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Body Aches


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Pots is so depressing! I haven't had a good cycle in a while. I am so tired lately that my body trully aches. My whole body hurts and I want to take pain meds for it. Does anyone else get this from pots or is it something else. It is sort of new for me but I do remember having this during other pots crashes. I am not sick otherwise, no fever etc. Thanks!

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I really haven't. I do know that a lot of studies have found that people with fibromyalgia-type pain have autonomic issues. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it goes the other way, too -- that people with POTS can also have some pain issues kind of like what fibromyalgia patients have.

That's just a guess, however. I'm not a doctor, though sometimes I think it would be really handy if I was!

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I have serious pain issues along with my pots. I deal with migraines like many on this site, as well as whole body pain. The pain feels like it is actually within my bones, doesn't really feel muscular. I do a lot worse in bad weather, too. If I can't, or don't want to take pain meds I sometimes get relief with heat. I have a heated mattress pad and I will crank it up and crawl into bed and sometimes that can help.


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I have chronic pain issues and migraines as well. Sometimes I just have to take a painkiller, so I take 1/2 of a 5 mg Percocet and it gives me relief for about 5 or 6 hours. I hope you find something that works for you.



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Interesting topic. I think they found that mots Fibro patients tested positive for POTS and increase sympathetic activity. Perhaps there is a link.

I have chronic aches and pains but I have Ankylosing Spond. Many females with AS dont get the back pain, just the aches and pains. Not saying it applies to your case but though id mention it off the cuff :(

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I get a deep total soreness at times, Lina. Have had this flair up occasionally but briefly for a great many years, though I'm often quite un-sore at other times. For me it's a flu-like feeling that eventually get's painful in muscles (but no other signs of flu or infection). I've heard flu-like stuff is typical of CFS which also has crossover with POTS. I've considered a Fibromyalgia point of view too, but for me it's just deep muscular and I don't have the characteristic "pressure point" sensitivities of Fibro... but that could fit too.

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I think its always important to different between the types of pain. Is it constant pain? Does it get worse with movement? Does anything make it better? worse? If you are suddenly not active and your muscles are atrophying that can cause pain that increasing activity might help. I know what I'm not feeling good I lean on walls,chairs etc when I get around the house so I get aches in my arms from using those muscles more. Does stretching/hotpack/coldpack make a difference. If you go to the dr. is important to tell him what the pain is like-painkilers are good and helpful but if theres another option I would look into it.

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I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia pain and they tried to put me on lyrica but I gained ten lbs in a week and my face swelled up with fluid. I had to stop. I found that the pain got better when I started going to the dietician and she found I was only eating 500 cals a day when I should be getting 1450. I find also the pain is worse when I over do it or when I exercise\strength train. If I don't sleep enough I also hurt and get the body aches.

Tylenol and rest helps. Make sure you are eating enough and are getting all your vitamins and you are sleeping like you should.

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Thanks everyone for your replies. The pain lasted for a two nights and was pretty uncomfortable but I have been resting a lot this weekend and that helps. I rented season one of Rescue Me and let my brain rot! I never do things like that. My kids were busy so I could indulge. For those of you who asked - the pain was not movement related. In fact it felt worse when I was still. I was very much in my arms and legs. I think (my theory here) is that after a busy week of teaching, exercising and taking care of my family, the lack of circulation (ie oxygen and nutrients) not getting to my limbs causes inflammation or deprivation of some kind. It felt like the end of running race when you hit the wall.

On another note - I am having a mri and brain scan and blood tests looking for a lyme and coinfections. I finally found a dr who will explore this route with me. I live in a very lyme infested area and have had many tick bites over the years. I will keep you posted!

healing wishes to all...

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  • 1 year later...

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 10 years ago and took a low dose of Tramadol to ease the body aches that accompanied it. Since being diagnosed with POTS, the severity and the frequency of my body aches have increased substantially. There are days that I just lay in bed in pain, even without moving, deep muscular pain.

I just went to my internist to ask for an increase in my pain medicine, Tramadol. He told me I could take up to 400mg. daily. I was only taking 100mg, so I'm thankful for the increase in doseage. Luckily, I haven't had to take the maximum dose yet. Hopefully, it will help.

You may want to go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for Ultram or its generic Tramadol. These medications are not narcotics; therefore, a doctor may be more willing to prescribe it. Unfortunately, I have found that Tramadol takes much longer to go into effect and may not be as strong a narcotic, but it's better than over the counter medications.

Good Luck!


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