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Orthostatic Hypotension-Why Symptomatic Laying Down


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I am diagnosed as having orthostatic hypotension..what I don't understand is why am I symptomatic even when I'm laying down???

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At times, I feel like I'm about to pass out in the middle of the night when I am lying down in bed! - despite the correct anatomic positioning of head 30--degree elevation, arms elevated on pillows and pillow under my knees/lower legs, I can still feel pre-syncopal. I asked one of my MD's about it and he said that it is related to vascular collapse and poor circulation to the brain. When the blood vessels don't respond like they are supposed to (floppy and dilated), the vessels pool blood in them and it does not circulate like it should. This leads to poor circulation to the 3 major organ systems that keep us alert and functioning: brain, lungs, and heart. So, even in the middle of the night while lying down, if the blood vessels are floppy and poorly responsive, then there will be blood pressure drops which lead to the symptoms you are describing. Remember, late afternoon and beyond, we don't take our midodrine or florinef and we don't wear our compression garments to bed so, we can have these symptoms even when lying down.

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I can't lay flat on my back at night, as it really feels like something in my abdomen is pressing down on my aorta or something else major, because I begin getting pressure in my chest and head along with some pulsating. So, as soon as I roll to either side, it is like that is "released" and I feel better.

Same thing happens when sitting and leaning my body to the left. Same pressure and pulsating feeling. I have to sit leaning somewhat to the right.

So, I guess I'm saying that for me, I get these feelings from what I believe is blocked blood flow.

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