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Vision Problems


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Do any of you have trouble focusing your eyes when driving? While driving I notice my vision gets blurry & I have trouble focusing. I'm sure it's this way all the time but I notice it more when driving. In 50 years of wearing glasses I don't think I've ever had a pair that I could wear. At the exam I can see fine but by the time I get my new lens things have changed again. Thanks.

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YES YES YES !!! When I met the neuro for the autonomic testing...and told him that my vision is getting worse even tho I have had 2 RX changes for glasses it didnt matter.

He told me the focus problems are related to autonomic problems. But now its more often..nearly daily.. AND it clear up with crystal clear focus for a bit too. So its NOT the glasses or prescriptions as I have been through that 2 times and it did not make a difference.

Now I get headaches with it. My vision is really blurry with dbr letters.. not side by side like in dbl vision but above...Do you have that?

Do you also end up with a headache..nausea??

Take care,


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So.. is there any way to treat these vision problems??


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I can't give you a fix for the distance vision, but a neuro-opthamologist has told me to use +2 reading glasses in addition to my normal prescription for reading/computer/close vision. I have been doing this for work for over a year and it is the only way I can focus for any length of time. My focus will wander (my eyes will no longer converge and one eye will move out.) I have a special pair of glasses that is my Rx and a +2 together, so I don't wear two pair on my nose. I have a daily headache, so I'm not sure that it is related. I am "visually sensitive" since I am artistic, so this REALLY bothers me too! The halos really stink! :)

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