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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Just wondering if Dysautonomia plays a major role in vascular disease.
  2. I agree food can cause issues. Just had this conversation with my vascular DR today. We talked about what makes me happy and food was not on the list he had nothing to add. Downside is that inflammation is bad. Weather caused by food or other causes like smoking, alcohol, viruses or reactions to drugs or food. Etc... I am sure that the inflammation has wreaked havoc on my body.
  3. I have heard good things from this group. Yes i have been told (Dr Barboi) has a long wait
  4. Not sure where to post this, Just need to vent. I have a 85% blockage in my left thigh. Upside is it is not limb threatening but it is causing a quality of life issue. Options are a stent (have had bad issues with these) or a angioplastie which might not take. For now we will try some supervised exercise. I hope this helps.
  5. I had to Google this one (had no idea what was being discussed). So what is being said is to eat foods that have shown lower IgG or IGA concentrations when testing against a sample of your blood? I am sure i do not have POTS (just Neuro) but eating is still tough. Some will focus on IBS diet just because of the symptoms (like me) I never considered a delayed food reaction causing inflammation (have had similar symptoms with this as well) and being a suspected driver behind a number of issues ( Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, rashes, asthma, and chronic fatigue) IgA and IgG reactions are known as delayed response reactions, that include food sensitivities, where IgE responses are immediate and are considered a true food allergy. IgA and IgG reactions may not happen immediately, but can take hours to days to show up in your skin or intestines, and cause symptoms related to inflammation like headaches, fatigue, brain fog, or joint pain. People with food intolerance may experience digestive upset like nausea, constipation, or diarrhea, or skin itching and rashes including conditions like eczema and psoriasis. IgA Reactions IgA immunoglobulins are present in our mucus membranes and helps us fight bacteria and viruses. IgA increases in response to foods when the foods we eat cause inflammation, and in response to stress, disease, or alcohol. IgG Reactions An IgG reaction to food proteins suggests tolerance related to immune cell reaction. Repeated exposure, inflammation, and immune reactivity contribute to sensitivity and high IgG in response to food proteins.
  6. Just reaching out to see if anyone has any experiences with the NorthShore University HealthSystem (Chicago Area) Autonomic Laboratory. Rumour is that they have a world-class neurology team.
  7. Hi @p8d guess i will just have to ask my Dr's. I know BP will come up tomorrow when i squeeze a 180/105. I am not sure if i can even take guanfacine while i am on pyridostigmine. I did read that clonidine can be unfriendly with the rebound hypertension as well as other side effects. I don't need that right now. Just not sure what to do to be honest as i have neurogenic orthostatic hypotension, supine hypertension, hypertension and (super secret POT's) if i take the wrong combo of meds.
  8. I looked up G Fuel. Appartlety there were some concerns about the drink in the past. One of the ingredients in G Fuel is the compound taurine, and Gamma Labs has been criticized for not disclosing the quantity of taurine in G Fuel. Chief executive officer Clifford Morgan stated that "There is nothing wrong with taurine, especially in small amounts".[36] In April 2018, Gamma Enterprises settled a $118,500 lawsuit with California's Environmental Research Center over lead contamination in their G Fuel products. 18 samples of G Fuel were found to have great enough lead content that warning labels were required, per California's Proposition 65.[37]
  9. My Mom always said this when she was not happy with something. She was from Germany. Not sure if i even spelled the the phrase right. I think she might of been cursing.
  10. I will inquire about this makes sense. I will be seeing my vascular Dr tomorrow and will be following up with the Cardiologist on Monday hopefully one of these Guys have had some experience with guanfacine
  11. Not sure what to think. My BP dropped from 153/110 to 98/60 the 98 is getting off the garage floor and walkin into the house just to see my vitals were. Its ok some way i will work this out.
  12. ^^^^ So is this a German saying? if so what doe it mean.
  13. Pretty sure i do not have EDS ( I can't flex a single ligament ) but wonder if a cervical instability comes into play. I have been doing PT time has helped but the therapist is concerned.
  14. Oh @AuroraThese 3 are great. They don't even seem to care that i hang out with them on the deck. Mum will just walk up to me.
  15. I have often wondered if a bodys inflammatory state has an effect on long term health. I know while i take the Mestinon my joints are less stiff, fatigue greatly improves. Supposedly some study's have shown that Mestinon helps with inflamation. Increase in cholinergic modulation with pyridostigmine induces anti-inflammatory cell recruitment
  16. The County i live in provides shots. It has been an easy process to go thru.
  17. Glad to hear this works for you but in WI we would get in trouble for it. To be honest i would pass regardless. especially with a bad flare, (today is bad) nothing will fix it but sleeping.
  18. Just my opinion but i luv theses. Might be just as good as reading. My favorite is X-Minus One. (I am into Sci-Fy) http://www.otr.net/
  19. I have had issues with Lisinopril causing higher heart rates (thought i had super secret POTs at one point) was to the point i could not even move without palpitating all over the place. 20mg will definitely bring down the BP but, for me was way too much so i am now OFFICIALLY banned from it. IMO Lisinopril is a nasty little drug for some folks. I am now only taking a beta-blocker and mestinon (pyridostigmine) HR's have been good so far, my low BP's are under control for the most part (not perfect) downside is i have issues with high BP spikes so we are working on that.
  20. Just heard this on the news this morning. Sure i have thoughts on this just can't get them out due to brain fog.
  21. Waiting on the next thing to go bad with my body
  22. This was aired on PBS. It is about the home town i grew up in. How awesome! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=691400231611681
  23. No, not sure if i qualify for it at this time either. I know i did not have a problem with the first two doses so if my turn comes up i may go for the 3rd shot. Covid can be nasty IMO.
  24. Kinda wonder this as well. Thinking back i am sure i ran into this during the day pre-beta-blocker. So i do take meds first thing in the morning so am i not making the distance with the dosage? or seems the tail end is not making the distance. Cardiology wise i don't think there is a big concern. Just Glad i am not not the only one that feels this.
  25. @gertieI have passed outside as well. IMO was due to high heat. went full syncope with no recollection as to what happened prior to the event. as @Pistolhas mentioned has done better with the med changes as well. Knowing when to get to the floor works.
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