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Posts posted by puppylove

  1. My friends have ditched me. I'm in homebound schooling full time now and they don't come over or even call. I'm so lonely but I'm kind of too preoccupied with POTS right now to try to have a social life. My friends are my dogs and my family and my cardiologist. That's kind of pathetic. And of course everybody on this website :), but obviously its not the same. And it's kind of upsetting that I'm just gone with some rare illness and they don't seem to notice/ care. Is it just my friends or did this happen to everybody?

  2. I have tried acupuncture and all I noticed was that I seemed to be more relaxed after. Also, the same lady who does the acupunture is a herbal chiropractor and she specialized in Chinese medicine. I always felt so good after a chiropractic session with her but unfortunatley our insurance does not cover it anymore. I definitely think Chinese herbal medicine is not a bunch of bologna though because she did all these tests on me by holding her hands above me and feeling my "energy". This was before we knew I had POTS and we were grasping at straws. But, the results of her " tests" were that my autonomic system was out of whack. So she was right!

  3. YES! YES! YES! I would definitely give it a try. I wish he would see everyone on this website who could not find a good POTS doctor. He knows about all the weird little symptoms everyone mentions. When he came in he was like oh yes your pupils are very dialated and you have bags under your eyes. Then he felt my hand and he was like very cold, but sweaty oh yes you have POTS. I wanted to ask him where he has been the past three years when I tell so many doctors about this weird stuff and all my other symptoms and they just stare blankly at me and tell me I'm anxious.

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