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I've been on Metoprolol (25 mg 3x) for well over a year. I have had no problems that I know of relating to the medicine. It is a beta blocker that is supposed to control your heart rate and blood pressure. Good news: It seems to be working as it is intended and I've had no side effects. Bad News: I really don't "feel" any different. I can still feel poopy and I take my vitals and they are relatively normal. I do still have tachy almost daily and sometimes my bp still fluctuates, but the frequency has diminished over the years. The dr. suggested I up the dose to 100mg a day, but said it could lower my bp too much and I could pass out. My hubs and I discussed it and decided against it, as I have never passed out and don't intend on starting now! My bp is generally on the avg-high side normally. Like I said, I still feel poorly most days, but my vitals pretty much stay constant for the most part.

It is important to note that everyone is different and reacts differently to all medications (as I'm sure you already know). I know that you just want to know what to expect. I (and many other people from what I've read) can be very sensitive to medications. It's good that you will begin the new med on the weekend. I hope you have someone that can help if need be. A bit off topic, but making a point; some people can take SSRI meds and be fine while I have to stay away from them like the plague!! Just remember everyone is different.

I sure hope you find relief and get to feeling better soon :)


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When I first started it I was really sick, so I don't know what may have been a side effect or what was just my wonky body. But they first started me with .25 mgs in the evenings. My eyes and throat got really dry and I felt like I couldn't swallow. I went down to have a pil, so 12.5 mg and it seemed like that was better. I also take a alpha blocker in a.m.

This past fall I started taking 1/2 pill at night and 1/2 in the morning and it seems to be good. If I miss a dose by a couple of hours I feel terrible. It scares me how much I need it, but on my meds my bp is more stablized, as long as I am careful. I am still having some flares and after talking to some more experienced people on this site, I probably need to adjust meds.

But for me, this medication is definitely helping me.

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I took 12.5mg once a day when I first got pots. It exacerbated my OI to the point I could barely stand at all. Horrific dizziness. However, that was just my experience and I would not let that stop you. I have that problem with any drug that reduces heart rate. Even my mcad drugs make my OI worse. I believe my pots is a compensatory mechanism to pooling so when I dampen my body's fight to get blood up to my head bad things happen!

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I couldn't tolerate even 12.5mg of metoprolol. I felt weak and dizzy after taking it. Wish I could take the metoprolol bc I get palpitations alot, especially at bed time.

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Metoprolol was the first beta blocker I ever took - this was before my POTS dx.

I didn't tolerate it well at all even at 12.5 mg a day which i was told is a very tiny amount.

It dropped my already low BP and made me extremely dizzy, tired, lightheaded, basically I was bed bound and unable to function.

Like Bebe said though, everyone is different and our reactions to meds are certainly different as well.



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i felt like i was going to pass out 24/7 and was vomiting just about every day before being prescribed lexapro and metoprolol. my heart rate was high, felt like some kind of adrenal surge. these meds help calm my nervous system. i take 50 mg twice a day. start off slow. like cut the pill in half. made me tired at first, but this will go away.

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Like everyone on here said, we're all different, but I have been taking 50mg twice a day for about a year and a half now and I feel like it has helped me function almost like a normal person :) I don't think I ever really got side effects, other than just a constant fatigue...but I'm not actually sure if that is from the medication or if that's just part of the POTS. I have actually been talking with my doctor for awhile about trying to wean myself off of it, not because I have any problems with it, just that I would prefer to not have to take anything at all. Unfortunately, I can tell when it's time to take my next dose, and if I am late I get pretty tachy and don't feel good, so I'm probably stuck with it for awhile longer. Crossing my fingers that someday I won't need it!

Hope it helps you!

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Thank you for all of the information everyone! I think a huge thing that matters is the type of pots relating to blood pressure when taking a beta blocker. It's sort of good that my blood oressuee goes high so its safer for me to take a beta blocker without worrying about whether my blood pressure will go to low and Ill pass out. I see this with some of these side effects. I plan on starting it today or tomorrow, crossing my fingers that it helps!

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Dr. Goodman classified mine as HyperPOTS and my blood pressure typically raises along with my heartrate upon standing (& when I did the TTT). I also have adrenaline issues, so I think both of those things might be reasons the BB works so well for me. & like you, I don't have to worry too much about my BP dropping too low (although, mine does dip down at random times and has since the beginning, before I was on the Metoprolol).

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I have been taking Metoprolol since I was diagnosed in August of 2011. This medication has been very good for me. I have POTS, and for me my HR goes way up and my BP goes down. I take Metoprolol along with Florinef, and it works great for me. I still have spells, but it is usually related to something else such as overheating, not drinking enough water, or not enough salt. However, since taking this combination I went from not being able to go anywhere, to being able to go places safely. I just have to make sure that I have extra water and salt, and make sure I do not overheat or get too cold.

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