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Pregnancy Update


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I just wanted to give you all an update. I have 35 days to go and the excitement is getting greater by the day. I saw my gyny last week. She is doing fantastic. She weights 2.2 kg now and has turned already. Everything looks good and I am scheduled for my C.Section on the 23 May 2006. Doctor says it would be madness to put me through normal birth, as I can't have an epidural. He feels it will be better for my health to have a C.Seciton I just don?t know if its under anaesthetics of spinal something yet. My Cardiologist and him will be discussing the options before I go into hospital. Just say a pray for me as the next few days I have so much planned. If she comes early all my plans fall flat. Not that I would not mind, but you know us potsy people never stop. I am writing exams soon and have allot of work to finalize before I leave on maternity leave. I guess God has chosen her birth date already so time will teach me. I am very excited and can?t wait to hold her in my arms. :)

With regards to pregnancy. CAN?T WAIT TO GET IT OVER! :)

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yeah Ling!!

I know you've got to be beyond excited!! Not long to go now.. and you be holding that beautiful baby girl!!

I'm so happy for you!!



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Good luck for the next few weeks i will be thinking of you!! I don't think we have spoke before but I am also pregnant (though only 12 weeks) so I've been following your journey quite closely!! You have been an inspiration so far and i will definately be keeping my fingers crossed for you on 23rd May! I know things will be really hecktic for you after the birth but if you do get a spare minute then it would be great to hear how you get on! Although a spare minute is probably something that you wont have for quite some time!!

Heres to a simple birth, healthy baby and a speedy recovery!

Take care


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You are so close to being a mom, I bet it's tough to wait these next few weeks! YOU DID IT!! I know how hard you tried to get pregnant--so it must feel that much sweeter to be coming to the day that your baby makes an arrival! Nina

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Ling! The end is in sight, you will not be pregnant forever! (I consoled myself with that, that long last month.) Soon, you will have a new, little baby girl, who is totally dependent on you and thinks you're the best mom in the whole world!

How are your legs doing? Did you ever find a comfortable way to sleep? I hope you can be well rested for the big event.

Best wishes on your delivery and welcoming your daughter.

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Just a month and this will all be history. I am sure you are so excited and feel like it's hard to believe this is happening. I remember a year or two ago when you were telling others here how scared you were to go off your meds to have a baby. You are stronger than you thought!

Why can't you have an epidural? Because your BP might drop too low? That's usually what you get with a C-section, I thought.


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Wishing you luck on your c-section and the greatest results anyone could have after surgery( a beautiful little girl! ) These last day's will be your longest, hang in there. She will be here soon and you will forget all about these last uncomfortable days. ( At least looking back you will know it was worth it. )

Take care,


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Thank you for all the words of advice and encouragement. I need all the positive input I can get at the moment. I never in my life dreamt it would be this difficult to be pregnant. I am in allot of pain and have not sleep for over 10 weeks. My legs and arms are driving me crazy. I have allot of pain and cramps. Today I just want to cry and cry and cry. I don?t know how I am going to make this last few weeks. I need to go on my knees to get strength, I feel as if this is just too much for me at the moment. O boy, nearly there. So close, but so far. Not doing good, Sorry. I just feel like I could give up. Not a option in my life I know, but that is how I am feeling. :D

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oH!!!!!!!!!!!!LING!!.. I'm crying as I read your post!!.. I'm so sorry that you are hurting so much.. I've never been pregnant. so I dont know what you are going thru.. but.. I'm sending prayers your way dear!! YOU can do this!! you'll make till the baby is born Iknow that you will..i know its hard right now... but son you''ll be holding that beautiful baby girl... and you will be so incredibly happy!! and beyond an emotions that you can verbalize..

hang in there dear!! you will make it!

God bless you dear

hugs and prayers for you!!

love and hugs


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When you hold your baby for the first time, you will be so glad that you have her...and the pain you lived through will just become part of your history. You can do this. Nina

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Guest sonotech


I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement....

I have been through what you are going through 4 times! I have 4 wonderful, healthy children. Despite having POTS and RA since a young age, I was able to have perfectly normal, uneventful pregnancies that went full term. I was able to have all of my babies vaginally with epidurals without any problems and my recovery time was very average, meaning that I DIDN'T have a rapid increase in symptoms after delivery!

As far a c-sections go, there are only 2 options for anethesia. One is them putting you COMPLETELY OUT (general anesthesia) which is what you have with any other surgery. I thought THAT would be alot more risky than the epidural. The second is a stronger epidural, which is done the same way as a regular epidural but just makes you TOTALLY numb, but you are still awake.

So, it seems like the info they gave you is a little conflicting. Its possible that it isn't the EPIDURAL they are worried about in terms of vaginal delivery, but maybe the PUSHING PHASE or stress of labor that can be hard on your heart.

I would imagine if that is the case, then you might get a c-section with an epidural since that is safer for POTS pts that general anesthesia.

This is just what I know from working in Labor/Delivery units of hospitals, and I don't know your complete medical history, so you might want to talk with your doc before it gets TOO CLOSE to your delivery date.

CONGRATULATIONS, this is just the beginning of a wonderful NEW journey!


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Thank you for the words of encouragement. I feel much better today. I have not found any way to sleep better. Just counting the days down now. I can?t have an epidural due to my blood pressure. Viginal delivery is out due to my over sympathetic nervous system. My body over reacts to pain making small things very painful for me. Wish I knew how to stop it. I grew up with 3 brothers never had any problems with pain before my 20's. :)


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