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Not Sure How I Can Do This?- Colonoscopy


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I have a colonoscopy/ endoscopy on Thursday. I seriously do not know how i'm going to drink the chalky stuff they give you before hand. I can barely drink enough water because of my stomach problems/ nausea. Has anyone else had this problem? Can they give you something to help? Is there anything else I should know about POTS wise? Thanks!

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Hi puppylove,

My doc told me to super-hydrate with Gatorade prior to taking the prep stuff you have to drink. He also told me to drink as much as I could but if the diarrhea got out of control (which was already a problem) to stop. I got about 3/4 of it down. It didn't affect the procedure. I also talked to him ahead of time and he made sure that they gave me extra IV fluids before the procedure in the pre -op area and also kept me a little longer in recovery to continue to give me a little extra IV fluid.

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Hi, Unfortunately, I've had to do it several times. Your asleep during the indignities, so you won't remember that part.

They have newer contrast mediums to drink now, they aren't all chalky anymore. Maybe arrange to get a clear one, they still don't taste great but are easier to get down. Maybe ask if you can start that part a little early so you have more time to get it down. The preprep to clear your gi tract also taste better too, ask your doc for one that is easier to get down, a clear colon is very important for these test. Be prepared to be very close to the potty, you will have few dashes during the process.

It is important to talk to the anesthesia doctor before hand to let him know about your autonomic dysfunction. It is more expensive but I have to have mine done outpatient hospital.

I also have to let them know that my hr/bp drop during a procedure like this, so they are prepared to handle it if it happens. If you get those symptoms as well you might want to let them know and see how they handle it if something like that should occur.

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When they did my son's they turned up his IV to make sure he was really hydrated. It was done in Cleveland so they were well aware of the POTS related issues. They informed us beforehand that his heart rate might drop,etc...The doctor said she stopped at one point when his heart rate dropped into the twenties and restarted when it came back up. So make sure your doctor knows all the issues with the dysautonomia. Other than that, it went off without a hitch.

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They have different preps now. When I had mine (pre sickness) I had the gallon of golytley and a few other things. I've heard you can ask for Miralax which is tasteless but I'm sure you'd had to drink a lot of it. I've had phosphasoda which is nasty but it's a small bottle. I've had more sedation procedures than I can count in the last 3 years. No issues with heart rate or bp. I'd just tell them ahead of time.

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I've had one colonoscopy and two endoscopies since my POTS 7 years ago. All went fine, even though I worried through all of them! I had to manage the two day fast and prep with my POTS and my hypoglycemia, and it was a delicate balance, but it all worked out. I forewarned everyone about my POTS and that I might get low blood sugar, and they prepared with a good IV that had some glucose and not just normal saline. I didn't have any blood pressure or heart rate issues.

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I had one in october. I am super duper terrified of hospitals, medicine of all kinds. I literally cryed for hours before they came to get me. I was so scared and had been up all night drinking 6 buckets of miralex and mag. citrate and earlier that day I had a nucleaur stress test, and iodine cat scan intrevenously and they did another one with oral dye. I havent had a procedure where thay have had to put me to sleep since I was 8 so I was scared to death with my bp and hr.

However, to be completely honest I was mad when I woke up, it was the best nap of my LIFE! Despite the discomfort after ( they did over a dozen biopsies) I felt pretty good. My stomach calmed for a few days better than it had been for months. Im not sure what chalky stuff u have to drink cause I didnt have that but I know at one point I told my night nurse to drink the miralax herself, poor women, I was quite unhappy prepping. I had already lost 40 lbs prior to admission and had a hard time keeping any food in me as it was so for me drink a whole bottle of mag and 6 buckets of miralex was crazy. (i dumped some of them out when they werent looking, wouldnt reccomend this but my body didnt need that much) They did turn up my iv and switched it over to sucrolose and saline to keep my bp up and everything was completely fine while I was out. I remember asking the tech to hold my hand and watching my vitals as I fell asleep and right before I conked out I felt so relaxed and ok with the situation.

I told the tech all my concerns and they really helped me calm down and feel safe, even though I didnt stop crying lol Im such a wuss..lol Good luck !!! Imsure u will do fine!

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Ha! That's really funny because I've had 2 endoscopies and a colonoscopy since this all started, and while I don't look forward to fasting and preps, I look forward to the procedures BECAUSE my sleep is so messed up from all my many diagnoses that I always feel really refreshed after the anesthesia! It's like taking the best power nap I've had in 5 years! I'm sure the IV fluids help the sensation.

Puppylove, I was scared about the prep too but don't get too upset over it. Just take it a little at a time and do the best you can. I'll be thinking of you.

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Thanks for the replies everyone! I didn't finish all of the prep drink but I had enough. The results are everything is fine. Yay? Not really.... I wanted something they could fix. Oh well, going to take another route- probably looking more into adrenal gland kind of stuff. Also, the nurses and doctors took POTS seriously which is great!! They gave me two bags of saline which I wish I could get everyday lol. :)

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