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Everything posted by pamyla

  1. Congratulations Nina!! That is wonderful news And a 3.9 is very impressive!!
  2. Has anyone found anything that helps during this time (aside from the normal rest and salt loading)?
  3. Thanks you guys Nina, I'm gonna check out that link. Sounds like it will help me learn vocabulary and math formulas ;p Patti, I'll let you know how the enada works out Ling, I agree with you on the benefits of magnesium. That's one vitamin I've been taking for years How much do you take? And do you mix it with calcium or potassium?
  4. Funny, my husband is always telling me I'm OCD on the hand washing too! I keep trying to tell him I have good reason I just wanted to add that I ask for a prescription of guafinesin when I need to decongest my sinuses. It doesn't affect your heart rate (that I know of). They do sell it over the counter, but it's expensive, and much cheaper to go through insurance ps - Nina- I finally ordered the neilmed saline kit Can't wait to try it out!
  5. When I first started experiencing problems I had a positive EBV test. However a few months later I was retested and the doctor said that I was negative. So, I'm not sure on that one. If it was related, I would say it only would have affected me in the general sense that my immune system was on overload. (I was later found to have a toxmoplasma infection) It does seem that a lot of pots people have illness as a trigger....
  6. Yes, I am definitely worse during my period. I sometimes feel bad a few days leading up (pms-time) and even during ovulation. I know there are some people out there who are experimenting with not having a period. I definitely get more fatigued, light-headed and just feel generally icky during that time. You're not alone
  7. Thanks for all the suggestions I'm a little afraid to try add any new prescription drugs to my routine so close to the test, but maybe the enada would be worth trying? I'll have to check that out. I also write things down - again and again! I will just keep practicing Sleep is a big issue with me too. I have a prescription for Sonata. It helps some, but it still makes me feel a little off when I take it. Granted, it's better than no sleep at all... Nina, what is SAFMED?
  8. Hi everyone I'm signed up to take the GRE in a few weeks and have been trying to do a lot of studying. Unfortunately I've been recuperating from a cold and my brain is just so foggy..... Does anyone have any tricks, ideas on how to think and remember things more clearly? Thanks! Pam
  9. I take atenolol and couldn't live without it. I also do better on a very low dose broken up throughout the day. So I split my pill in half and take 1/2 in morning, 1/2 before bed. Good luck to you.
  10. Mine also goes high to low. Before I was diagnosed with pots I can remember having a stressful day and the doctor telling me I needed to do something about my high blood pressure. Our bodies are just trying to compensate I suppose.... In my case, the high blood pressure seems to have a direct relationship to stress.
  11. ah yes - sealant Thanks Nina Does anyone know anything about this treatment? It sounds great! Air Abrasion ? An Alternative to the Drill You?ll enjoy the comfort and quiet of being treated with air abrasion, an alternative for many procedures formerly requiring a drill. A powerful air stream of tiny aluminum oxide particles bounces off your tooth, removing decay. No discomfort, no injections, just results.
  12. I have the same problems with novacaine at the dentist too. I had a small cavity a few months ago and I felt the drilling and flinched. Luckily at that point the dentist was finished. He said I shouldn't have felt a thing and would make a note to give me a double dose if there was a next time. I also have been dx-ed with EDS III and I wonder if a double dose would help. Needless to say it causes alot of anxiety.... Nina: How do I find out about sedation dentistry? I would *love* to be out cold! Getting my wisdom teeth out was so much easier than cavities because in a blink it was over Does insurance cover something like that? Someone also suggested to me that I ask the dentist if they could brush that stuff on your teeth that prevents cavities. I can't remember the what's it's called, but they typically do it for kids. I plan to ask about it next time I go for a cleaning. Just curious, anyone else have sensitive teeth? I grind my teeth and have tons of TMJ pain too.
  13. I haven't eaten fruit in so long!! I think chocolate sometimes has less sugar than the fruit does I've been wondering about snacks too. Right now I've found that peanut butter on celery works pretty well. I keep V8 in the fridge and pickles. Also, nuts, especially almonds are good. And I like popcorn I just bought those popcorn (like rice) cakes. They seem to be easy snacking. Oh and I always carry my protein bars with me!! What else do you guys snack on? What do you guys think about Atkins stuff? Think it is good for us? I love the fact that everything is high protein, low carb! and they make a peanut butter chocolate bar that is delicious!! Ethansmom: I totally understand about Florida. I just moved here from Virginia and am having a tough time shopping. I miss Trader Joes!!!
