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Everything posted by becky

  1. hiya, sorry dizzygirl this thread is making me laugh, not about the wheelchairs that was disgusting i would have thrown a tantrum and stood on his toes or some thing!! but about walmart, over here walmart took over asda and near my house we have this hugmongus (sp?) 24 hour store that i can't go to cos it's always too hot, it's far to big so i don't even get half way round and i fall down and if i do get the whole way round i find that i'm so shaky and potsy that i have put stuff i just won't ever eat in a million years in the trolley. and there is never any wheelchairs left by the time i get there! anyway next time you tell the dumb*** that it's none of his business what's wrong with you! sorry, little bit aggressive today, too much caffine!
  2. hi maureen, welcome to the site. i'm twenty four so i know what your niece feels like, there are lots of helpful links on the site and everyone is really helpful and nice. hope your niece feels better soon. becks x x x
  3. hiya, just to add a me too, i get really sick and have to stay in bed when i get a cold!! it's really annoying and i catch everything! becks x xx
  4. woo hoo! well done love, good luck and keep in touch. sending big hugs becks x x x
  5. i absolutely love house they've only just started showing it over here on terrestrial tv, and i love hugh laurie, it's good to see english actors who can do good accents, most of them can't manage irish! also jesse spencer who plays chase was in an aussie soap that's been on in england for years so that's possibly why they started showing it. they should do a pots one though.
  6. howdy, just thought i'd add a me too, i had a mole removed when i was 19, luckily it wasn't cancerous but again i was told had i left it longer it would have been, its easy to get them removed though. oh, about the plastic surgeon thing, when my mole was removed (just below my right shoulder on my chest) i developed a keloid scar, and i had a plastic surgeon who stitched my scar from the inside so that it would only be a tiny scar, unfortunately some people are predisposed to keloids, it's a genetic thing according to my dermatologist. good luck with it though and let us know how you get on. becks
  7. ah the good old, member of your family died so you are fainting diagnosis! i had that too. ****heads!! well, does that mean that she will change your notes to say that you haven't got anxiety issues? it's great that she thought of you to call when she had someone else with the same kind of symptoms though, maybe that will stop someone else being treated the way that you were. So maybe you have actually really spared someone from all of the stress and horridness youv'e put up with recently, i think that that is ace, that cardio must realise where they went wrong and at least they are trying to fix it. at least this patient can be assured that they aren't on their own with this. love you lots becks x x x
  8. hiya, sorry if you feel left out, i, like most of the others i think didn't really know much about what you were posting, so i didn't answer, not cos we are clicky (is that spelt right?) i have been a member for a few months now i think (?) sorry, brain fog! and i have found that the people on here are like one big happy family who help each other and care about each other, see how many replies you got this time! i personally have no idea what chiari is, and i'm not really up on blood pooling either so i can't help you there. but if you want to share funny stories about passing out i'm your girl!! hope you get more info and help, lots of love and hugs becky x x x
  9. hey melissa, sorry to be really late posting this but just wanted to say that you are a real inspiration going back to school i know how difficult it is and i'm only trying to do three hours a day. just take it slow, like pers said get a disabilities officer (do you guys have them over there?) i have one in college and at my local job centre and although they aren't actually ill and they don't know what it's like to be ill they can at least help with everything that you need to help you get back to where you want to be. my aunty got me a fridge magnet last year that says, "i am woman, i am invicible, i am tired" she said it reminded her of me it always makes me laugh, it's ok to be ill and tired and upset and to eat your own body weight in ice cream, you'll bounce back up when your body is ready just be patient (god i hate that phrase can't believe i just used it please forgive me!!) you know what i mean though ish right? anyway hope you are feeling slightly better, and we are all here to talk to when it gets ****. big hugs and sloppy kisses (my dad does that to make me feel good) becks x x x (still having a sugar rush)
