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Update On My "shocking Week"


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Well, I met with an attorney the beginning of the week and it doesn't look too promising for me, to say the least. 3 years of marriage doesn't warrant any support/maintenance and we don't have really any "marital assets" to speak of. A good part of the "stuff" in our place he brought into the marriage, I brought very little. Needless to say, not too happy. The other day I felt like taking a hammer to his stuff but, I didn't--figured I'd get into deep doggie dodo for that--Then I was at the kitchen sink rinsing out a cup and thought--might as well throw my wedding rings down the disposal--of course, I came to my senses and didn't--after all--I could always sell them if needed right? LOL Maybe I need anger management !

On the brighter side, I'm back at work so that helps---Now I just have to make sure I don't run myself down with all this stress so I stay at work.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a little update since you've all been so supportive and helpful.

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Gosh Sweetie.. I know this is hard. Its scary.. your world has been shaken to the core.

You need spiritual guidance that first comes with believing in something...someone..whatever you deem important.

Stay focused..and beleive you will be GUIDED.

OH..you WILL grieve...and go through all those crappy stages: shock..denial..anger..depression..resentment ..and on an on till you get to acceptance. Its not something you do alone...you need others..to ask for help..yup.. ASK for help.

You will look back and what seems so awful and sorrowful today...will be replaced with an even BETTER life..love..happiness.. feeling so good about yourself and all you made it through.. which like it or not...does make us stronger.

HUGS Sweetie


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Oh sweetie, been there done that. I am so sorry! As far as unsolicited advice goes, make it as quick as you can!

Whatever support you have, lean on it! Divorces are life shattering, even when they are needed. Try to keep yourself as well as you can and absorb yourself in things that you enjoy that will not hurt your health (books, hobbies, friends...)

We are here for you!


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Good for you that you're back at work. Keeping busy is much more helpful than sitting around the house being angry and sad. You're stronger than you know, and you'll prove that to yourself when this is done and over with. I too almost threw my rings away, but a little bit of advice here...if you decide to get rid of them, don't pawn them! Sell them to someone else instead. You'll get a lot more money, then go out and buy yourself something fabulous!

Sending positive energy and strength your way.



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Hang in there. Glad you are back at work. Get lots of rest as that helps with the stress affecting a person. Time heals many wounds but also remember

'Time wounds all heels!' :P Can't remember who said that...some sarcastic comedian.

Good luck

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I left my marriage without a penny, I had to borrow money for the deposit on my apartment. It was hard and scary but I got through it, and you will too! Don't be afraid to ask for help. The smartest thing that I did was get a really inexpensive apartment. Even when I am sick and unable to work I can scrape together the rent money and keep a roof over my head. Just focus on the future, and how much it will reduce your stress level not having to worry about trying to keep anyone else happy, or trying to drag yourself to events you are really not up to attending. Hang in there!

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