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Everything posted by tinkerbella

  1. Today I was telling my doctor that my young dog has come down with epilepsy. She thought it was strange that we both have a neuro disorder and wondered what we might be exposed to. Our water is high in lead. and we both drink it a lot. The smaller the size, the more absorbed if I understood correctly. Meaning my small dog and being so young. So tomorrow, before hydration I'll be checked. Wouldn't that be bizarre from that conversation that my pots was from lead poisoning? bellamia~
  2. Hi, I know this pain all too well... I was told to get quinine water and drink it. I found they don't sell it full strength, but it's in soda water and I bought a bottle of lime to try. I noticed it was in the back of my fridge tonight. Wish I had pulled it out as I'm really hurting bad and can't go over the stairs one more time. I will mention it to my Mast cell doctor as she is watching me for lymphoma and leukemia as my something is really high. The pain is unbearable. Nothing touches it. Tomorrow I'll try the tonic water and see how it works. xxxx's BellaMia~
  3. Glad to hear all went well. Take things one day at a time. Bellamia~
  4. I take the THERMOTABS, SALT SUPPLEMENT BUFFERED and it says to take with a full glass of water. My doc told me to TANK UP. They don't bother me at all. I need to buy them online next time as the drug store had to special order them 100 for 9.99.
  5. Hi, I get low very easily and take many meds... I have to watch and take my meds on a sliding scale.. But if I start to drop below 110 top number I pop two thermotabs and start tanking up with fluids. The newest fluid to stay hydrated is coconut water. I feel it coming on I get very warm all over when everyone else is fine, at night time I was dropping to the floor like crazy and hurting myself. I found that I'm no longer wanting to eat and it's making my BP stay low also. I would rather drink instant breakfast, vitamin water, Kiefer, than have a heavy meal. Meals tend to upset my tummy and I then load them with salt. Bullion is a good way to push up the pressure and also with a Gatorade but drink it slowly if you have tummy troubles. The nights I take a thermotab or two at bedtime I'm less likely to start fainting when I wake in the night. It's strange that although my BP will be below 90/75 even at hydration I will have to add the tabs. Hope this helps...I don't know your meds, so if one is for BP I would talk to your doc about what number your BP should be before you take it. MY # IS 130 TOP. GOOD LUCK~ Bellamia
  6. Hi, I get low very easily and take many meds... I have to watch and take my meds on a sliding scale.. But if I start to drop below 110 top number I pop two thermotabs and start tanking up with fluids. The newest fluid to stay hydrated is coconut water. I feel it coming on I get very warm all over when everyone else is fine, at night time I was dropping to the floor like crazy and hurting myself. I found that I'm no longer wanting to eat and it's making my BP stay low also. I would rather drink instant breakfast, vitamin water, Kiefer, than have a heavy meal. Meals tend to upset my tummy and I then load them with salt. Bullion is a good way to push up the pressure and also with a Gatorade but drink it slowly if you have tummy troubles. The nights I take a thermotab or two at bedtime I'm less likely to start fainting when I wake in the night. It's strange that although my BP will be below 90/75 even at hydration I will have to add the tabs. Hope this helps...I don't know your meds, so if one is for BP I would talk to your doc about what number your BP should be before you take it. MY # IS 130 TOP. GOOD LUCK~ Bellamia
  7. THANKS EVERYONE for your support!! I got through last week with the innocence of my young grandchildren. WE all went to visit mom and dad's grave site and children noticed things that we adults don't. They made it more of a happy occasion. I learned to kiss the ground, sprinkle flower petals, leave gifts behind that little ones treasure. Also, we had to teach that we don't dig our Beloved Nina back up to see her one more time...Out of the mouths of babes...I love them so much!!! Today is my birthday and tomorrow would have been my dad's. I'm still struggling with my leg and heel along with getting to use this new system. Things will get better, as I just had a good old cry for all that is going on...My son just called as he just made it to college. love to all~ Bellamia~
  8. God Bless you sweet Noreen. Thank you for all you do FOR ME HERE, your message that you sent, your understanding of my pain,your friendship and your kindness by saying the ROSARY...I WAS SO TOUCHED..as I have a Strong Devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary...I think I'm in too much pain too figure all of this out tonight. I sent one message, but I can't open them. My leg hurts bad now, so I'm going to take my meds and see if I can relax with my half shaven dog. Poor thing, as I hope by the weekend I will have completed the job. xxx's love, bellamia~
  9. Just wanted to say hello, as I haven't been around as much lately... A few people have tried to message me and I haven't figured out how to use the new forum yet. I've been have a lot of problems with my joints hurting really bad. I also tore my left knee Mencius along with getting a baker's cyst. I got a cortisone shot which didn't work and they thought I had a blood clot... no clot showed, but they said with pots it would be something they would look for and would be common after a tear. A week later I was in worse pain....now I could not step down needing a second shot and now I had Achilles heel tendinitis and walked out with two new braces and back to the infusion clinic... Now, I'm in pain on the opposite side of the knee. I must be compensating the way I walk and straining muscles. So every day the pain gets worse instead of better. Also I had some kind of reaction to the brace on my lower leg even though I had a sock on I swelled and itched so bad I though I was going to rip my skin off. Today, I was at the hospital and meant to make an appointment with the doctor but I'm so tired I fall right to sleep... So I'll be back there Monday and will check in then. Tomorrow will also be my mother's birthday... the first one since she passed away in May. I haven't had transportation to go back to the cemetery since she passed and we plan to go back tomorrow as my daughter just got back from vacation. It still seems unreal to me and I have been sad. I keep finding letters from her all over my house. They are like they were time released for me to reread and I cherish them more the second time around. They have been a great gift to me and comfort. I miss all of you and I hope I'll soon be back and able to figure out all of the new system. My brain Fog has a hard time with things like this and reading directions... Blessings and Love to all~ Bellamia
