you. I know it's hard, but ignore your "family" member. We don't chose them, remember that. It's no fault of yours you faint!

You have chosen friends that will help you through this, not to mention your man. :)

Take care,

Amber (((HUGS)))

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actually i wanted to go to iraq. if i didn't then i wouldn't have joined. we were already over there. i got to my company with OIF III, that is when i was given the orders, which was after i had started fainting. i have been given 2 tilt table tests- the first i fainted on and was told i had ncs and pots, the second i didn't faint but it was with dr. goldstein at nih and he as well told me that i had POTS and that it was not all in my head. i also fainted on a stress test and my blood pressure crashed then. i did see 4 different mental health doctors and all of them said that i was just fine and that it was not all in my head. i tried to explain that to her but she didn't listen. so the rest of my family is now listening to her and they are starting to question me. i am outraged! she has no degree in anything. she has had a lot of medical problems and has seen many doctors but hasn't had any type of thing dealing with her autonomic nervous system. just cancer type things.

to begin with the doctors said that it was all in my head but that is because all of their tests came up just fine. my eeg was a little off but i fainted on a 72 hour eeg test and it showed that i was unconcious when i fainted. then a few months later i had my first ttt. then the medical professionals had proof that i wasn't faking it. my officers knew that i wasn't and were outraged that some doctors did tell me that. they had seen me pass out many times and injure myself. they even had a sgt go with me to every appointment to make sure that the doctors didn't just laugh in my face any more.

she thinks pots is a mental thing. that stress caused pots for everyone that has it except those that were born with it, but that those people only get symptoms when they are stressed. the cure to pots just so that you all know, get rid of your stress and get rid of pots... according to her thinking.

thank you all for understanding and reassuring me.

dionna :)

i forgot to mention, i was telling my dad what she said about the chiropractor and he told me that wouldn't be a bad idea if it just a nerve thing. he is hung up on the vagus nerve thing he heard about on csi. he is always telling me that there is a cure i just need to find the right doctor that knows what that is because

some where there is a doctor that fixes pots every day. don't we all need to find that such doctor?

how do i explain to them what pots is? how do i keep telling them that they are wrong? frustrating! :)

dionna :)

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I can understand your frustration. I had to deal with that kind of reaction for so many years and even now sometimes I still get some of it.

I would say that if according to her hypothesis stress is the cause of POTS then get rid of her and you'lll be cured! No seriously, you don't need to hear hurtful comments like that. I think she is jealous of the attention you are getting so she is trying to minimize you condition by saying that you are faking or it's all in your head.

I still have to walk around with my medical file to prove that I am not faking fainting and it's been 3 years that I have a diagnosis. My TTT is the most powerful proof that I have on board. It shuts everyone up.

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Well that really stinks when family is not supportive. You should direct her to this website and then let her think what she wants...... Don't let it get the best of you, it's not worth the added stress. I wish we all lived by eachother so we could give eachother hugs when needed.

Hang in there girlie


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sorry you are going through this. When "friends" don't support us, well, it's hurtful, but you're not stuck with them.

Does she have some other gripe against you that she is using this as an excuse to ridicule you?

No one needs to accept abuse from anyone. I wouldn't bother trying to educate her. It probably won't work, and be perceived by her as you grovelling for her acceptance. Even if it her accusations were true, for someone to come along and make you feel worthless and invalid is abusive. I would try to keep distance.

I hope this didn't come out as too strong, just really feeling your pain now.


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