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Everything posted by kalamazoo

  1. And edin I cant imagine being in texas during this. When I kived in arizona I couldnt even leave the house. And thank you for the wind breaker idea. Definitely going to look for a white one here pretty soon.
  2. Oh thank you so much! Unfortunately I get aggravated symptoms in weather above around 75 and get in pain in direct sunlight too. Hopefully ill be alright. And I will contact this doctor tomorrow. Thanks.
  3. Im about to re file completwly now that I have an official diagnosis. Hope it works out. Seattlepotsy, mind sharing how you got approved and which doctor helped you, im moving to the seattle area in a few days and would appreciate any info.
  4. Im moving to go to the autonomic testing center at UW. This is my main reason for going but ill also be finishing school and what not. I know it gets hotter there than it does where I currently live, alaska. And obviously there will be more sun. Im curious to those of you who are affected by heat how do you manage especially in warm temps. My hands swell and my knees and feet also swell. They get tingly and hot and my veins start to buldge. My doc thinks its jist exaggerated vasodilation of my blood vessels. It gets very painful and im extremely nervous about moving somewhere hot. Would love togwt tips . Im also interested in one of those cooling vest but cant decide on any so if anyone has any suggestions id love to hear them. Im looking for doctor recommendations too if there is any. I know a few people on this forum live in seattle and also live in heat so hopefully ill get some good feed back.
  5. My knees swell when I do dishes and when I do laundry tou bing the hot fabric makes my hands swell. Chores ****.
  6. So I got prescribed metorpolol 25 mg extended release about a month ago. I took it once and then half hour later had an episode of basically pounding and racing heart. It's hard to say whether it was a panic attack it the medicine. Since I do have a pill phobia. Has this happened to anyone else. And If youve taken metorpolol what are your reactions?
  7. I enjoy being asleep when I can actually fall asleep lol
  8. Actually this Is similar to how I feel especially depending in what I eat. I start feeling crappy around 6 pm, but I'm still always worse in the morning.
  9. Farmer Amy, how well do those actually work? I've seen them with the ice packs in them.
  10. I just say I have a heart condition as its my main symptom. It shuts people up.
  11. My doc told me ny veins and arteries vasodilate too nuch In heat which causes the swelling. My vasodilation is exasterbated from my pots so they over dilate and feel like they're about to exolode. It used to happen in my face and ears too. If I eat salt it gets worse.
  12. I always havw cold feet. When my hands and feet are cold I feel best. When they are warm from being hot I feel miserable. They get tingly and ache really bad. I also get swelling In my knees If I take a hot shower. I have hyper pots.
  13. I know how you feel, it took five years to get my mom to be a little understanding and believing. She never listened or was empathetic. its rough, just remember you are completely jistified in how you feel.
  14. This was me a few years ago. But I would experience major swelling in my legs and hands. The doctors thought I had erythromelelgia.
  15. I have noticed that my heart rate has been higher and a few other of my symptoms have been worse too.
  16. I've been having stomach Issues for years. Aches pains, bloating and really bad burning. I have gerd but lately I've had diahrrea for about six months now. Straight. Not watery, just loose. (Sorry for the tmi) but I'm curious if now that ny pots is getting worse my stomach issues will too? I'm seeing a doctor next week but I thought id ask if anyone experienced similar symptoms or irritable bowel syndrome.
  17. Wow this is all completely hitting home. I was actually originally diagnosed with erythromelalgia because my symptoms were very presetna dn used to be my main symptom. Now I just have POTS.
  18. I have severe heat intolerance that makes me itch flush and turn very red. Haooens when I'm nervous or hot. Also my hands swell and so do my feet. My hand veins particularly swell. I'm moving to seattle to get away fron freezing cokd becayse that also affects me. Hopwfully it wint be too hot there. Excuse my mispellings, I'm on my phone
  19. Gosh this post hit home. I have the blood pooling also in my arms as well, I also get it severalt bad in my hands. It's also worse at night too. I will have to bring this up tk my doctor. I live in alaska as I had to move vecause of heat intolerance. Over 70 and I feel pretty miserable.
  20. There are people that do and people that don't, just like every other symptom lol
  21. Going with the temperature theme,does anyone get worse in a shower since its hot? I do, but mostly my swelling in my toes gets bad and I turn really red. The doctors originally thought I had erythromelalgia.
  22. I'm worse In the summer because heat promotes vasodilation which makes it easier for my extremities to pool and I turn really red. But I'm also worse in the wintwr as well. I used to live in Arizona and now alaska, so I'm finally moving to Washington to get in-between. Hopefully.
  23. I am hyper pots and went from 80 to 140 standing. I almost fainted and my blood pressure also went high.
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