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Worse In Winter


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Yes this is the third winter when i have felt lots worse. Not just a bit but completely back into severe chest pain and random surges. It's snowing here so - low pressure and chest pain.

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It's interesting that you brought this up because I was just discussing this with my husband the other day. 2 years ago, when I first got sick, it was the end of December. I have steadily gotten better since then, though sometimes I wonder if I will ever be 100%, but I have been wondering if there is some sort of cycle to it, because it seems that I do start to feel worse come winter time. You would think it would be worse in the summer because it's hot and hard to eat a lot, but it seems that, starting around September, I have more issues. There are some other reasons emotionally why that time of year is difficult for me, so I would also have to wonder if that doesn't play into it too.

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Summer is very bad for me. My house is not air conditioned, which compounds the issue. In the winter, I freeze and have goosebumps, but it's better than being in a constant state of heat exhaustion.

Although I have found that even in the winter things can be tough. Most places turn their heat up and it's like 75 degrees in some of these buildings. I have to wear tank tops and short sleeved shirts most days when I go out because if I get overheated, I deteriorate rapidly. Last weekend I went to a small Christian gathering at a hotel and it got really hot in there, my HR was 145 and I felt like I was dying. The people there were amazing though, they turned the AC way up and put their coats on so I could get cooled down. :) Only after getting to the point of having goosebumps and shaking, did I finally feel back to "normal".

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I'm definitely worse in winter.

I can't handle the cold at all. This morning it was -35C/-31F with the windchill. This is a particularly cold snap, but I have the same issues if it's 0 C/32F. If I have to go out, I have tons of layers on and I have to get into a warm vehicle. My blood feels more like sludge going through my body and I have chest pains. I was out briefly for my sisters b'day and have been back in the house for 2 hours...I still have my winter coat on, including my scarf, plus three layers of clothing underneath that!!! One of my layers is a 'heat' sweater which is meant for temperatures of -15C ! My house is warm, we have a propane fireplace and everyone else is walking around comfortably with one layer of clothing. I never get warm and I could actually very comfortably wear my winter coat around the house all the time - except that it is a little bulky :P I have that cold to the bone feeling even when I don't go out, so it doesn't directly have to do with exposure to cold.

The summer is my friend for sure. I love the sunshine and the heat (although where I live it usually isn't much warmer than 30C/86F). Alot of days I layer up in the summer too. I have alot of blood pooling too, but I don't really notice if that is worse in the heat. I don't feel hot, though, so even if I'm in heat my body doesn't seem to absorb it.

It's crazy that we are all so different with this, yet have temperature dysregulation in common (like everything else autonomic - I guess...). it would be kinda nice to just pick and choose our perfect climate...wonder where we'd all end up??

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Wow! Well, I am glad I'm not the only one. Although I hate that others have to go through this awful stuff!

I kept reading about all these people who can't tolerate the heat at all and I was starting to think I was the only one. :)

I really don't seem to have the aversion to the heat like so many others. I also don't know that I have ever really had visible signs of blood pooling like so many others talk about. Maybe in my hands some. Are there some people who don't experience that symptom as well?

I will say that I don't think I handle the heat as well as I use to, but it's nothing like many others. I do sweat more than I use to and I can feel my hr rise a lot of the time when I am outside but it doesn't bring on the severe symptoms that winter seems to. I can't let the heat in my house get below 70 (preferably 72 but hubby melts when I have it that high), or I absolutely freeze. And often times once I get cold I can't get warm unless I go take a hot bath, which I often do. I will also sleep in jogging pants, socks, and a hooded sweatshirt sometimes! But the crazy thing is that sometimes I go through cycles and totally feel like I am melting and I wake in the night soaking wet with sweat.

It really is the most confusing illness when your symptoms can do a complete 180 and it be completely normal!

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I can relate to the layering. Although heat is rough for me, i am always cold...right now i have two sweatshirts and long sleeve t on, sweatpants , socks, boots and two blankets on. My house is 74 degrees so this is a bit much i think but im stil cold. Lol if i had a firepace i would never leave its side lol

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