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I'm Really Scared Still About My Weight

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Well at my mom's I was starting to gain and I was so relieved.

I had weighed myself here just as I got back and I had gained one pound and was up to 87.5?

So I was so hopeful I was on the right track.

I am very small and the dietician I spoke to when I weighed myself with a robe on and was at 86/5 said I was still in the safe zone.

Well my butt especially just seems like there is nothing there. It dents in on the sides and it was starting to fill in and now I'm back to the dents.

I hate it!!

I got on the scale today and I didn't have the robe or anything else just a very lightweight pair of jeans and sleeveless top.

I'm back down to 86.

Oh I hate this... I eat all day till I'm stuffed and can't take another bite.

I even get up in the night and eat.

Has anybody been through this and pulled out of it.

I was only diagnosed with the food allergies about 3-4 weeks ago so it's possible there is still healing going on in my intestines since I've been totally off the corn.

I have so few safe foods and desperately just want to eat.

It's very difficult to find things that are free of the things that I will react to.

I ordered a loaf of bread from California and am paying $20 to have it shipped to see if I can tolerate it.

I am afraid to expend the energy to try to go to health foods store and search through the items to find things I can tolerate.

I really think maybe the change is-I'm trying to eat the same but now with me at home I'm up and active more doing dishes, cooking, doing laundry whereas at my moms I just stayed down as much as I could to try to not burn any calories at all.

I have felt okay doing these things it has felt good to be up moving around so I don't know what.

I just got on the scale so I am emotionally affected by what I saw. I was basically aymptomatic except noticing the dents in my butt again.

Oh I don't know what to do.

I want help but don't know where to turn.

I am not convinced that if I went to a hospital that they would even be equipped with foods I could eat.

my allergy diet is so tricky and I don't know that hospitals stock organic foods.

I am at a loss and scared.

Has anybody been through this and had experience.

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To give you an idea of what I'm eating.

It's about 5 glasses of milk per day.

A banana, an egg, homemade applesauce. rice, some hamburger have to be careful about how much.

Some pork....chips and about 1/2 of a sweet potato.

I eat from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed and then I've been waking myself up in the night and take a few more bites of this or that and drink some of the milk then.

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Wow Lieze...I can't believe you're so small. I have read so much about gastrocom helping people that have a hard time with their food. Maybe a nutritionist could help you? I soak everything in olive oil to try to add fat to my diet. I'm down to 100.5 I used to be 108 before I got this.

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Lieze and Godsgal,

How tall are you? Do you know what your BMI is (if not, I can help you do one, just PM me). I also have this problem. I'm 5'8" and weigh between 115 - 118 (49 years old). My doctor is really upset and is insisting that I put weight on, because of course it will make me feel better if my body is functioning better. I eat about 1700 calories a day - I know because I keep track to make sure I'm getting enough calories a day to not lose more weight. It is hard, because I feel full and like I must be eating too much.

Lieze, it doesn't sound like you're eating enough to keep weight on. When I was in the hospital, they were going to have a nutriontist come talk to me, but I was discharged before that could occur. I have low albumin, which both of you might want to have checked. It's a simple blood test which shows if your body is processing protein normally and if you're getting enough from the 'right' sources. Keeping a calorie log for a while might also show you what you're taking in and if that's enough....

Hope this helps us all,


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I am not as tiny as you, but have lost a LOT of weight this year. (I was recently diagnosed with celiac, so I can relate so very well to changing everything about you eat, and having to be almost maniacal about reading labels!) But I saw Dr. Grubb a few weeks ago and he had a great suggestion as to gaining some weight. If you can tolerate it, have a heaping teaspoon of peanut butter once an hour. (You can sub almond butter) I have mine on a rice cake with honey (i have a serious sweet tooth!) and it is super tasty. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! And FYI, with my new diet my weight has stabilized, but after 2 months of being gluten free i am still having trouble gaining the weight back.


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Ugh I'm allergic to peanuts and almonds.

Cashew was the only nut I was not allergic too.

My mom purchased me some cashew butter but I've Bern afraid to try it due to them telling me to just avoid all nuts.

I had been eating a few cashews at a time prior and did okay with them.

I wish I had more courage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh I'm allergic to peanuts and almonds.

Cashew was the only nut I was not allergic too.

My mom purchased me some cashew butter but I've Bern afraid to try it due to them telling me to just avoid all nuts.

I had been eating a few cashews at a time prior and did okay with them.

I wish I had more courage.


Try sunbutter. It is like a nut butter but made from sunflower seeds. It is peanut-free, tree-nut free and gluten-free but still packs the protein and fat to help you.

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I really think that you should go in... maybe they could do a port or something? It must be so hard! How tall are you right now?

I totally understand about the weight loss.. it will make POTS so much worse too :[ I am 5'10 and my lowest was 103. I felt like I was dying. I now weigh 115 but still need to gain more.

Thankfully I can eat pretty much everything (still get plenty of IBS from it) but I cant seem to gain weight.

I hope you start feeling better soon! I think you best bet is to go in because if you get sick at all, you wont be in the safe zone anymore, and that is pretty scary!

plenty of hugs to you.

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Man lieze...... I just wrote you a huge reply and it got deleted :(

I was just basically saying that i know you mentioned corn and nuts but was it gluten as well?

You should try ensure or protein shakes. I make green smoothies and you can make them with spinach or kale, strawberries, bananas or actually any combonation of fruit you are able to eat. these are healthy and packed with lots of nutrients. What about rice and beans, they are a good combo to give a complete protein that will help add or retain muscle mass (weight). Grilled chicken (if you eat meat). Stir frys are yummy and you could just mix lots of various veggies with spices, olive oil, or soy sauce and throw over a bowl of rice. Baked potatoes seem like they would be good substance.

I really hope that you get to where you want to be, good luck with everything.

PS. chocolate and sweets, if you can have those, full of calories!! and delicious.

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I was quite thin too. I went from 130 pounds to 110 pounds. Now I am 127 pounds. I have managed to gain back almost everything I lost.

I stopped taking Florinef and the weight gain started gradually. I know thats so weird as its usually the opposite, you gain weight on florinef! hehehe

I also go to a holistic PCP.

All the foods you are eating he has told me NOT to eat - milk, pork, eggs, they are very allergenic. He basically recommends all meat BUT pork!!

No dairy, BUT butter (one tablespoon a day) is OK for the buteric acid.

This is what the diet basically is:

breakfast : gluten free bread with butter or gluten free minimal processed oats made with water/

lunch: piece of meat as big as your palm (free range organic chicken, beef or fish) and vegatables (there are some to avoid like corn)

dinner: same as lunch

there are certain snacks that you can have.

if you need more info let me know.

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