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My Get Out Of Relapse Diet Attempt

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Im gonna start a diet formulated based on Dr Weil's autoimmune diets.

Reduce meat down to 10% of diet.

Eat mainly vegetables and fruit

No caffeine or alcohol

and strictly no dairy of any kind.

I had fried tomatoes this morning with my dose of florinef and I feel better for it. Finally kept something down and got some benefit from it - my body has been rejecting all other food for three weeks (straight through me).

Previously ive been surviving on gatorade, florinef and herbal tea. Ive eaten to apples as well. Appetite only comes back at night.

ive never really believed in diets but im getting desperate :) LOL

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This is a great idea and I'm believing more and more that diet is closely tied to this whole thing (at least from the standpoint of causing inflammation and setting off your immune system--which will make any illnesses worse).

If you have the $$ and can invest in an ALCAT test, I would highly recommend it!! They test your WBCs against 200 different foods to see which ones your body reacts with inflammation to. Of course the results are different for everyone.

In the last month I have been following a grain free and casein free diet. I have definitely noticed a difference in the way I feel--I'm just hoping it continues.

**if anyone is interested in a grain free diet, www.grainfreeliving.com has some great information on it!

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I never would have thought diet could have a significant impact on much of anything until I learned about celiac disease and how going glutton free actually made a difference for some people. Hopefully you can find something that alleviates your symptoms. I would suggest adding fish oil for further autoimmune suppression as well as anti-inflammatory.

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Hi rama,

Diet can definetely affect how our bodies function. Imho, Dr wahls' videos say it all. The elimination

diet eliminates all common food intolerances like gluten, casein, soy, etc. Basically, any food

we eat too much of can cause an intolerance. Eat only healthy foods for their nutrients. Fried foods are omitted too since they're not healthy.

Imho, I wouldn't make this change all at once. Our bodies are accustomed to certain foods and withdrawals

can impede progress. Good luck .. D

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Since I can't take meds for my pots I try to control it with my diet. Mine is very simple: breakfast 1/4 cup oatmeal, quick cook, little brown sugar, cinnamon, apple, with 20 oz of water. Two hours later I eat a half of a luna oatmeal rasin power bar with a banana, and 20 oz of water. Lunch is a whole grain bread with boar's head turkey, romaine lettuce, slice of cheese, carrots and salted nuts, 20 oz of water.

Four in the afternoon 3 oz of yogert with strawberries and blueberries if I can get them, with 1/4 c of granola 20 oz of water. Dinner 3oz of chicken, turkey, sometimes beef, with raw vegatables 20 oz of water. I have lived on this diet for 6 years now and it being high fiber keeps my gi tract working just fine. I'm never hungry and it's very easy on the stomach. I know it sounds bland, but I never have to worry what I'm going to eat and it always sits well. I never have caffine, nor alcohol. I don't eat fish because the fda does not monitor it for chemicals even though they say it's so good for you. I don't eat any white flour, sugar, and I don't load up on salt. I looked into this and out table salt is so refine it will cause more damage in the long run I believe. This is what I found has worked for me, good luck finding what works for you.


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Good luck with your new diet. Please let us know how it works for you.

Maggie, I think the diet you're on sounds pretty good, too. How much salt do you think you take in during a typical day?

Cheers~ Jana

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I'm on the "only foods my body will tolerate" diet but odd yes I seem to be improving a bit on this.

Not sure why for me what is happening with other foods?

But please don't blast me for any of these foods because it is all I'm able to eat : (

Banana- I eat about two per day.

Canned pears- I eat a slice or two per day.

Plain vanilla yogurt-a couple spoons full per day.

Boiled egg- 1 to 2 per day

Pork chop- up to 1/2 per day

Lamb chops -up to 2 per day

Potato chips-I cannot eat any other fruit or veggie, plain potatoes give me a anaphylactic response-chips I can tolerate due to maybe the protein being broken down when it is prepared?

Milk-about five glasses per day

These are the only foods I can currently tolerate.

I really need to try more but the results are terrifying if I get one that doesn't agree.

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I think I've read that the ALCAT test is not a very reliable means to determine food allergies. I'm glad it worked for you and your husband, but before spending that much money, I think it would be wise to investigate the test thoroughly before doing it. I think I saw the information under "Quackwatch." Just a point for others to consider before spending the money.

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You make a very good point! :)

The ALCAT test actually is not an allergy test, but a food sensitivity test. It measures how your white blood cells (which is where your antibodies are) react to various different foods. The test can tell if your WBC's are releasing cytokines--which are inflammatory mediators--in response to the different foods. The larger the response, the more likely that you will have issues with that food.

The ALCAT test is not 100% accurate, but then again, no test is :). It IS however just as accurate as any of the other current tests on the market for detecting food sensitivities. The overall reproducibility is 98%.

I definitely agree that one should find out as much as possible about something before making a decision and purchasing it. I would encourage anyone thinking about it to read all of the studies involving ALCAT. On their website they have links to the studies which can be found at http://www.alcat.com/studies_links

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