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Anything Work To Get Rid Of Dizziness???

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Is there anything that works to get rid of dizziness? I am so dizzy and have head and ear pressure I can't function when this happens and its not from my blood pressure, just wondering if anyone has tried anything that has worked good for them. Its not veritgo.



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Florinef has really helped with my dizziness. Not so much with other symptoms though.

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Fludrocortisone/Florinef has really helped my lightheadedness and dizziness too even though my blood pressure isn't usually low when I'm dizzy.

Sometimes I used to get dizzy from ear pressure caused by fluid build up and Stemetil helped heaps for that.. I think that's more like vertigo though, it felt very different!

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Consistent magnesium supplementation has worked for me. It took me almost 3 months to get to the right dosage and discover I needed to take it 3 times daily and reduce my calcium intake as well, but now I so rarely ever experience dizziness. In researching magnesium deficiencies, I learned that it can cause tightness of the muscles of the inner ear and of the eye, which can cause pressure headaches and dizziness. Don't expect overnight results if deciding to take magnesium though, it does take time if deficient.

Also, I found a trick that helps clear head pressure immediately that results from barometric pressure changes or other reasons. Take a large breath in, then use your thumb and forefinger to plug your nostrils/pinch your nose, then close your mouth shut and exhale the breath really hard. It will pop your ears and release the pressure.

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Pam, I am not sure what (if any) meds you're on, but for me the "dizzines" (which I'd rather call lightheadedness) disappeared once I switched beta-blockers. I used to take metoprolol, then switched to bisoprolol - horrible side effects, "dizziness" incuded.

Now on propranolol, things are not as bad, but there is no more lightheadedness.

To be honest, before the beta blockers I never had a problem being lightheaded. I still wonder if the beta-blockers were the ones to start my POTS... as my only symptoms before I started taking any pills were occasional bouts of tachycardia at the most unexpected moments of the day - mostly in the middle of the night, not related to my laying down or standing. Once I started on beta-blockers, I started spending more and more time in bed, I became more and more deconditioned and stressed out, and to this day my tachy is still not under control, but I "gained" a whole bunch of other symptoms along the way.

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Sleeping is oddly the only "quick fix" for me. When I get overly dizzy, extreme sleepiness is usually associated. If I sleep 10+ hours a night, I usually have a good day the next day.

My SSRI keeps dizziness in check. Recently I added Adderral into the mix, and it instantly made the dizziness better.

I have some issues with the drugs, and it's not always convenient to sleep. So, nothing is perfect. Everyone is different. Just some ideas. :)

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