  14. I used to have low temperatures and my doctor treated me for it. I guess it's considered "alternative", but it really helped me out a lot. After the therapy I gained a lot more energy and my temperature is almost always at 98.6 now If any of you happen to be interested it's called Wilson's Syndrome (not to be confused with Wilson's disease) and treatment involves taking thyroid medication for a few months. Your dosage changes depending on how your temperature responds to the medication. Here's the web site on it: http://www.wilsonssyndrome.com/index.html The web site is a little cheesy, but all I can say is that this was helpful to me, so maybe it would be for someone else as well. Pam
  15. Hi, I also have problems with sugar and carbs. I usually do okay with my diet, but I do find it hard at times - especially around the holidays!! When I do have cravings sometimes I'll let myself eat 1 cookie or whatever just to get it out of my system. Substitutions are also helpful. Sometimes I buy those protein bars that are low carb & sugar. I would also love to hear any recipes that anyone has!
  16. I saw some Guafinesin liquid stuff last night at Publix. It was Robitussin and you're right it was $$$. Plus it wasn't that potent, like 100 mg. The stuff I'm taking now has 200 mg in it. I think I'll ask the doctor about it on Tues when I go. I'll let you all know. Maybe to get the higher dosages you still need a prescription? I know I used to get the pills and I didn't see any of those.
  17. Thanks guys I'm feeling a little better today. We had a big thunderstorm last night and I think the weather was probably making me feel worse. I do try and steam my face in the shower but I haven't tried the steam other than that. Maybe I will, I have a facial sauna somewhere that might help. That's interesting about the sudafed making mucous thicker too. I didn't realize that. The cold medicine I have has some guafinesin in it, but maybe not enough. I need to get just guaf. I think. Last time I did that by prescription. Do they sell just the pills in the drugstore now? I think last time I looked I didn't see any. And I've been using the saline drops pretty regularly, just not helping enough! I'll have to check out that pressure point link too. Thanks Pam
  18. Hi all. A few months ago I had a cold and it's unfortunately settled into my sinuses. I've been taking decongestants and I've tried all sorts of things to get it to unclog, but no luck. Not to be gross, but I have icky phlegm too. I have a doctor's appt next week and will ask for antibiotics if I have to. But I thought I'd ask if anyone on the board had any suggestions in the meantime for getting rid of this? Right now my face just aches Thanks, Pam
  19. I believe on the ndrf boards there was recently a discussion about hair loss due to beta blockers. Are you taking those too?
  20. Sorry having a brain foggy day But I think I was really irritable and anxious. It might have made my face break out too. On a sidenote, I had similar effects when I tried to take birth control pills (only more extreme with pills). I remember feeling like I had PMS non-stop - ugh. I hope you have better luck than me! Keep us posted
  21. Maybe I'm mistaken on this, but I believe EPO adds estrogen to your body. I tried taking it for pms and couldn't tolerate it. It helped with cramps, but all other symptoms were worse
  22. My doctor recommended knee high for me. He said to go tighter rather than farther up the leg. I get mine from www.ameswalker.com. I get their generic brand which is called RXFit. They work pretty well for me, but I haven't tried any other kinds. good luck!
  23. Thanks Nina, I might have to try one of those. When you mix your own solution, exactly how much of the salt and baking soda do you use? Think I could use sea salt, or is there a reason for the kosher?
  24. I'm also a guafinesin/saline person Sometimes I take Sudafed decongestant, but I take 1 pill instead of the recommended 2. It bothers me a little, but if the congestion is really bad I find it well worth it. I also use vick's vapo-rub. And sometimes cutting out dairy for a few days can help lessen congestion too. Oh, and my favorite, if anyone likes sushi, is a good dose of wasabi! That's interesting about the hepa filter - bummer too cause I have one! And maybe I'll start washing stuff in hot water now. Nina, a question about saline - I just have a little squirter and then I use it to put salt/water into my sinuses. Is there a benefit to what you're using? Thanks, Pam
  25. One more thing I'll mention, for people who can't tolerate SSRI's sometimes 5-HTP can be a good alternative solution. Taken before bedtime it is supposed to help with sleep. I'm not sure if there are any side effects, so I'd research first if you decide to try.
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