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Drank A Beer


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I used to get sick from alcohol when I first got POTS. I barely drank for 3 or 4 years, but I have started having drinks occasionally again two summers ago. I completely lost my tolerance during the period I didn't drink and have been able to build it back up again. Last night I had 2 glasses of wine and I'm pretty much fine this morning. I can't say alcohol makes my symptoms BETTER, but at least it no longer makes me feel worse. It's great to be able to enjoy a drink or two again - makes me feel more "normal" in social situations. Same thing with caffeine. I gave it up for a couple of years and now I am able to drink it again without aggravating my symptoms - and that actually helps me - gives me more energy.

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I love good beer---imports usually. Now I can't tolerate even one of them. however, I do have a few sips of my son's beer every now and then.

He takes after me, and also loves imports.

I used to love margaritas, no wonder I liked so much salt on the rim. Sometimes I'll have a few sips of one of those too. ;)

For some reason I have never tolerated wine well, even before I crashed with POTS. It made me feel a body rush, and like I could feel my blood running through my veins.

Maxine :0)

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I Like a few ounces of wine (cabernet) after dinner. If I have it before- it makes my blood sugar wacky. I'm really into running right now & notice I don't perform as well the next day if I drink :-( Too bad, otherwise, I LIKE how it makes me feel.


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Wine makes me feel great... 2 or 3 glasses is good, more than that and I think my blood pressure bottoms out. However, a few glasses is a nice balance and eases many symptoms, including brain fog. I keep telling doctors that wine makes me feel great and they keep handing me out drugs that make me feel worse instead. How are manufactured drugs better than wine, which is at least made from a natural ingredient?

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I quit drinking for quite a while... 'till a few weeks ago. I've been in a mostly good period POTS-symptoms-wise and it did not derail me. I did have to "drain the gecko" repeatedly which kept me rather busy (of course I made sure to re-hydrate)! Like with caffeine or (extra protein for that matter), I make sure water intake is good if I drink alcohol, which helps but is also inconvenient.

I have not found it to be an instant POTS aggravator, and a modest intake can be kind of calming. I can't tell if it directly counters any POTS stuff for me... maybe when my symptoms are in a certain pattern it can (like the more tremulous side of things)? I tend to be more "fueled" by it than "sedated", for whatever reason. For example, so long as my metabolism is already in a carb friendly mode... it fits right in and fuels me. If I am in "carb becomes bloat/fat" mode, then its going to make me a slug and give me a stressed out feeling. On an "emotional axis" it just pushes me further in whatever direction I'm already going.

Alcohol is one of those really complicated substances with tons of apparent effects (sugar-like fuel, adrenal stimulation, GABA agonist, NMDA antag, toxic metabolites, diuretic, etc.). Looking at what it is said to do, it seems it would be touchy with POTS except for the GABA effect (which might make sense to isolate instead). From some vague indications it seems an NMDA agonist would be a better fit than an antagonist too (but who knows), yet alcohol is very mild on that front (maybe cycloserine will come up in trials?).

I don't know whether it results from excessive quantities or prolonged moderate use, but you probably know alcohol can be a source of POTS causing peripheral neuropathy... so significant regular use is probably a no-no.

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