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Anxiety Meds.


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I have really bad aniety with my POTS. I get nervous all the time which makes my POTS terrible. I am probably going to go on some sort of medication, but I don't want to. I know that antianxiety/ depression medications can have bad side effects and I don't react well to many medications. Also, I don't want to become numb with no emotion. I have tried three different therapists which did not help significantly. Is there any thing else I can do, or does anyone have a medication that worked well for them?

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I have posted a ton about this if you want to do a search on Lexapro. It was my miracle drug. I too have secondary anxiety/depression and it helped with that and POTS symptoms. I wont lie, the beginning was very hard and I lived off of klonopin until my body adjusted to it ( the first two weeks were the hardest). Eventually I had no symptoms from and it was SO worth it.

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Also I was on 10 mg( the lowest theraputic dose) and didnt feel numb, just SO much better and happy with life. I was able to start driving, working part time, and got my life back after being bed bound for 8 months. SSRIs are a treatment for POTS. However, I didnt like zoloft. You have to find the right one and it could take time.

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I also have difficulties with anxiety and went on Xanax. Because I have a liver enzyme that doesn't work right I can't take most meds. I take the xanx only when I get anxious and it helps me so much just to settle down, it also helps me to sleep. I hope you find something that works for you. I get so anxious I can't leave the house at times, it's my comfort zone.


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I've been told because I have seizures I shouldn't take AD so when I need something for anxiety I take Ativan. I find

if I only take it on an as needed basis it works better for me. I use it sublingual because it acts faster. It's the only med

I've been able to take other than my migraine med.

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I've been on Paxil (15mg) and Klonopin (.75) for about 10 years now, but I had to do some trial-and-error before I found the right meds for me. They keep me steady and while I'd like to not have to take them, they help me to much to quit...Xanax is good for short-term anxiety, and you take it as needed, but Klonopin is better with a longer term issue, and you take it every day whether you need it or not.

Hope you find something that works well for you. Also, I have a good psychiatrist I work with on the meds, and I've done some counseling to help with some anxiety/depression episodes.



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I am seeing a alternative medicine doctor and she is great! Things like behavioral therapist , massage therapist , acupuncture , healing touch and meditation can be great alternative ways to cope with anxiety , depression , anger , pain , and etc. I have tried some of the things above and it has helped me greatly. I also deal with anxiety and have tried these things and they help way better then any meds have helped me. It is just something I just wanted to put out there to consider trying

HOpe this helps. Best wishes to you

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I also tried acupuncture and it made my heart rate go up 30 beats per minute and it made me quite sick with only 8 needles. I waited two weeks and tried it again this time only using 4 needles and again I had the same result. I was really hoping it would work, but unfortunately it didn't for me. I find if I'm not too anxious listening to music helps me calm down.


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I also have difficulties with anxiety and went on Xanax. Because I have a liver enzyme that doesn't work right I can't take most meds. I take the xanx only when I get anxious and it helps me so much just to settle down, it also helps me to sleep. I hope you find something that works for you. I get so anxious I can't leave the house at times, it's my comfort zone.


Hi Maggie, sorry to hear about the anxiety, hope you can keep it under control.

I was curious to read about your liver enzyme problem. I am the same in that I am very reactive to medication. In an LFT test my ALT enzyme is always isolated. Were your LFTs out of whack which lead to your liver problem diagnosis?


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