  10. howdy all, cheers for the replies, i don't think he's testing for addisons because i've already been tested and it was fine, he was a little concerned that i have bad pain in the right side of my tummy, had it for about six months though and my gp said it was just cos i have ibs. anyway, i have to do three 24hr urine tests and have an mri of my tummy and kidneys (?) thanks for all the suggestions though, at least i know what to have a look for. i do have episodic high bp and i told him about that. on the plus side though he say's that he is sure my VVS is under control and that my pots is getting there and that the other symptoms are not related to pots but he'll get it sorted for me! yeah i'm gonna be a well person again and then i'm gonna kick some butt at my diability hearing!! woo hoo! sorry major sugar high, just had a hot chocolate and my bp and pulse have shot up, syncope in college with a skirt on is not going to happen today so i'm off to chill out and cool down. thanks again for reading, and pers thanks for the link i'm going to check that out now. big hugs to all. becks x x x
  11. hi all, i just wanted to write and tell you all about my latest trip to see my cardiologist, i was really lucky because i am suing my ex employer for disability discrimination i had to have a medical exam and because they couldn't find anybody else in this area who knows about pots i got to see my own cardiologist in the private hospital in chester for an hour! great! he read me the letter that he was planning to send to the insurance company (the ones who are against me) and it sounded really good, however he had put in a line saying that this is clearly a case for disability discrimination and they told him to take it out, he said he'll find another way to get it in there! so having spent five minutes talking about the case i got the rest of the time to tell him what has been going on, mad symptoms again etc. he said that he doesn't think that i am having a reaction to the florinef but that i might have a problem with my adrenal glands, have to have a kidney scan. i have to see an ENT specialist cos he says my vertigo isn't a pots thing but sounds like my ears are playing up. he says that he might tilt table me again (NOOOO) to see if my symptoms are getting worse and i have to have some other tests ad increase my paroxetine to 30mg daily. it was so good to see him though, he agreed that i need to get a new gp after the last incident and he's writing to her to complain about my treatment. so i'm now seeing him again in about two weeks because he says that there is no reason for me to be suffering again, i have got a good cardio! anyway sorry to write a huge essay but i feel so good, like something is really getting done, and that i will be supported in court no matter what. oh, if anyone has any info on the adrenal gland thing can you let me know cos i don't have a clue what he was talking about. thanks for reading big hugs and good wishes to everyone else, hope you are all well. becks x x x
  12. hey matey, i am the worst friend in the whole world cos i forgot your birthday! but happy belated birthday and welcome to the world of 24. i am very happy that i have met you cos you have made my life with pots so much easier and you are always there when i need you to remind me that i am a fighter and not to give up. i really appreciate your friendship, hope you had a fantastic day and i can't wait for you to be settled in oxford so i can come gatecrash!! love you lots sending huge hugs (and so does my mother) becks x x x
  13. hi all, just thought i'd add my thoughts, i've always been verging on overweight, apart from when i was a teen. my blood pressure has always been low, which the docs always thought was odd cos i'm quite big (5"9 and not sure how much i weigh, about 15 stone) however this is the heaviest i've ever been, i can't seem to lose weight and i eat really healthily but i put on about three stone when i started taking florinef. becks x x x
  14. i seem to be ok in bath's, my bath has a step up to it and i use that to kind of roll in and out of the bath, it's hillarious to watch apparently, have a not helpful fiance who laughed at me the other day. showers however are evil and i don't go in them anymore, especially not if my hair needs washing. i passed out in the shower last month and landed on my wrist and sprained it but as i take two phones with me everywhere (some people get annoyed that i phone them from the bathroom) i phoned my mum and she came and got me and dressed me - am i the only person who does not lock the door? i'm terrified of getting stuck in the bathroom and drowning! as for hair washing - i predict the greasy wet look will be in this season! joking, i am also quite ocd about washing and i was my long hair every other day but i can't dry it myself - even if i'm sitting down it causes me major tachycardia, so i wear my hair in two plaits like heidi, thank goodness the boho look is in!!
