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Posts posted by puppylove

  1. My body feels very strange. Very relaxed to the point of all my limbs feeling like jelly. I just took two Tylenol PMs because I have a cold so I guess that could have something to do with it. I was super tierd so I went to bed but five minutes after I dozed off I woke with a start my heart pounding and felt a wave of nausea. It happened three times and now I am shaking a lot. I took my bp right after getting out of bed and it was higher than ever before. Is this an adrenaline rush?

  2. I'm 15 and I very similar symptoms- nausea every day and IBS. I've been going to a GI doctor for three years and have been diagnosed with GERD and a stomach ulcer. Has he had an endoscopy or colonoscopy? If not they may want to do one to rule out a stomach ulcer/ other problems I have also barely been eating and was put on Prevacid, Zantac, and Zoloft. Unfortunately none of them have helped me and we are going to try something else. I hope you can get an appointment soon! :)

  3. This summer when I was doing better I was able to walk around a lake near my house with my friends. I have been walking lately so I thought I would be fine. I was also feeling pretty good today. Well it's a loop and up to the halfway point I was doing fine. Then I started to get dizzy but I couldn't go home or anything because I was in the woods. I took a break and kept walking. I got incredibly weak and nauseous and was almost throwing up by the time I made my way to my mom's car. I was with my family and some friends so if anything really bad did happen they could have helped me. I am still feeling very weak now and was wondering what else I should do besides rest to help myself recover? Also, what other exercises are easier on us than walking?

  4. This happens to me too! The exact same thing. It's almost like my body doesn't need food or something. Unfortunately I have no idea why it happens though. The only thing I can think of is maybe there is a certain thing in a lot of foods that triggers my POTS, but I don't know...

  5. Sometimes all of the sudden when I'm standing I will get this weird feeling like my whole body goes weak. I feel like I could fall over, but I'm not dizzy. It usually only lasts a second, but it happens over and over. It usually happens at night, but it has been happening all day today. Has anyone experienced this, or know what it could be?

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