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New EP on Tues, Nervous and I have to shave my legs!

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New insurance, new docs. My long awaited appointment with Dr Souza is on tues. I better start shaving my legs now, its gonna take me 2 days and 5 razors to do it. I am armed with info and comebacks thanks to all of you but I am so worried about the rejection. I do believe, at this point, if I hear "YOur menopausal with anxitey attacks" Im am gong to flip out, litterally.

I donT want to do all the tests again to "prove" I have POTS again.



Maybe Im just over reacting right now, Ill save the rant for after the appointment. Then the following week is the new internal med doc.

I am not afraid or intimidated by doctors, I am afraid of kicking some and winding up in jail. :(:)

I already sent both these docs info from dinet. I have my stack of medicl records. I hve all my articles including the new one from DR Grubb.

If you dont hear from me on Tues night, read the Asheville NC paper online "Crazy Woman Strangles EP and Proceeded to go kick every doctor she ever saw"

Take up a collection and bail me out guys.

:) Janine

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Janine--oh my you make me laugh!!

I too go see a new EP in the morning and am ahving some of the oughts that you are having!!

I hope that all goes well for you!!

happy leg shaving.. what pain in the rear that is!!

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haha I'm with you on the shaving thing- next week, though. I hope your appointment goes well! Good luck!

Maybe take a pillow with you to punch if you need to? But I hope you don't have to.

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Well, it sounds like your going in as prepared as possible! Very good.

Too bad you can't get a T-Shir that reads.

Don't even think about telling me it's "menopause and anxiety"

I own a gun..and I'm short on estrogen.

Kinda sounds like it would go with your mood!

Good luck. I hope the docs take you seriously. :)

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Good luck with your doctor's apptmt. :)


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Guest Belinda

Janine..Hi!!! I had appt. and I hear ya on the legs issue and shaving it had been many weeks..so I just got a new razor and sat down in the shower and took my good ole time..LOL.

I am glad you are over the flu..

Good luck at your appt. and try and keep sane <_<


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good luck! we're all pulling for ya. (although an interesting headline about someone we know would be quite the collector's item......)just kidding. <_<

being prepared is half the battle, and you ARE prepared. maybe you can visualize the appt going well? somtimes i think i doom myself to failure when i can only thing about everything getting messed up and misunderstood. just a suggestion.

hope all goes well. keep us posted! :)

( i feel you on the shaving thing.....i took over two hours to do mine and still missed spots, which was totally embarrassing.....all smooth, then a 2x3 section of sasquatch where it was obvious that i was really a cavewoman who just got purtied up for the doctor. HA ! i had like five of those patches! LOL)

love and light,

lulu :)

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Lunie u are a trip!!! We are related the POTSY Sashquach RN sisters............

I am thinking positive, I am thinking positive !!!!!

I am not shaving my legs, i decided not to care.

Thank you AJVDK, Sophia3, Jacquie802, Ernie, Belinda, and Lunie.

I did survive the flu although im still hacking, its was horrid ( I should have went and kissed my ex, lol)

I have everything in a folder in my car so I cant forget it. No sense in being prepared if I leave the papers on my kitchen table which I have done.

Ill let you all know how it goes.



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Well I went and.................................

The doctor wasnt there!!!!!

They shuffled me around and rescheduled for The end of march. I asked for refills, my florinef drug seeking self. Just give me my beta blocker...

They sent me upstairs to pediatrics to Dr Borris who I saw originally , almost passed out several times, heart rate was 160. They said adult cardio did not call them, finally after breaking into tears and almost hitting the floor Dr Borris came out and wrote me RX for a few meds but didnt write me my miodrine, said he never heard of if, HE GAVE ME THE RX and refills 6 months ago. He didnt write me klonopin either said I needed to be seen for that...... Hello someone see me!!!

........................am I on the correct planet?

Went back down to adult cardiology and they rescheduled my end of march appt for April.

