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So I was doing some research on syptoms and I noticed something...have any of you been tested for Mercury Poisoning??? The syptoms are VERY SIMILIAR to POTS....and its another of those diagnosis that doctors don't give out often. It can be caused from FILLINGS (silver) in your teeth....just asking I am going to get the test done checking to see if any of you have.


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I have asked 2 doctors about that but got laughed at both times, that was years ago, probably 15 years or so. But... I was working at a dog kennel tat had a dentist - he was a people dentist but sometimes worked on the dogs and since he was related to the owner gave us BIG discounts. I talked to him about it since I was chronically tired then and he agreed to remove all of my amalgam fillings and replace them with composites. It hasn't helped but it is nice to have fillings that don't conduct heat and cold, and they look nice! All of them are still in and have never given me any problems.

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This is so interesting that you've braught this up!! When I was 14 or 15 years old, I dropped a thermometer in my bedroom and accidentally touched the mercury. Some of the mercury also seeped into the hardwood floor cracks in my room. It was not long after that I got sick. I've always wondered if the two were connected....Who knows (???). I should probably get tested.

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I have asked my dentist on more than one occasion about his feeling on this subject, and he has stated that he does not think that any of the mercury in our amalgam fillings has leeched into out bodies. I forgot why he was so sure. I also heard from him (I don't know how accurate this is) that the replacements are expensive and not as durable.

Whatever??? Anyhow, if there are tests for ANY kind of poisoning, I would like to know about them and where to get them since I would think that people with neurological problems should be tested first.

Also, I would prefer that the testing be done by a known laboratory that is trusted in mainstream medical circles as I am skeptical of anything else.

Let us know if you find out anything like labs, tests and such.

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Hey you guys...thanks! See I have alot of fillings and the date of when I got my first and my problems started relate (few months after). I was told about this from a Health Food Store...the owner had lead poisoning, I was telling him about all my CRAZY POTS symptoms, he asked a few questions, and then told me I might want to thank about getting tested for Mercury.

I found this site..a scientist who actually had mercury poisoning (Docs thought he was crazy..sounds familiar) he wrote a book, its really good! http://www.noamalgam.com/#prognosis you might want to check it out...I am going to have a test done. They say the best test for Mercuy poisoning is a Hair analysis, blood and urine can have false results.

Thanks again

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I find this interesting this topic came up. I just met with a Lyme Literate Doctor and he's from a wellness clinic but is an M.D. Anyways he said I don't fit the criteria for Lyme but I do for heavy metal toxcity. Well I did the urine test with the provoking agents and my Mercury and Tin were high. The mercury was very high. Average is 4. I had level 22 in my body. Tin is 10 mine was 13.

Of course he said remove my almalgam and then they do intravenous chelation to get the mercury out of the body.

When I did heavy metal through my neurologist it was urine and it came back fine, I think (no one called and I can't reach her). Anyways she didn't use the provoking agents so I don't know what to do.

I've been around and spent THOUSANDS of dollars in alternative approaches since I became sick last year and lets just say.I lost thousands. I'm not saying they don't have healthy ways of bettering yourself but it didn't "fix" me like they ALL said it would. So now I'm pondering is this the answer or no? I scared to invest more but scardier to stay so sick.

My parents feel that I should because my system is sooo sensitive and maybe this is adding to my symptoms. Not necessarily the cause just adding more to my body and if you get the metal out maybe the nerves can heal better.

My mom did read an article that said the causes of peripheral neuropathy and one of them was mercury ,I don't know what form. I had autonomic neuropathy so who knows.

Sorry for rambling I just had all this on my mind before I read this post.

Anyone here had amalgam out with chelation therapy and have less physical symptoms?


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I have had almost all my silver fillings replaced with composites. I can't say I noticed much difference in my health, but my teeth look nicer. :o I did notice a slight improvement in my health after having two old root canals re-done, but that was probably just coincidental.


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I am one of four children, and the four of us had had exactly one filling among us, until we moved to a town that didn't fluoridate its water. (Fluoridation was a nefarious tactic of the Worldwide Communist Conspiracy, to sap and impurify our precious national fluids. If you don't believe me, watch the movie Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb). Anyway, we went to the dentist after having lived in the nonfluoridated milieu for about a year, and I had four cavities. The rest of us all had about the same number. So now I and my siblings each have a mouthful of mercury amalgam fillings, thanks to Cold War hysteria. I think I would have been better off if we had continued with the fluoridated water. A few years ago, a retired professor of dentistry told me that the "antifluoridation" movement was largely the result of a public relations campaign from some manufacturing interests who didn't want fluoride to be added to water supplies because they would have to remove it at their factories to keep it from reacting with chemicals that they were using. That made a great deal of sense to me, because it would explain where the antifluoride campaigners got their financial support and how they got access to the media, which of course are privately owned. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember who in particular was funding the program. If anyone knows, I'd be interested to hear about it.

So now the advocates of "alternative" dentistry are trying to persuade me that I need to have all of those fillings taken out. Why? Well, mercury is theoretically toxic. Well, so is fluoride. But it is the dose that makes the poison. I haven't seen any evidence that people get mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings. If it were a serious problem, wouldn't it be the dentists and dental assistants who have the greatest risk of exposure? The antiamalgam people seem to have as little evidence on their side as the antifluoride people did. But the "alternative" dentists could make a bundle by doing all sorts of unnecessary procedures.

On the other hand, if you broke a mercury thermometer in your bedroom and the mercury slid into the cracks in the flooring, that could pose a serious risk of mercury poisoning. The mercury would slowly evaporate, and you'd be exposed to mercury vapor. That person definitely should be tested for mercury poisoning.

One warning about the tests involving a "provoking agent." These agents cause your body to excrete mercury faster than usual, so you will have a high level in the urine. But that doesn't mean that your body burden was unusually high to begin with. Here's a link to some critiques of chelation therapy: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelate...ationindex.html

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Last year I started going to a Dr. who specialized in people who could not get diagnosed. He laughinly says he is the 5-6th dr you see, not the first. He felt strongly about chelation so I did have it done, expensive. I asked my dentist first. Went to high school with him and he is probably the last person I would have thought was concerned with "different" ideas. He said he had all his old fillings out and amalgams put in. strongly belived in it. I chose not to have the old ones out, as they age I'll have them replaced. unfortunately I don't think I had any reaction good or bad to chelation. did speak to a lot of people at clinic who had had it done and swear by it. I also get asked about it from people who hear thru the grapevine that I've done it. Like everything else I think some people are sensitive to it and others aren't. hope this helps:-)

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