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Hormone Regulation Of Symptoms

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Hi All,

Several of the women on the forum have talked about how our symptoms are worse with hormone fluctuations and the menstrual cycle. I am wondering if those of you on some type of birth control or hormone replacement would mind sharing what you are on. I have tried birth control pills in the past (Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo) but felt really jittery on them. I am now on low dose patches (the kind used to treat menopausal symptoms), but they don't seem to be suppressing my own cycle enough. I am also looking for something that would allow me to not have periods... my body is just not strong enough to handle monthly bleeding. I know there are many options for hormones out there and am wondering what any one has found that they can tolerate and helps to reduce their hormone-aggravated symptoms of dysautonomia. If you have had any negative experiences, please share them as well. Thank you in advance!

~ Broken_Shell :)

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I tried various pills and like OvCon (I think that was it) but it was discontinued when a generic came out. The generic was awful for me so I switched to Seasonique. It have my cycles every quarter now, which helps the POTS symptoms. The worst side effect for on on these are yucky zits around my cycle, but I suppose I could have this with or without the pill!

I am currently looking into Mirean (an IUD) that only provides hormones locally, but systemic. I'm afraid I may get my hormonal migraines back on this, but I also don't like daily the pill with Midodrine (worry about my blood pressure).

So I'm considering the IUD option now, but have been on Seasonique for a couple of years with minor issues.

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Guest brianala

In the past I was on the pill, and then the NuvaRing. On both of these, I had horrible problems with fatigue and migraines especially around my cycle.

Last summer I got the Paragard IUD. It is a copper IUD with no hormones. I absolutely love it. I feel so much better than I did, and my migraines have mostly disappeared. I used to have one or two a month, and in the six months + that I've had my IUD I think I've only had one migraine.

IUDs are generally more effective than other forms of birth control, but there are some annoying things to deal with also. I'll gladly put up with a heavier/longer cycle to get rid of the hormonal side effects.

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I'm on the Mirena as well. I've been spotting off and on for the past couple of months but they say that around 6 months it should taper off. A girl I work with was the same way and she now doesn't have any periods. She still gets a little cramping around the time but no bleeding. I've been getting horrible migrains but I think it's the Florinef. Good luck.

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i was on yaz for two years. I took it before my POTS came on bad and it was fine. But as soon as my POTS came on i started spotting all the time and had horrible migraines. I stopped it and my panic attacks have reduced greatly and so has my depression. I later read forums where perfectly normal people where having panic/severe depression after taking the pill so i dont just think that my POTS attributed to it. i would not recommend that one! i have stopped hormones all together because im so afraid of going through that again but my periods are so much longer now and my POTS is slowly getting worse and worse ever since i stopped ie. severe fatigue/passing out/brain fog. The bc really helped raise my bp too :/

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Interesting you should mention that about Yaz, dani. I have PCOS and was told it should help with my symptoms. I took it for 3 months and it was horrible!!!! I had to stop b/c my hormones were a wreck and also had uncontrollable bleeding. I have not been on ANY hormones since them. No way, no how!

Now, I take glucophage since I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. It really works to control my hormones but I think that is only because I have PCOS. It probably doesn't help the POTS.

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I did the Mirena for almost five years and loved it. However towards the end of that last year (when it was due to be removed anyway) I began a slow slide into a horrid crash that I still have not come back from approaching two years now. Can't say if it was the Mirena ... I did try a few other BCPs after its removal, until my Cardio recommended (insisted) that since I am in my mid 40's I should not be taking even the low dose BCPs. So I'm flying solo into perimenapause.

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I'm mid 40's too and am well into perimenopause. I hve heard that our cycles go out quite erractically- just as they began. That has been true for me. The erractic, surging hormones have made my symptoms MUCH worse the past few years. Probably due to a fibroid embolization that I had a few years ago, I haven't had a period since November 2008. I was doing great until the hot flashes became very frequent and violent. Now, I m using a half of a patch called the "Combipatch." I had worsening headaches for a while, but they are settling down. The patch is helping to control the hot flashes and I feel FABULOUS- kind of like a guy must feel :) No awful bleeding, cramps, mood swings, BP changes, etc. My hormones are beautifully even.......Just thought I'd chime in to share what's working for me during this lovely rite of passage :)


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I have the Mirena IUD and so far, so good. I think it does make me feel a bit bloated and carry a couple extra pounds in my stomach, but that could be me getting older, too. I have almost no periods and only very occasionally do I get PMS-like symptoms.

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I have the Mirena IUD and so far, so good. I think it does make me feel a bit bloated and carry a couple extra pounds in my stomach, but that could be me getting older, too. I have almost no periods and only very occasionally do I get PMS-like symptoms.

I've got my appointment for Mirena. I really hope it helps like it did for you!

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My EP recomended trying one of birth control pills like seasonique to help with the POTS symptoms. I took it for awhile and loved it. But, my body got used to it, and wasn't stopping my periods. So I tried YAZ. I hated YAZ. I tried the ring, but I didn't like that either. I could still feel it even though they say you can't. I have tried the patch but it made be sick. I am on just plain old Ortho Tri Cyclen right now and it has been working fairly well. My husband and I want to start trying to get pregnant in the fall, so I am really looking forward to that. Many people have told me their POTS symptoms have gotten better during pregnancy. Then after we have a baby I think I am going to go for the Mirena. I have heard great things! Good luck! I know how hard it is!

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