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Everything posted by blackwolf

  1. I took Florinef for about 8 months, the side effects for me just wasn't woth the benefits. I felt bloated and had terrible headaches. I agree with the others, start low and work up, go down the same. If you are prone to headachs, I would give it a lot of thought before starting. I would like to add this, it did help, just not worth the side effects. Good Luck, Blackwolf
  2. I just started a new med to help with my tachy. I can't believe the results! I've only been on it since Friday but the results are ammazing. I started it for me racing hb, but have had more energy and a slight increase to my blood pressure. Regularly I run about 90/58, I'm steady at 102/65. I feel more alert and am even sleeping better. It even raised my resting hb, normally 30-40 bpm to 45-55bpm/ I'm so much more comforable. I hope this keeps up as I like this. I'll keep you all posted. Blackwolf P.S. This med is for asthma.
  3. I guess I should make a little more sence. I wear stockings in bed while I'm sitting up. I guess that just slipped away on the last posting. Blackwolf P.S. I never lay down flat, I haven't slept with my head any lower then 40+ degrees for many years. I find it to uncomfortable.
  4. Just a note, Low fat/no fat doesn't mean no sugar. I have met a few people who didn't know that. I also keep my sugar intake very low. I even grow and make a lot of my own food, ie. jellys, peanut butter, etc. I use Splenda, good taste and bakes well. Blackwolf
  5. Just a note, I CANNOT stand dog whistles and Cameras charging the flash, it just about makes me sick. I also have trouble with bringt lights. Flashing lights-especially like work trucks, cop cars, etc., really get me. The worst is driving down the road and having to drive through the shadows of tree branches and sun lights Try ear plugs? Good luck, Blackwolf
  6. Dear Jaime, Tramdol is good for pain and has very little side effects for most. It's easy on the stomach. I like to alternate heat and ice to. Sometimes for bad leg pain, I ice my lower back, right on my tailbone. It seems to help me. Good Luck Blackwolf
  7. Dear Fritzp, Welcome to the site. Many of us completely understand what you are going through. Again, I have to ask, do you have a Doc? Mabey if we know where you are(name a big city by you) we can suggest a Doc. Or check the Physicians list on this site. Relax and do some slow, even breathing, mabey lay down. I don't know you yet, do you meditate? Many of us do as meds aren't always the best for some of us. I also had a bad time of it in the begining. Someone is almost always on the site and a large group are on AIM. Good Luck, keep us posted, Blackwolf
  8. Dear Rahda, I also have very sensative hearing. Luckly my problem goes in waves. I also have occasional ringing in my ears. Do you have balance trouble, cronic ear achs or "motion sickness" type trouble, especially when you sleep? I find that the sensative hearing is a real problem at night, I often jerk awake to sounds. My cat is often the culpret. I have trouble with cars and motorcycles outside. As to getting anxious, have you tried to meditate to relax yourself befor bed, it does help me some. Good luck, Blackwolf
  9. Dear Paige, You are not alone, EVER. I to am mostly home bound, I cannot drive because of the low Bp. My salvation has been a great family. I don't know about all of your problems, but I'm on SSDI. I have been "unemployed" since June 17th, 2002. I was a nurses aid in a nursing home in a town about 20 miles from where we lived. I was 1 week from signing an agreement with my boss to help to get my RN degree. I have great hobbies. I crochet and sew small, simple quilts for kids, I sell what I make once a year at a local flea market. I go in the spring, when it's nice and cool. The church I belong to helps make quilts for both local and distant missions. Do you have a hobbie? Anything you can do? I ask for scraps of fabric or buy at a local discount fabric store all of my fabric and yarn. There are lots of catolog sales these days. About 10 to 15 of my quilts make it to the "Cuddles and Comforts Project", a group of churchs in the area make quilts and soft toys for kids for police, fire and hospitals to use. I know how hard it is to do stuff, I try my best and I can work my own hours. Good Luck and hang on tight!! Blackwolf
  10. Dear Rahda, I would still wear the stockings, Even when I don't feel good and stay in bed, I'll still where the stocking for a while. Also, try flexing your legs, feet, arms. etc. Very light weights, 1 to 3 lbs are great. Do a few light leg lifts and stretches t keep your muscles from wasting and help the blood keep moving. Good Luck, Blackwolf
  11. I haven't seen them, But my Cardio is thinking about sending me there. Personally, I trust my cardio. If he really think that they are any good, they just might be. My cadrio was trained at Mayo in Rochester MN, But he really has no experence with POTS and suggested them to me. With everything going on right now, I haven't gone. And I guess I've put it off now till at least till Aug. If I do go I'll let you know. BLackwolf
  12. Dear Ann, Yes I have "punched" myself, Not only in my face but stomach and tops of my legs. I have many muscle spasms and twitching. Once I even hit my hubby. Not to hard but it woke him up, I slept through the whole thing. He thought I was having a seisure or something. When I woke up just fine to his voice, we both realized what had happened. I have learned NOT to keep my hands by my face. If I do, I keep a pillow between me and my hand. Good luck, Blackwolf P.S. If it does get really bad, and you can handle meds you might want to try a muscle relaxant. I use Skelaxin when needed but I find that relaxation/meditation works almost as good.