  10. I'm starting to find out the same thing... my mom was this way, would always say no ice in her drinks. She had very low sodium and wouldn't be allowed to drink. I had no control over her health care, as no one understands my condition. If it is cold I sip it slowly... and that helps. Same with food eat small meals all day long rather than several big ones or I get nausea. Nausea is not nice! Bellamia
  11. Another thing my pots spec. told me all emgs are not the same as I had two different ones with different readings. I called the second one a fake one at a certain place where they used a totally different technique and talked on the phone at the same time to a friend. She my neuro said she didn't believe in there results. First results were done at top notch place. I'm sure you are going to a good place, but I just wanted to let all know that. Bellamia
  12. (((((((((((((((((((((LONG DISTANCE HUGS TO YOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I am so sorry for you sweet one..OUCH, that must hurt bad!... I know just how you feel. How can we except friends to understand when half of us can't get family to understand. That is why we are here FOR EACH OTHER! AND LIKE JANA SAID...DITTO! IF you ever need someone I'm almost always here or answer people back if you need to vent. I'm laid up with a torn meniscus of the knee we'd make a great pair. Are you able to get able help through your insurance company. I get 7 hours a week of a homemaker, it helps take the burden off my children from all the help I need....as they also have a life...Hang in there. : ) Friends left me also, because they think you'll use up all there time... I say there loss!!!! Those who have stuck by me are my true blue friends, and my online friends here are where I can come for great support. <3 u all. bellamia~*
  13. Jana, I GET A B12 SHOT once a month, that seem to help and the neuro felt it was necessary after my emg and all that is wrong with me. Bless you, bellamia~*
  14. Jana, SORRY MY FRIEND....YOU SOUND LIKE ME...Did they do an emg? I have cubital and carpal tunnel in arm and hands. I need braces to wear to avoid surgery. It hurts to type. All the salt doesn't help either. I need to get out my voice to text software and start using it again. I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. Neurtion, made me like a drunk, same with lyercia. I hope you find some relief. HUGS, HUGS, AND MORE HUGS..... <3 U AND U R IN MY PRAYERS, Bellamia
  15. Maxine, (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers. This heat has been giving me wacky #'s also. bellamia
  16. The other day a friend told me about quinine water for cramps. I had never heard of this and I taught aerobics. I looked for it today and they don't sell it alone anymore. It's in tonic water, so I bought some line to give it a try. Also found this link and thought it might help. Muscle Cramp Remedies - Health 911 http://www.health911.com/remedies/rem_cramp.htm
  17. I got increased systolic readings ...also, increased joint pain that I was told could last for up to a year. My doc wanted me to gp back on it and I refused. I'm taking thermotabs as needed with fluids instead.
  18. I can't take NSAI either. I found this link just to explain what all these pain meds are. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Acetaminophen: The Difference Between Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2...phen.html?cat=5
  19. Ibuprofen is used to blunt the heart rate also...so if you have a low heart rate or bruise easily you may not want to use ibuprofen. Or better yet check with your doctor first. I sweat throughout my life. I never could even get a deodorant to work for me I sweat so bad. I used to joke about it back then.
  20. When ever one area of your body is in pain or has an infection your symptoms will be worse. You always need to have those problems areas treated asap. My cardio sends me to ortho, gastro, gyn, neuro or back to PC to get everything under it's best control possible.
  21. Oh, I'm also freezing.... went for a sleep study and the room was soooooo cold I needed another blanket and the air turned down. I tried to explain about the dysregulation of body temp. Wished I had bought socks to wear to bed. I only start to sweat now when I'm going to pass out so I get down fast.
  22. I suffered terrible till my sister found an article on topamax being used for night sweats, migraines, and since those are a double whammy with us I tried. The night sweats slowly went away. I was impressed...no more soaking the bed and changing clothes every night. My headaches and pains were some what better till recently and we needed to adjust the dose. I'm not sure we will ever be free of joint pains and migraines but, for the night sweats I have found some relief.
  23. The heat has been it's worst ever here. My doctor wrote a letter addressed to who it may concern that I needed a heat controlled environment, so I need to buy some air conditioners. This will only help me write then off as a medical needed expense. So even before I've purchased anything the electric bill come in and has already doubled from fans, dehumidifier, charging wheel chair, 180 dollars. I was saying how I'm I going to survive, mentioned my bill to my son and he showed me the delivery rates had gone way up and not my usage. That this most likely will be happening to everyone and they will all think it is because it is the summer and using there air conditioners. So keep and eye on you bills everyone. I tried using just a fan for the past two days and when ever I stood my HR would jump to 149 just standing, and then as the evening cooled off I would drop to 111. These days I can't go anywhere without my BP monitor, salt tabs, meds, tons of water, Gatorade, and lots of small snacks. I can't forget the fan that goes around the neck 1.00 @ the dollar store. When you are tachy you blow it right in your face. Bellamia~
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