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What helps you sleep

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Does anyone have any tips on what helps them sleep at night. Whether it's meds or just a certain routine? I do not sleep more than an hour to two hours at a time. I can usually fall right back asleep but it's so annoying to keep waking up and I also don't know if it's bad for my body and if I'm getting enough restorative sleep. I was on Klonopin short term and within two days I was back to sleeping bad again. I guess I'm too tolerant of meds, lol. Thanks!

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Although it goes against everything I was taught about sleep hygiene from a specialist,  I have to have some sort of noise that keeps my brain focused on it instead of my brain racing through thoughts, in order to sleep.  So, I either turn on a Harry Potter movie on a sleep timer (which I've seen so many times I can recite them so I don't have to concentrate on the plot), or, I turn on my sound garden on the ocean sound sound on a sleep timer. Being able to distract my brain from racing is the only thing that helps me sleep. I've tried meds, no electronics for an hour prior, etc, etc and it just didn't work.

I do think this is a complicated issues and that what works is different for everyone. 

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I personally find that once I am in bed, I try to relax my whole body and have some lavender essence at hand should I need it. If I wake up, I go straight into meditation mode and that stops me from mulling things over. Relaxation is key. I know if something is troubling me then it means my sleep will be fitful. 

I do go through phases of using wax earplugs, that's if my sleep is shallow and I'm easily being disturbed. 

Some people like to read and sometimes it helps me as my eyes get droopier quicker. I hope you can find something that helps. 

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I read in bed and try to not let it define me. There are lots of nights I don't get enough sleep but I'm trying to keep to my schedule to get up in time and get to sleep in time. When I'd sleep in I'd get very confused and mixed up which lasts all day, I find that more annoying than being awake through the night. I don't leave my bed (unless to use the bath room of course :) ) but other than that I read!

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If I can't get to sleep it is either because I am ovulating, or I am having trouble turning my brain off.  Turning my attention to making up a plotline for a fantasy novel helps with this case.  It is more typical for me to wake up in the middle of the night due to overheating.  For this problem, I need to start out warm enough (shower), but have a cool room and light bedcovers so I cool down enough after I fall asleep.

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Have you ever tried melatonin?  I know it seems like a nothing drug, but, combined with my daughter's other meds, it puts her out like a light!  She takes pretty high doses of some meds that would put most people to sleep for a few days, but she actually functions on them.  I sort of chuckled to myself when her doctor prescribed it for her migraines.  I'm not sure it's helping them (maybe, she's had less as of late), but it sure is helping her get to sleep quickly!  Seems like you are having a hard time staying asleep, they do make and extended release form of melatonin also.

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If you google sleep hygiene, you can find recommended steps to help you sleep - like no caffeine 12 hours before you go to bed, no TV in your room, etc.  I took ambien for many years. Now I mostly use melatonin.  I have sleep music which helps.  It's good to mention to your dr. Each of us is different.  Your dr may recommend a sleep study or other tests to figure out your cause.

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I did a sleep study a year back and had some very weird problem they hadn't seen before... Turned out to be a POTs problem. Specifically, it is adrenaline surges that caused my hr to race like a monkey on crack right before a circus performance. Found a solution via car accident. Ya, that was awesome for POTs symptoms. 

1/2 a Soma slows my heart rate but doesn't cause low blood pressure or dialate my veins. 

.5 mg (Pure brand) melatonin 4 hr's before bed. Any higher and I get restless leg. 

1/2 Benedryl at bedtime about hour after Soma. Allergies cause my Midnight Monkey spikes. (from Mast Cell Activation Crap) 

A supplement for Histamine blocking, DAO Histaminase thru out day with meals to flush out excess histamine in my body that feeds the evil Midnight Monkey. 

IPod full of awesome comforting audio books, free from library, mostly Vorkosigan saga this year. If I can't sleep I like a good book so I forget I can't sleep. Entertainment for the monkey. 

Hope you find some help! ?



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Katybug, the sleep neuro didn't say one word about what my heart was actually doing. I didn't know what POTs even was at that point. It was three months later that I saw a cardiologist and my heart went nuts in his office when I stood up. He couldn't pronounce Dysautonomia, let alone fully know what it was. I moved on to Dr. Arden and got great care. She read thru all my results and found a good history. 

Don't you wish drs would work together instead of everyone having a piece of the puzzle and no one getting the full picture? 


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Di, I don't know how many times I have voiced to any one who will listen that if doctors worked together instead of parting us out, that they would have the complete puzzle.  And, I have to say, that you are absolutely hilarious.  I read your earlier post and started cracking up!  Thanks for the laugh!  (Entertainment for the Monkey, I love it!)

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Sominex really knocks me out but they aren't available where I'm at. I do take Advil PM, which does help with pain, but I usually have to take more than the recommended dose in order to stay asleep. 

I also got flux for my computer and twilight for my phone. Both programs change the color of the screen to something with an orange or red tint. Unfortunately the lights in my dorm are really bright, and I sleep by the windows, and the football field is right across, which means more light coming in.

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  • 1 month later...

My son takes .2 extended release clonidine but also take some supplements that help him relax before bedtime. I have tried to wean him off of the clonidine but it also relieves other symptoms such as night sweats and adrenal release. However, I have been able to drop his dosage from .3 to .2 and his doctor is pleased. Other supplements that help with relaxation are GABA (ammino acid), B6, Magnesium glycinate, and L-Tryptophan which is also an amino acid. My son no longer takes the last supplement because it really decreased his appetite. However, my oldest non-pots son does take it a night and has no problems at all with it. L-Tryptophan affects everyone differently. Just be sure to use quality supplements. All of these supplements, I order online from the NOW company. If you want to stay away from a prescription, you might want to try some of these supplements 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/27/2016 at 2:37 PM, Katybug said:

I have to have some sort of noise that keeps my brain focused on it instead of my brain racing through thoughts, in order to sleep.  So, I either turn on a Harry Potter movie on a sleep timer (which I've seen so many times I can recite them so I don't have to concentrate on the plot), or, I turn on my sound garden on the ocean sound sound on a sleep timer.

I do this too.  I listen to a podcast called "Sleep With Me".  It's a guy talking in a sleepy monotone voice, rambling on and on about nothing in particular.  Its sole purpose is to put people to sleep, and it works better than anything else I've tried.

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Just as I'm about to fall asleep I jolt myself awake but as soon as I am asleep my heart rate stays between 54 and 60 until I wake. But I find that thinking about good memories make me drift off I try and put myself back in the memory and try to remember little details before I know it I am waking up to the bathroom ? thanks to the 3 litres of water! But I do the same process to get back to sleep after that! ?

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Melatonin + Sentra PM. The Sentra PM was recommended to me by my allergist/immunologist to counteract excessive histamine in my body due to MCAD keeping me awake. I also have Flux installed on my computer to protect me from blue light in the evenings. These things have helped a lot and I now only have insomnia when I am particularly anxious about something.

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