  15. hi everyone, just wanted to say thanks for all of your lovely replies, been back to the docs today, saw the nurse and she was fantastic, still got an ear infection (my sixth in as many months!) so i've got some proper antibiotics, but more than that she actually listened. she didn't make me feel as though i was mad or asif i must be making it up because no one can have that many symptoms (i know you will all understand that!) she just noted everything down, did blood tests to check my potassium and about a million other things and because i have been having chest pains i have an ecg booked tommorrow, and she's writing to my cardiologist because he has asked my gp to be kept in the picture about how i'm doing so he can revise my meds if i have a relapse - the doctor didn't mention any of this last week. i feel so much better for being listened to by the nurse and by you guys, i did most of your suggestions, leg excercises etc although pers, wasn't to good at the standing against the wall thing!! thank you for your support, it really meant a lot when i was just so low. love and hugs to everyone becks x x x
  16. thank you so much. i feel so much better for just venting. still in bed and feeling rough but never mind, i'll get up when i feel better, not pressuring myself to go to college i'll finish the course in my own time. thanks for making me feel better. becks x x x
  17. hi Nina, i hope you feel better soon, i'm in a hole as well so understand what you mean about training a new doctor. I don't know what else to say but that i really hope that you are starting to feel better on the antibiotics. sending you big hugs becks x x x
  18. hiya everyone, i hate to write when i'm down but i just need some support. i have been in bed now for 2 and a half weeks, i'm really tachy and i hurt all over, my neck and head are so painful. last week i passed out four times which is the most i've passed out in over a year, my back is covered in bruises cos i hit the floor with a bit of a bang last tuesday. so anyway i went to the docs last week and my normally really nice gp was horrid, i came out in tears. i've got infections in both ears and have been given drops to get rid of it, but when i told her about my vertigo and passing out she just said that i have pots so what do i expect, and even though i'm on medication (0.3mg florinef and 20mg paroxetine daily) that i should expect to get worse and that i should "be more careful in future", like i have a say in when i'm going to pass out! sorry for ranting but i'm really upset about this, i'm supposed to be in college but i feel so ill and i haven't got a clue why. Also i'm suing my ex employer for disability discrimination and my case starts on the 1st November and i'm terrified i'll pass out in court. anyway, i'm going back to bed now my legs really hurt, they feel weak like i've been running but i haven't done anything! thanks for reading. becks x x x
  19. hi julie, i get those tremors too, i sometimes have it where ikt is only my hands normally when i've not eaten but more and more i am gettin g it where my insides feelm like they are shaking, my mum gets this too thoughn and she doesn't have pots! sorry for the spelling, passed out this morning not feeling too good, all hormonal i'm sujre but of to the docs tommorrow just in case. don't worry about answerig the phone with the remote, at times like these i'm not allolwed oujt on myg own cos i walked out in front of a car last tikme and then i put my han d in a cvery hot oven! going back to bed now, can't type veryh well. feel better soon becks x x x
  20. hi corrina, cooking went surprisingly well, we are all still alive! i think my cousin helped her though, he seems to have moved in with my parents over the weekend, which is cool but he normally lives in northern ireland, i swear no one tells me anything!! mum had a fantastic birthday, she was very merry when i arrived drinkin g champagne with her friends, so all was good. hope your son had a good birthday too. becks x x x
  21. hi corrina, happy belated birthday fellow virgoan! my birthday was last week (25th) and it's my mum's fiftieth today so we are gonna have a nice family meal, cos i'm not feeling too good my sister is cooking and i get to lie down and watch! (could be fun, my sister blew up the microwave last year cos she put a can in it!) happy birthday to your son. becks x x x
  22. hi morgan, sorry to hear what's happening to you but glad that it happened in your doctors office. my docs didn't believe there was anything wrong with me until i passed out in the waiting room one day, they took my bp and pulse whilst i was lying down and whilst i was standing up, don't know what the readings were but they started to say i wsn't faking it after all!! after that i got treated really quickly. hope you are feeling better. becks x x x
  23. hi India, i have been taking .3mg of florinef for the past year now, i still have the odd pass out and have symptoms but (fingers crossed) i'm a lot better, however the florinef on it's own didn't seem to make much difference to me until i started taking an ssri aswell. as for side effects, well, i am one of the unlucky few according to my doctor, i gained three stones quite quickly (within a couple of months), of which i have now lost two and feel much better, i have more body hair, i joke that i am actually becoming a chimpanzee, but really this is quite upsetting for me, i'm only twenty four. and lastly i have been lactating for the past year which seems to be another side effect but my docs just say would i rather pass out? very helpful! however i think i would rather take the tablets and deal with the side effects than carry on passing out as much as i did last year. hope this has been helpful and hasn't put you off, apparently my side effects only happen to one in 10,000 people, i'm special!! good luck becks x x x
  24. Hiya pers, i have already emailed you on this subject but it just makes me so mad that you have been treated like this again, this is not actually a good advertisement for the NHS is it? i can't believe that you have to see more than one doctor to get some treatment, and i don't thik that chest pain is normal not when you are throwing up and you can't breathe. ARRRGGH - wish i was there hun to give you hugs and kick some ***!! see you soon hopefully! becks x x x
  25. Hey dizzy, just thought i'd add to what Pers said, i started college ten weeks ago to do the ECDL (it qualification) i've missed about four and a half weeks so far from being sick but so what, i'll finish the course in my time, don't let anyone push you too hard, you know your limits. anyway i'm really happy at the moment i've done my first six tests (out of seven) and got a 95% average so it just shows what we can do! becks x x x
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