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Do Beta Blockers Cause Hair Loss?

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Have you had your thyroid checked?

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Wow, now it make at least more since why I have lost some hair. I didn't know what ot was from, but some of the meds I am on cause hair loss. Good topic!

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I lost hair while on and off beta blockers. I think it was actually worse when I was off of them but in my first year of having POTS. It is very possible that metabolic changes associated w/ POTS -- especially if you've experienced weight loss -- could contribute to this, as could hormone fluctuations that could be related to POTS.


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I lost alot of hair when on beta blockers. I had most of the thinning happening to my bang area and around my ears. After I was taken off the betablockers (they had no effect for me) my hair gradually started coming back in. :angry: oh, they did all the usual bloodwork at the time: thyroid, iron levels etc. All normal.

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Guest dionna

ya'll are kidding me. i play with my hair all the time and i thought that was causing it to thin out. i wear my hair to the best i can so you can't tell. okay my entire week is ruined. i am anemic and i was on beta blockers.

dionna :angry:

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i lost almost half of my hair last year but it had nothing to do with beta blockers as i wasn't on them at the time. for me it was likely malnutrition as i also lost over 30lbs at the time very quickly (and without trying). thankfully i had REALLY thick hair to begin with so it wasn't noticable to most people; the thinning/loss was evenly spread out.

the malnutrition became a non-issue around the same time i started on a beta-blocker (though a very small dose) due initially to meds that kicked my GI tract in for awhile & now to being on TPN (IV nutrition). the hair loss/thinning that i had hasn't grown back per se but it stopped. thus my hair is much thinner than it used to be, aka a ponytail holder wraps around twice as many times, but no complaints.

many years back i actually lost all of my hair...yes, i was bald for a short time....from a combination of viral meningitis and/or a very unusual reaction to short-term IV steroids. when it started growing back in then my nickname was "fuzzy wuzzy" as in the "fuzzy wuzzy was a bear" kids' song; i was coaching kids under ten at the time :P

while i know first hand the stress of losing hair, i'd give mine up in a second if it would improve my health otherwise. i'd much rather be healthy & hairless than in my current state. eh well. as it stands though i'm currently growing mine out to donate it to Locks of Love (for the second time). i can't volunteer &/or work with kids in other ways these days so i figure the least i can do is give someone my locks.

and yes, i know that i got WAY off topic....

:angry: melissa

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Guest Julia59

I've been on beta blockers for over 16 years now. I didn't notice my hair thinning at all until the last couple of years----and i'm not even sure it's thinning. It just seems thinner. I have very fine hair, and it really bulks up when I curl it---or have a perm. I never perm it anymore, so I have to curl it---or it's flat.

I also have hypo-thyroid hashemotos disease----Never noticed it affecting my hair. Never noticed any symptoms---period. It was found by accident during routine testing when I went to the gyno for my yearly exam. The nurse practioner thought it wise to run the blood work since it ran in my family. I was treated right way with synthroid, and my thyroid levels have been stable ever since. But my ANTI-TPO levels are really high---1,600 something.......

And Melissa----I'm notorious for getting off subject here---or just plain babbling in circles....trying to fix that now--- :(:(:P No need to worry around me..........LOL

Julie :0)

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I have also noticed increased thinning of hair,especially recently. I am on two meds from the article Nina put up that can cause this and never thought about that before. I wasn't sure what was causing it, but it has been worse since starting the second med. a month ago. :) Thanks for the topic.

Sunfish- Melissa

You, are such an amazing person. With everything you are going through, you are still giving to others in so many ways. There are so many wonderful people here on this forum. :)

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