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What Would You Be Doing?

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I had an interesting thought... If you didn't have Dysautonomia, what would you be doing? It could be outrageous, or it could be normal.

For me, I would be taking Aerial Silks classes. I've been wanting to do them for a while, but the easy fainting and everything just doesn't lend well to that sort of thing. I plan on taking some Aerial Yoga over the summer, since it's a bit less strenuous, but the Silks class is simply out of the question.

*Edited to include all dysautonomia patients, not just POTS people! My bad. ^_^

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Probably still working back room of Walmart, busting freight and counting inventory. I worked for what some think of as a bad employer, but I loved my job. I had a blast every day.

Drumming a lot more, and singing a lot more. I'm trying to get back to some of this, but it's very hard on me.

And lastly, bike racing. I road raced a long time ago, and was getting back into it when we discovered the cause of my irregular heartbeat. I tried doing some light riding before I was wheelchair bound, but yeah, it's not happening at least not any time soon.

If we were gonna go outrageous, I would say skydiving, zip lining, and hiking through some of this gorgeous countryside I live in. I don't really do wild things, but those have always been desires to try. I'm gonna miss going on the roller coasters this summer when I go to the amusement parks with the youth group (I try to help chaperone, I'm more of a check in person now)

I like to think that now that I have POTS, while my life has drastically changed, it's opened up a few doors. I always wanted to go back to school for something, and doing medical transcription courses at home has been perfect for me. I do them when I feel well, and when I don't, I'm good. I'm currently caught up for a few weeks, so while I'm sick with bronchitis, I can relax.

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Ana, that is awesome. I do lots of aerial yoga! I find it easier than regular yoga because of the inversions. The silks class is harder but still much easier for me than doing any kind of cardio.

I am actually pretty happy with my life with POTS. But there is still a list of things I'd like to do:

-workout on the elliptical

-run a marathon

-enjoy more wine

-sleep less

-become a yoga instructor

-travel to remote/rural places

-learn how to ski

-and yes, maybe even take a more challenging job!

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I would be hunting for things outside to photograph...all over the world. I'd move to a tropical place and become the bug hunter (moths, butterflies, skippers), ID'ing them. I'd lead tours to show the beauty of the small jewels of things in nature that most people just walk by.

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Take my wife on a get away trip that she deserves.

Taking my trips back to the SC sea islands that I love so much.

Finding a few people that could use a visit every now and then.

Taking my boys fishing.

Working, but not as much as I did before.

Working on my house.

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Well, I don't have a POTS diagnosis... but I still have a few things...

~Eat a nice, big meal once and a while

~Dance with my toddlers every night like I used to

~Be able to socialize without having to excuse myself

~Go back to reviewing books, one of the hobbies I've dropped

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Ana, I used to do aerial silks before dysautonomia hit me. That is one part of my life I miss the most. I still keep them in a suitcase, in my closet. I started aerials when I was 35 and was doing them for 7 years. I always told my family and friends that I'm not quiting aerials until I'm 70. Now, I can only watch videos of me hanging upside down in the air. Yeah, never seen this coming. Hope that one day I can go back to it keeps me motivated to exercise and walk every day. I'll also start with aerial yoga. Great idea.

I also would like to travel, like many people here. I got sick 3 weeks before my first trip to Asia. I had to cancel from a hospital bed 2 days before scheduled departure. My family lives in different places all over Europe and I can't visit them for their big events. I am afraid how flying for 12 hours might affect me. I'm better with car travel lately. I hope to go somewhere cooler this summer. Because of heat intolerance I was trapped for 5 months inside the house last year, here in Florida. I wish I could join my friends and my family going to different outdoor events and local festivals.

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I would walk endlessly around clothes shops. I miss that so much. Online clothes shopping is no fun.

I would stand and chat to people for hours and just enjoy the feeling of standing and talking without the need to search for somewhere to sit.

I would take my boys to fun fares and not worry about queues.

I would socialise without worry where to sit.

A life without constant health worries . One day....

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Tyler said he would want to be in public school and playing basketball nonstop.

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