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Applied, also as my LTD through employer insisted. I also had never planned on being out of work this long. Thought I would be back months ago. Anyway, recently denied and now will have to appeal. Interesting that when I reviewed their medical info used to make decision, most of it was several months old- even though I had just faxed recent records to the case tech.!!!!!!!!!!!! Most frustrating. I will attempt the first appeal without an attorney I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i applied but go denied since i am only 25 they claim i can still work even though i live in the middle of nowhere and can no longer drive but i reapplyed and am waiting still fighting with docs and stuff i went to the cleveland clinic and they did what they could but they refuse to deal with lawyers but now i am dealing with a doc in my area and he is helping when he can and yes i am now seeing a Phych doc i am not nuts but as this goes on i feel i am starting to go nuts my mom thinks i am depressed but i dont know any way i am waiting they say i should have a date by feb 2007

Here is some thing to make you guys laugh : before i was dianosed with POTS they told me i was nuts since i had no boyfreind and lived at home i had no boyfreind cause i was working 70 hours a week and lived at home because i have diabeties real bad and almost didnt make it to the phone one time i think they were nuts lol

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You should try applying in the UK ................I was refused at first because they said no such illness existed.

I sent them loads of information and detailed sheets of what, when and why things happen to me.

In the end after 64 weeks of arguing and papers going back and forth from my local doctor and myself they sent round a specialist consultant from there own team to see me.

On the day he arrived he was so shocked to see the state of me he wanted to call an ambulance there and then, I was grey in colour and my heart beat was so low he couldnt find it , so hubby had to show him how to find my pulse as the doctor was convinced I was so unwell that I might be dieing !!!!!

This consultant then contacted the DHSS and gave them such an earful about leaving me like this with no help, now when I have to renew my claim it goes straight to my local doctor and is approved right away, I'm on full mobility, care and carers allowance. Willows.

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Well, I've applied but been denied like two times already ---i reapplied on Dec 29, 05, which i haven't gotten word back yet and it's what six months, but i went down to the office and the guy down there said my case is odd. GO FIGURE! They sent my determination to Chicago for review which he said they only send reviews to Chicago that have been approved, BUT on the paper he printed out it had a common denial code. SO hopefully the guy calls tommorow or i will be spending another day at the SS office...i swear they like to make you wait but at least the one in town has a new office, so much nicer. :(

Anywho, that's my saga for this week...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well my idea does work, hubby thought they would send it back and not except it ....ha! proved him wrong !!!

I had so many problems when I first applied for DLA ( uk ) , they refused to believe that this illness existed and this went on for over a year . I was then awarded 18 months DLA which will be due to run out in a month or so.

Five weeks ago I received another claim pack for the same DLA and if I didn't fill this in I would have my DLA run out in August 2006.

As I have real problems writing with a pen now and spend most of my time 'two finger typing' I decided that if the DLA were going to force me once again to fill in this long laborious page after page of silly questions about things such as ; exactly how long do you need help for in the night ? .............as I've never timed this and sometimes cant remember it how on earth am I supposed to know , I ask you !!!!

So this is what I did;

I made up a file in 'mother here' and divided it into sections headed with the relivent subjects.

1. Drugs and appliances used. This is anything and everything that I use in the house from special footwear to bath aids ...........the lot .

2. Daytime problems. From the time I open my eyes until I go to sleep, everything in a normal day , who helps me, how I do things etc.

3.Nighttime problems. From the time my bum hits the bed until I get up , the pain , sweats, sicking up , any thing to do with the bed or who is helping me.

4.mental health problems. If I feel down at all, how I feel about my condition and how it effects what I can do or not do anymore .

5.Out and about problems. Why I have to have someone with me all the time, any trips , falls or attack episode's.

6. List of all hospital consultants, local doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists I am seen by.

When my DLA paperwork arrived I pulled up the file ( by now I have worked on it for months and months adding bits that happen or are relivent new drugs / doctors etc) printed it off and sent the sections stapled to each relivent section of the huge forms I was supposed to fill in...........having signed the end of the forms first !!!!

Today I got my reply back from the DLA.............................. They had written to my own doctor and she had agreed that I had all the conditions , they had not bothered after this to contact any other doctor who deals with me , I have been awarded the full amounts of all for the longest amount of time they can give me , also was a note enclosed from the person who assessed my case, they said that it was so helpful to be able to sit and read in clear print a full account of my problems and that it was such an insight into my condition and the effects it has on me , So much so that they had no problem in awarding me the enclosed.

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Glad you got approved!

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Thanks all, I must admit that it is a great weight of my shoulders now getting the full amounts and not having to fight for it again.

We dont use solicitors in the UK, you can get help filling the forms in by calling the DLA , they will fill them in on the phone for you, but I do feel that even though this is a great help for some people , I wouldn't trust that they put down all that I had said to them.

You can also go to the Citizens Advice office ( almost one in each town) and they to will help you, but there again, do I want every 'tom, **** and harry' knowing at times I get incontinent ? or that I roll around the bed crying in pain?

I also help a lady with her forms as she to has difficulty writing and her understanding of some of the questions is not that good either.

She had sent her first lot of forms back having filled them in herself and was instantly refused 'outright' <_< when I asked her what she had written in the section about bathing ...............she had written ' No problems as I dont bath '....................when in fact she could not bath, shower or wash herself all over because she cannot stand up at all, and her bathroom had no handrails or shower seats !!!!

So the DLA took what she had said as 'fact' .............no problems !!!!!

So all I do now is each month **** drugs and health and change each section as I need to, it is SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO much easier than trying to write in those silly little section of those huge stupid forms .

Oh ! I also sent pictures ( just remembered ) of my hands , my unwanted critters ( tumours needing removal) and the box I keep all my drugs in ( 15 sections all marked with what, when and why) !!!

and I really horrible picture of myself on a bad day :) with a bucket with contents !!!!!!!

Willows.............bet that shocked them !

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