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Persephone has got a BICYCLE for the first time in 4 years!


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Can you believe it? when I think back to how poorly I was last term...it frightens me to think about how ill I was then. I hope that never happens again. I really don't know how I have survived it.

anyway, yep, I pick up my new bike tomorrow- I figure tha keeping my calves going will be good- Prof MAthias told me last year walking and cycling when able were really good for POTS.

My mum's gone mad about the bike- I don't have her approval but I feel so well.

I had a meeting with my tutor today and our class this term is going to be just great- I was able to really enjoy our meeting instead of panicking about fainting.

Then went to the pub with some friends from class tonight-

I *THINK* I'm getting some semblance of a normal life back, you know! Please keep your fingers crossed!

Seriously, I do feel SO well. I'm sure it was the Scottish air that did it, when I was uip for New Year's :unsure: ...

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Wow! I felt like DEATH walking over to the shop to pick up my bike but I think that's probably more to do with being terribly hung over from last night's drinks with some friends from class:)

Anyway, when I rode away back I pedalled ultra hard at the highest gear- was zooming round town! But I think I'm going to have to do some kind of reading of the highway Code- I'm really confused by lanes and rules! (this is probably why I've never successfull learned to drive, whilst I was still allowed behind the wheel).

But yes- go me! I walked a mile to the shop, and then cycled back! I did feel a bit shaky at times, but I didn't give in, not once!


But yeah, I still feel SO dodgy from last night. Pretty knackered, actually...

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Hi, that's great you are feeling better! Congrats on getting your new bike!


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Glad to hear that you have turned the corner--on your bicyle, anyway! Hope your health continues to turn around. Please don't overdue it. You are probably somewhat out of condition and overdueing it can really put a hurt to your muscles. We don't want any setbacks.

BTW, when I was at the airport saying farewell to my daugher on her way back to London to continue grad school, we spoke with the your lady right behind us. The line was so long that Eve (my daughter) accepted a bump so that she could get a free round-trip anywhere Virgin Atlantic flew. The person behind us was on her way back to Scotland, via London. She was a sophomore at St. Andrews--majoring in English -medieval literature. I don't know her name but perchance you met her last year. She loves St. Andrews University. It just goes to show what a small, small world we live in. The world is getting flatter every day! Lois :(

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Glad to hear that you have turned the corner--on your bicyle, anyway! Hope your health continues to turn around. Please don't overdue it. You are probably somewhat out of condition and overdueing it can really put a hurt to your muscles. We don't want any setbacks.

BTW, when I was at the airport saying farewell to my daugher on her way back to London to continue grad school, we spoke with the your lady right behind us. The line was so long that Eve (my daughter) accepted a bump so that she could get a free round-trip anywhere Virgin Atlantic flew. The person behind us was on her way back to Scotland, via London. She was a sophomore at St. Andrews--majoring in English -medieval literature. I don't know her name but perchance you met her last year. She loves St. Andrews University. It just goes to show what a small, small world we live in. The world is getting flatter every day! Lois :(

That sounds like Kristen- did she have glasses and long wavy hair? Is this her: sallymapstonesarticleonkingship016.jpg

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That's fantastic news! And so inspiring as well!

I'm thinking of getting a bike to ride to work over winter (winter in QLD, Australia isn't that cold), and it would only take me about 10 minutes by bike to get to work.

I've seen one in the shop that is electric as well - just in case you don't feel like peddling - I think I'm gonna get one of those!

Ohh. and it has a baskety thing on the front that my little dog can ride in!!!

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Sweet! That is so awesome! I'm glad things are getting back to normal for you! Here's hoping they continue!!

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Ive said it many a times but your a great influence to me!

Weve spoke on MSN and i feel sometimes we both go through the same things. Theres been times in life when i feel SO UP! and just like you at times i can go to the pub and DRINK! but on some days i cant face a glass of water.

Dont over do it as these things always end up crashing to the floor with us potsy people. One day your up, next your down, i thing its the way this illness works.

Hope it all goes well and if you do crash down im hear to catch you!

My girlfriend says hi, she remembers when i was up late one night talking to you on MSN :huh: She used to say your a great influence to me.

Best wishes and love


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i know you've been having a rough few days now, but sounds like all in all you've still been doing great. congrats on the biking and walking!

B) melissa

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