  13. Again thank you all!!! Just an up date, my brother will be making his first court appearence this Friday. As I understand it he will be charged with 22 counts of possition on child porn. and 12 to 15 counts of sexual assult on a minor. I hear from the detective on the case that he is planning on pleading guilty and forgoing the trial. I think I'm starting to calm down now. My Cardio finally gave me something for the racing hb, it's called theophylline. It was originaly used for asthma, I feel alot better and I do feel like I'm breathing better. Again, Thank you for your kind thoughts and words. Blackwolf
  14. There is another web site to. It's on the What helps part of the index on the main page. I like Brightlife Direct. Allegro does some nice stuff. Blackwolf
  15. Thanks again. Yes, we will all be entering counceling over the next few weeks. I think that our daughter will have the hardest part of it and I feel she will benefit the most. She is young and I hope that by starting now, there will be little damage. I think the hardest part for me was not finding out earilier, before it got to this point. Again, thenk you everyone. We will survive and get on with our lives. Blackwolf
  16. Deb, I never thought about the fiber. I'll give it a try. Thanks for all the nice words and thoughts, and prayers. Blackwolf
  17. Dear Futurehope, Congrats It took me nearly 2 years and a court date to get it myself. I hope it makes life a little easier for you. Blackwolf
  18. Thank you all, To opus88, got it been on it awhile. Thanks. I guess I owe all of you an explantion so here it is, I just found out my brother is a pedophile and was sexually assaulting my daughter(7 years old)and he will be spending the rest of his life in jail. The min. sentence is 75 years just on the sexual assault. I kind of feel like something has died inside me. I guess the only good thing is it was only touching. Thank you for all your prayers, They are very important to me!!! Blackwolf P.S. Things are a little better today.
  19. We have had a terrible thing happen in my immediate family( I can't say what) and my symptoms are almost out of control. Can anyone suggest home treatment as going to the doctor is really out of the question at this time. Here's what's up 1. Lots of tachycardia, I know i should rest more but that is out of the question. I have many things that need to be done over the next three to six weeks. My cardio seems to be away on vacation right now and the best they can do is make an appt. in 5 weeks. 2. Bad bowel trouble, I'm sure the stress is doing it, but I can hardly eat and what I am eating is just going right through me, Pepto and Immodum aren't working. 3. Muscle spasms, they're the worst I've had in nearly 2 1/2 years. Skelaxin 800mg is barely cutting it. Meditation helps some but I can hardly concentrate on what I'm doing. Any help, Please. Blackwolf
  20. Welcome aboard, I would talk to your DOC. A few meds could make a big difference. And I have to say, Gatorade is not the best choice either. I know exactly how you feel. I gained a lot of weight at first also. I'm slowly losing now. The biggest helps are 1. Low sugar intake, try sugar substutes and read the lables of your drinks. Try pedialite or an equall. (low sugar but replaces vitamins and minerals). 2. Try swimming, it's less stressful and easier to do but is still a great work out as it works all your muscles and heart as well as easy on your blood pressure. Be careful getting out as your blood pressure will drop off a little suddenly. 3. Try to keep your water intake up. Try adding a complete vitamin and taking two instead of one, one in the morning and one at nite. Just by doing that, my pain has dropped some as well as the muscle spasm and tremors. I use a childerns chewable as large pills just choke me, the generic brand I use was reconmended by my phamasist Good Luck, Blackwolf P.S. I have POTS, Fibro and seasonal asthma
  21. Dear Grambetrie, they tried that to but it seemed like the more they poked, the worse it got. My Cardio said it's called a "strong venious reaction", and isn't unusual among people with "my kind of problems". I even had a really nasty "reaction" to a spinal block I had once a few years ago. My blod pressure bottomed out and I woke up 1 hour later feeling like I had been beaten all around my face. I found out later that my breathing had slowed to 15 breaths a minute, but when the used the normal antihistamines to treat an allergic reaction, they had no effect. They had to use a group of stimulants (I've forgoten the names) to wake me up. Man, I wish I could find someone close who knows what they are doing. Thanks, Blackwolf
  22. I tried Florinef for a while and it really didn't help with the need to pee. I just keep an eye open for the bathrooms location. I also tried that drug for sudden urges, Detrol(I think), but didn't get any help there either. I drink about 1 gallon of fluids a day and I eat a lot of salt. If I'm going out to the theater or something I take a break from drinking about 1 hour before the show starts. This helps but doesn't always cut it. Good Luck, Blackwolf
  23. I get a terrible case of the shakes sometimes, if i try to stop shaking, it makes it so much worse. My muscles will contract so tightly that i need to go to the er to get something strong. My GP said it was "nerves", if it is my nerves wake me up once every few weeks. i use Skelaxin most of the time but if it's really bad, i so for the valium. Good Luck, Blackwolf P.S. how old are you? i'm 33 and it is only in the last 8 months that this has become a problem.
  24. Yah, I'm ok now but i just started vomitting and just couldn't stop. it lasted for about 8 hours. Thanks, Blackwolf
  25. I reciently needed an iv for rehydration and I felt like a pin cushon. They ended up poking me 14 times before getting a good site. Is this a problem anyone else has? I have had this trouble for a while but it seems to be getting worse. A blood draw is terrible, they poke and dig for a vien that doesn't "blow" on contact. I finally got I person at my Cardio's office that can drw from my foot without leaving a huge black and blue spot. IVs are worse, they need to use Ped. sized needles and still they have trouble. I've started to concider having a pic line put in just to avoid the hassel. Any ideas??? Thank you, Blackwolf
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