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Posts posted by puppylove

  1. Every morning when I wake up my ears leak or something. They feel funny and then clear liquid starts to come out, usually runs out of both (sorry to be gross). It happens no matter when I have last showered so I don't think its water. I don't know what it is. Any ideas?

  2. I have really bad aniety with my POTS. I get nervous all the time which makes my POTS terrible. I am probably going to go on some sort of medication, but I don't want to. I know that antianxiety/ depression medications can have bad side effects and I don't react well to many medications. Also, I don't want to become numb with no emotion. I have tried three different therapists which did not help significantly. Is there any thing else I can do, or does anyone have a medication that worked well for them?

  3. I am supposed to drink three liters a day. I have been trying to increase my intake of liquids but I am nowhere near 3 liters. I am never thirsty so I forget to drink during the day and drinking a huge glass of water makes me bloated and nauseaous. Also, if I actually drank this much I would not be able to go anywhere with out having to use the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Does anybody actually drink this much, if so how? :huh:

  4. Yes!!! At least two or three nights a month I am fine during the day and up all night feeling terrible. It's exactly as you described. I get horribly nauseous and then the chills, dizzy, I get purple legs. What I think happens is I start to get stressed because I can't sleep, especially if I have to do something the next day and stress really makes me worse.

  5. Oh my gosh, my social worker and counselor said those exact words too- about how it was my responsibilty. When I met with her the other day I got a lot of good information too but I felt like she was "guilt triping" me. She said I should have been working harder while we were trying to get me a diagnosis. I'm sorry she made you cry :( . I felt like crying when my meeting was over. Unfortunately, I have to work with this lady because she is the homebound schooling coordinator.

  6. The school social worker actually just came to my house today to tell me about homebound schooling. While we were trying to get a diagnosis of what is wrong with me I missed the first half of the school year. I'm still not exactly sure what I'm going to do either- there are many options. I will probably do homebound in some of my classes until I feel well enough to go back. I will do online classes for the rest of the classes for now. I also have to withdraw from two classes because I missed too much and make them up over the summer :(. I know how hard and stressful it is. I miss my friends and all my plans for an advanced diploma are out the window. I hope everything goes well for you. :)

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