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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. @PistolI just had the Blood tests for both my Kidneys and Liver back in June. Both came out normal. So not sure what is up. I did notify the Clinic as my BP's are up as well "180/115" at one point over the weekend. So some quality time on the "evil recliner" kept me from going in to the ER. I dropped down to 103/70. (this drives me nuts)
  2. It's Sunday so made a good meal. Pretty much is all i can eat. Pork recipe is easy. https://dinnerthendessert.com/ultimate-garlic-pork-loin-roast/
  3. @MomtoGiulianaThanks for the link. Is informative.
  4. I am starting to feel that the main root of my issues is that i am experiencing some form of Baroreflex Dysfunction. While i have had POTS like symptoms i think it was due to med combinations as i have been stabil with the tachycardia since getting off the hypertensive drugs and going onto Mestinon. I did find a good article explaining the Baroreflex disorders https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338489000_Baroreflex_Dysfunction sure seems to match what i go thru. I find this statement to be true for me as i can withstand a large swing in BP's "normal day for me is 171/117 to 109/75" I will have some symptoms when on the low side but i won't pass out. In chronic baroreflex disorders, patients can withstand very low blood pressures because of an expanded autoregulatory range. Symptoms usually appear when the mean blood pressure, when measured at the level of the heart, falls below 75 mm Hg . I am hoping to get a diagnostic soon.
  5. Hopefully soon in the meantime lunch is served.....
  6. @PistolI am surrounded by woods as well. So far the deer have been pretty good and leave stuff alone. 2 years ago they did munch up my bushes in the front yard. I don't do anything with the apples so they do a good job of cleaning up in the fall.
  7. Do Guys even know what one of there are?
  8. @dancer65I will give yogurt a try. Thanks!
  9. Oh i would love to get these BP's I am constantly hitting 170's/105's. if i take any down time "evil recliner" i will drop into the 70's/50's
  10. Not sure what the worst symptom is but eating has not been friendly. Starting to think that trying to get along with it is the route to take and find what works even though if i find a food that was ok one day may not work the next time "frustrating"
  11. Can i ask what meds you are taking?
  12. I know the feeling have been dealing with this as well. Have you tried changing up your dosages? not saying it's the right thing to do but sometimes upping a med does have a bad reaction been thru this before. I would ask your Doc. Also i would pay attention to the MFG of the meds you are taking if your pharmacy changes it up may affect how you feel. i have experienced this along with other folks that i know.
  13. Well the good news is the Lasix worked and the weight for the most part is off and the bloating went down.
  14. Sorry should have clearer. I am talking about the systolic BP. My diastolic can easily hit 105-117 range.
  15. Hi, I gained literally 5 lbs overnight night. Not the first time this has happened. I do notice a change in my urinary output/habits when this happens I also bloat up a bit. Cardiology assures me this is not due to any heart failure and has me take Lasix for a few days to dump the water weight. Can this happen when the NS is not firing on all cylinder? Pretty sure i did not get into any really salty either as i have been only grazing on some homemade tomato soup "made from fresh tomatoes" Mike
  16. Are you using any drug combos to control the highs and lows?
  17. Oh great food may be setting me off. Kinda makes sense. started having more issues as i upped my food intake
  18. Not sure what kinda of apples. But they are sour for sure.
  19. No, I thank you for bringing this subject up is relevant.
  20. @DebbieDysautonomiaI would get POTS like symptoms while taking certain meds then other symptoms. I am taking Mestinon and while it has worked i am getting a sinking feeling i am not handling it well. BP's went up "drug related?" Either way some drugs make me feel really sick. Not sure if this is due to an ANS issue and loading up on the drugs due to digestive issues? but i do get this.
  21. I get the swaying as well and is different than when I am hypotensive. As i read into it this has more to do with you peripheral system. Where the swaying gets me the most is when i close my eyes like taking a shower i will start to get off balance. There is a good test for this "Romberg's test"
  22. This is an interesting article. I can confirm that when my Diastolic pressure is low i will have an uptick in symptoms "dizziness, Brain Fog ect..." I know the clinic is targeting on keeping my bp elevated and specifically my Diastolic blood pressure. I do have PVD and some mild to moderate blockages in my legs. Hope this does not come back to bite me.
  23. Made Roasted Tomato Basil Soup yesterday turned out good. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/roasted-tomato-basil-soup-recipe-1940376?fbclid=IwAR1iPXRVsXLaVy2KeAQh8borBL4wqQWmhGoohzYV-EqexgbmVyRBdd9qI-U
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