Well I have some of my meds but I know that without klonopin the beta blocker alone will not keep my tachy under control and without the miodrine Ill be symptomatic so I look forward to a month or so of POTS ****. My PCP is out of network on my new insurance and well pft


Going to cry now since the doc wasnt there to kick.



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janine -

i didn't get to send you good wishes in advance but am SOOOOOO frustrated for you. gggggggggggrrrrrrrrr. short of a major emergency having just occurred i simply cannot understand & see no excuse for docs to not be at an appointment. ggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr. it's happened to you, stacy (more than once even?), & myself in the past year. and i'm sure some others as well. it's truly ridiculous.

good for you for at least pursuing getting the meds as much as possible. did you tell the guy that he's the one who had prescribed the midodrine??!! however frustrating i do understand a doc not feeling comfortable writing a med that they truly have not heard of but if he had already prescribed it twice for you....that's not only frustrating but scary.

you mentioned that your PCP is out of network but would s/he still possibly write scripts for you if you call &/or fax & describe the situation? it shouldn't matter if the prescribing is in or out of network for prescription coverage....

hang in there...

B) melissa

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I know the miodrine thing scared me since he gave me the rx when I first seen him. My PCP gave me some refills but cant until she sees me again which I can not even afford to pay for right now. Its all I can do to come up with a co pay.

This sooooo suckssssss!!!!!

I have been on the phone with every doc I know/have seen and some new leads on POTS docs and there just is no one willing to help me.

The bad thing is that the meds I was on were helping so much after all the time my body took to get used to them, all the initial bad effects etc... I was at a place that I could live with. Its going to be at least a month before I get any help. I do have an appointment with my new internal med doc next week but i know she knows nothing about POTS so I dont think i will be getting the correct meds there, I have a feeling i will be undergoing many more tests to look for a "normal" illness to explain my symptoms. I hope I have the energy to convince this new doc..... ugh.

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i guess i'm just wondering why - if you explain the situation - you cannot get more refills from your PCP?

i hope your appt with the new doc goes well next perhaps. perhaps if you bring some records that indicate meds you've been on previously that may help in getting him to write for them...

i hope you're pleasantly surprised...

B) melissa

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I'm sorry I did not log on before to wish you luck, but I am sorry to see that you were brushed off. I understand things come up with a Dr., but to make you wait a few more weeks, you would think they would fit you in sooner.

I hope you can get the much needed refill before seeing your new PCP.

And the shaving of the legs for nothing....hummph,,,,what a waste. B)

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all i can say is a sympathetic ARRRRRRRGHGGGGGHGGHGHGHGHGGHGH!!!! omg, i can't even freaking believe it! like POTS isn't bad enough? they have to put you through some medical obstacle course torture test?

my thoughts are with you! i hope you are able to get things resolved and stay healthy as you can be!

love and light,

lunie B)

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I can NOT BELIEVE the rotten day you had..and they left you high and dry without some meds. B)

That is so cruel. I can not even pretend to understand your frustration after you went in armed with info.

I wish there was something to be said to make you feel better but when your in the middle of the disappointing vortex...just have to work thru it.

I hope you find somebody wiling to help you...>SOON~~

Be kind to yourself and let us know if anything changes.



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Hi, Janine,

So sorry for your lousy experience! I also have medical insurance that only covers prescriptions that are written by participating providers. That is a real drag! This is probaby something you've already thought of, but have you tried calling your old PCP, explaining your situation and then asking if they have any samples to tide you over? (I don't know if that's even possible with this particular med).

Also, when you see your new internist next week, if he/she doesn't feel comfortable writing a prescription for an unfamiliar med or prescribing meds for an unfamiliar condition, perhaps you could suggest that they phone your old doc. He should be able to explain the reason for the prescription. My friend who's a doctor always says, "I'll be happy to talk with anybody who's treating you. That's my job!"

Good Luck!


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